Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Italy in the war against the migrants with the radar of Israel

Powerful microwave radar, produced in Israel, are being installed in parks and nature reserves of southern Italy to counter the landings of migrants . The new network of radars for coastal surveillance will be deeply integrated into the system of command, control, communications, computer and information (C4I ) of the Financial Police.

Thanks to the resources of " the European External Borders " Framework Programme 2007-08 against migration , the General Command of armed force has bought five sophisticated EL/M-2226 ACSR (Advanced Coastal Surveillance Radar) made by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd (IAI).

radars are specially designed for the detection of small fast boats. " The high-resolution images captured by the system - inform the manager of the Israeli war - are used to prevent illegal immigration and illegal fishing, drug trafficking, terrorist attacks and smuggling, for carry out search and rescue missions, identifying targets for aircraft, ships, submarines, radar signals emitted by antennas .

The EL / M-2226 has a capacity of over 50 kilometers, located at sea level, is able to find a fast boat or a dinghy 10 miles to 7.

" Il duplice esame ottico e all’infrarosso degli obiettivi sospetti scoperti dal radar ne consentono la distinzione in leciti o illeciti ”, si legge sulle brochure di Elta Systems . “ Il sistema è in grado di mantenere sottocontrollo oltre cento bersagli contemporaneamente; il riconoscimento dei gommoni impiegati nell’immigrazione clandestina avviene con l’analisi, per ogni natante avvistato, della velocità, rotta, provenienza, dimensioni, riconoscimento del numero di persone a bordo. Opera 24 ore al giorno, 365 giorni all’anno, anche in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse, in network con altri tipi di sensori installati su imbarcazioni navali, aerei ed elicotteri .

Israeli society also provides some data on the technical features of the latest generation of powerful anti-immigrant. " The EL / M-2226 is part of the family of transmitters Linear Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (LFMCW) in X-band (8 to 12.5 GHz frequency) " those that operate by emitting microwaves, long waves court between the 300MHz and 300 GHz, which is extremely dangerous to humans, fauna and flora .

" exposure azimuthal angle is 1.5 °, while the height is 3.5 ° " adds Elta Systems . " The system configuration was developed in the short, medium and long-range and incorporates a fixed antenna, a radio transmitter, a receiver, a signal processor and a control unit and computer management. The network of different radar systems can be easily controlled by a single command center / remote VTMS. The EL / M-2226 has been installed along the Israeli coast and integrated maritime defense network will be strengthened with five more powerful radar stations. The Israeli navy has used this system in January 2002 to locate the boat in the Red Sea Kareen A Palestinian carrying weapons . Now it Italy's turn against migrants and refugees fleeing conflicts in Africa and the Middle East .

Although the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza maintain the confidentiality of the five selected locations to install microwave radar, three of them are known. This is Gagliano del Capo (Lecce), Syracuse Sant'Antioco and the island of Sardinia. In

Salento the plant will be built in an area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters located between the towns "Sciuranti" and "Salanar", within the perimeter of the park Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca - Woods Tricase .

In Sicilia , il radar sarà installato a Capo Murro di Porco presso la stazione di sollevamento fognario del Comune di Siracusa, zona sottoposta a vincolo paesaggistico ed archeologico e prospiciente l’oasi marina protetta del Plemmirio, istituita nel 2005.

Il terzo impianto sarà creato invece all’interno dell’ex stazione radio militare di Sant’Antioco di proprietà della Regione Sardegna, in località Capo Sperone – Su Monti de su Semaforu. Si tratta di una splendida area costiera ricadente nel parco di “Carbonia ed Isole Sulcitane”, dove sono presenti pure fabbricati particolarmente significativi dal punto di vista storico-culturale and architecture.

In all three places, the radar antenna will be mounted atop towers 36 meters high, will be carried out extensive concrete platforms, shelters and cabins for containing the transmission equipment .

The work was contracted to October 22, 2010 " Almaviva SpA in Rome, the Italian group of leading consulting and IT services (Information & Communication Technology) for public administration, security bodies, the banks, etc. .. totaling € 5,461,700, Almaviva will ensure the installation and maintenance of five radar equipment and training "through four courses "the staff of the Guardia di Finanza .

The contract was awarded by the General Command of the GDF and the call without the prior publication of a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, on the grounds that " works and services can be provided only by a particular supplier, the Almaviva SpA, which owns the technical requirements and reserved rights of the materials ".

With an annual turnover of 865 million €, Roman society was very active in the field of defense and security . In addition to the Finance Police, among his clients appear to NATO, the Joint Chiefs of Staff , the ' Air Force, the Navy , the' Carabinieri and the Department of Public Safety .

" cooperate with the police in the management of safety at sea, the territorial borders and airports, and in the protection of critical infrastructure," explains the manager of Almaviva. "We develop systems for command, control, communications, territorial surveillance and messaging applications for logistics and personnel, technologies and biometric solutions for identification. We have developed systems C4I, strategic and tactical operations for the management of land, air and naval integration services surveillance radar and electro-optical and information from various types of sensors deployed on fixed platforms or mobile .

Almaviva is one of the key private actors in the field of politics "securitarian and immigration enforcement. In addition to cooperating with the government in the implementation of electronic residence permit, "the company participates in projects under the National Operational Programme (NOP)" Security for Development - Towards Convergence 2007-2013 ", aimed to" increase the conditions safety and legality in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Puglia. On April 21, 2010, in consortium with Unisys SpA and Srl Secom, Almaviva has won the tender called by the Central Directorate of Immigration and Border Police for the creation of a "system of information collection, analysis and aimed at coordinating their monitoring activities to tackle illegal immigration across the Mediterranean and extended land borders (Satmar).

The company has finally secured the technological updating and software for the operation of four systems for monitoring coastal MCSS (Mobile Coastal Surveillance System). These are the configuration of the mobile radar Israeli EL/M-2226 ACSR, the Guardia di Finanza located in Calabria and Sicily from the summer of 2008, thanks to the European structural funds under the "Operational Safety Program for the development of Southern of Italy - CSF 200/2006.

"MCSS The complex, fully set up by the Israeli company IAI-Elta Electronics Industries Ltd. of Ashdod, consists of four elements: the search radar, the system of recognition optronic, the shelter and transport vehicle manufactured by Iveco "says the command of the GDF. "For their use requires three operators: engaged in the discovery and recognition, employee communications and the driver of the vehicle. The shelter for the body are installed radio equipment necessary to ensure liaison with operating rooms, transportation, land and naval transport aircraft and radar. The system is safe: it has been tested for radiation protection and within the parameters established in order to emissions of electromagnetic waves .

not think so residents of the town of Montallegro in the province of Agrigento. After the placement of mobile radar in the coastal strip between Bovo Marina and Eraclea Minoa, the inexplicable failure to register on electrical installations, alarm systems and appliances.

article: Antonio Mazzeo
Click here to read the article from the source .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Public debt: money to the banks or the public?

was September 30, 2007 and the U.S. public debt stood at $ 9,007,653,372,262.

Today, after 3 ½ years, the debt rose to 14.23 trillion . The increase was 5.23 trillion dollars .

Taking into account the fact that the American population is composed of 300 million people in 2007 if the dear Bernanke had put in a letter to every American a check amounting to $ 16,500 today we would have the same debt but diversa redistribuzione della ricchezza.

Bernanke ha preferito dare i soldi alle banche che avrebbero dovuto darle alle aziende, che avrebbero dovuto darli ai cittadini sotto forma di salari.

Ma, in realtà, in un mondo globale, i soldi dati alle banche sono serviti alle banche stesse per investirli nei Paesi emergenti e nella finanza speculativa. Le aziende hanno continuato a delocalizzare e gli impiegati a non vedere lo stipendio aumentare . Ovvero, lo stato si è indebitato all'inverosimile (e lo stato siamo noi cittadini!) senza che nessuno ne abbia avuto un beneficio effettivo .

Dunque, non sarebbe stato meglio che il debito dello stato si fosse tramutato in denaro spendibile for citizens?

The classic American family of 4 persons, would receive a check for $ 66,000 tax-free.

Alternatively, if we used those 5.23 trillion dollars of additional debt to hire the unemployed, 10% of the workforce, or about 15 million Americans, we obtained a dramatic decrease in unemployment.

Article by: Paul Barrai
Click here to read the article from the source .

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Trufa THE NEGRO (THE BLACK TRUFFLE) in the province of Soria in Spain: a precious fruit of the Earth.

Truffle is a mushroom-shaped tuber , who lives underground, in symbiosis with the roots of some plants (oak, lime, hazel, poplar). Its fleshy part that "glebe" is covered with a bark like called "rind". The mass of Truffle is given by water, minerals and fiber. The soil in which the development affects the form, if the ground is soft will tend to spherical shape, while in the hard ground of its shape will be lumpy . The Truffle only grows in healthy soil away pollutants, is therefore a guarantee of " healthy environment."
There are many species of truffle but the prevalent and popular culinary use, are:
- white truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico);
- Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.)
- Winter Black Truffle (Tuber Brumale)
- Scorzone or black summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.)
- Truffle (Tuber Borchii).
The abbreviation "Vittad." usually means plants cataloged by Carlo Vittadini, an eminent mycologist Botanical and Italian who lived between 1800 and 1865. In the distant Earth
the territory of Spain cult for Black Truffle ( Trufa Negra ) is the province of Soria . The City of Soria
is in the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon, and is located on the right side of the river Duero in a wide gorge between the hills of Miron, north, and Castle south to 1063 meters above sea level sea. The economy of the picturesque City, rich in monuments of great historical importance, is based on a developed agriculture, breeding cattle and a busy tourist.
A seven km from Soria there are also the remains of Numantia , settlement of Celtiberians (born in IV century BC by the union of the Iberian con i Celti ), distrutta dopo una sanguinosa lotta, nel 133 a.C., dal generale Romano Publio Cornelio Scipione Emiliano .
L’incontaminato territorio della Provincia di Soria si sviluppa su circa 60.000 ettari, da cui si ottiene, da Dicembre a Marzo , il 30% di tutta la produzione Spagnola del Tartufo Nero Pregiato . Un Tartufo di alta qualità, dalla piacevole consistenza e dal magnifico aroma.
Un simpatico marchio è stato istituito per identificare la zona, è “ODI” un piccolo e scodinzolante canino da tartufi.
A Soria, each year the third weekend of February , is organized Truffle Fair.
A region rich in romantic landscapes, made of green forests and rocky, rolling hills, fascinating mountains, there are many places to visit among them the beautiful Lake Hinojosa of Sierra .
Extraordinary Soria in Spain, where you can appreciate as well as fine cuisine, including art, poetry, rural tourism, nature, but particularly " of the Tierra Negra Trufa " (Tierra del Black Truffle), a unique and precious fruit has become during the food a "dark object of desire."

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To add a little 'blog I thought I'd open a forum where you can discuss the best of our passion for the Land of the Rising Sun. I know that seems deserted, the rest is for now, but always give him a look. So if you have any questions, feel free, and soon I'll reply.

Link to the new forum

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Another deck for Anki: Kanji

I'm back after another long period of absence due to university (the University has a high ability to absorb other people's time). I propose another deck for Anki magic program. I remind you that Anki is also available for Android (if you want to sync online you need to download the beta version), iPhone, iPod Touch, Linux and Maemo. The deck continent
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Friday, February 18, 2011

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Ruby and seigniorage

There is a subtle sense of disorientation following the evolution of the information world, in recent times.

Whether it is the television or the mainstream media's increasingly crowded streets of the virtual network, it is hard to miss a farcical background in the evolution of events.

Until a few years ago, the information of the mass media seemed determined to ignore completely the contrary themes that received much attention in the undergrowth of the conspiracy theorists Internet users: the hidden aspects of history, the enlightened, seigniorage.

mythological figures who soon escaped the confines of a rigorous analysis to get lost in the maze of a mythical universe, a place where fantasy and reality could melt, in which no exaggeration was out of place.

In Later, these two branches of information began to come together, creating even more bizarre creatures, and cut programs where aliens ghost hunters coexisted happily alongside the Bavarian Illuminati and the grand old men of the mountain.
Like it's unavoidable that a number of complex searches are necessarily turn into a circus attractions often come in contact with the "general public" .

Meanwhile, most of the energies of journalism "authoritative" is responsible for months of a grotesque pantomime dwarf and animated by dancers from voyeurs and conscientious moralists. It would seem a burlesque show
second quality, except that it is the garment that has decided to have the reality of these times.

Until you run into Ruby, presenting the book to Alfonso Luigi Marra, denounces the primary and secondary seignorage in panties and bra. And the circle closes, and it all ends in farce.

article: Santaruina
Click here to read the article from the source .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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On days 25 - 26 - 27 January 2011 was held in Spain, in Madrid the IX International Summit of Gastronomy ( IX Cumbre Internacional De Cuisine ) Madrid Fusion 2011 "talent management".
The Fusion Cuisine, in short, is nothing but the kitchen derived by the harmonious meeting of various culinary traditions also from countries very far from each other.
An important event of this Madrid, not only for the large and high level of participants (Chef, Business, Dining, producers, technicians, etc..), But also for the world-shaking event , highlighted this' years by the presence of more than 1,100 Journalists in 500 from many countries the World . The
Summit was held in the beautiful setting of marble and glass Municipal Palace of Congresses (Palacio Municipal de Congresos , designed by and Town Planner English architect Ricardo Bofill Levi , opened in 1993 ) in Avenida De Espana 21 Capital, located in the new fairgrounds Madrid, "Campo de las Naciones ", very close, 5 minutes, to ' International Airport of Madrid Barajas .
A large, modern, technologically advanced, with many possibilities of accommodation: the many rooms of various sizes, large exhibition spaces, two Auditorium, A and B, with the largest capacity of nearly 2000 people seated, the 'more about 1000, all on a more piani serviti da grandi ascensori e scale mobili.
Il Comitato d’Onore della Manifestazione è presieduto da Sua Maestà il Re Juan Carlos I, da molti personaggi delle Istituzioni Nazionali e Locali come il Ministro dell’ Ambiente e dell’ Agricoltura , la Signora Rosa Aguilar Rivero , e il Sindaco di Madrid , Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon .
Ma ne fanno parte anche Chef , dai nomi ormai famosi in tutto il globo, come Ferran Adrià e Juan Mari Arzak .
The International Summit of Gastronomy took place simultaneously on several fronts. In the large auditorium
kept coming "Show Cooking" (entertainment and culinary presentations), debates, films and award ceremonies, for the most part presented and led by two talented journalists and experts in English cuisine, Ignacio Medina and Juan Manuel Sanchez Bellver, while the whole palace was swarming with food stands and sidelines. In the various rooms
could attend press conferences and meetings Culinary with other countries, as well as other important initiatives such as the Second International Meeting Mixologia (mixing, the art of mix) Bar Show and Dulce (Sweet) Fusion , the party high pastries.
addition to this, in parallel and complementing Madrid Fusion 2011, were also being held discussions and tastings to Enofusion 2011, everything about the world of English Wine . The first day
the morning, the actions of Ch ef as Flavio Morganti , Dani Garcia and Jesus Jiménez , Andoni Luis Aduriz .
The debate on the "Power gourmet where he also attended our Enzo Vizzari . From
12.50 to 14.00 space and the interest it has all been captured by the activation of Ferran Adrià Acosta together to ' architect, Enric Ruiz Geli , presented the new mega project that will bring the July 30 2011, to close its super famous restaurant El Bulli , to give birth, the day after, 31, the new El Bulli Foundation (Foundation El Bulli). A very ambitious idea, which aims to transform El Bulli, located in one of the most beautiful and isolated bays of the Mediterranean Spain, Cala Montjoi , a source of ideas and projects, an archive of preparations, a selected school for a limited number of deserving students from all over the world. Disseminating real-time everything will be created, in collaboration with the English company "Telefonica". Restructuring based on the principle of empathy with nature is designed not only to protect biodiversity, but also to increase it. In addition to the buildings of the El Bulli , new structures will be built by natural forms and integrate them with ecological systems and environmentally friendly.
The first part of the presentation was held with video and graphics in ' Auditorium A, and ended with a Ferran Adrià moved and a standing ovation from all over the audience, no less than 2500 people, considering those who were sitting on the steps. From 14 hours
to 16 in Hall London , al secondo piano, Ferran ha incontrato la stampa internazionale, più di 200 giornalisti che lo hanno subissato di domande.
Dopo un incontro cosi impegnativo, di corsa nuovamente nel grande Auditorium per ascoltare e ammirare un altro grande della Cucina Spagnola e mondiale, Juan Mari Arzak , che, insieme alla bravissima figlia Elena, trattava de “La Gastronomia Multisensoriale ”. In collaborazione con la Philips , ha presentato dei piatti luminescenti e “vivi” che hanno reso le sue preparazioni delle magnifiche opere d’arte. His speech ended with the movie on the "Hardware of Arzak" where you could see the preparation of bolts and nuts to chocolate, gourmands just to see.
The day ended following an interview with Carlo Petrini , Sloow President of Food, as always defended, rightly, small producers of raw materials worldwide, such as basic power source Food and of Quality .
The second day went fast listening and watching as Chef Jacques Decoret , Dave De Belder , Kevin Cherkas , Bernard Lahousse . Per poi finire con la “Sensualità della Cucina Messicana” ben rappresentata da una più che “sensuale” e brava Chef , Martha Ortiz .
La terza giornata ha visto la partecipazione, la mattina, di Massimo Bottura , presentato da Enzo Vizzari e Ignacio Medina , che ha coinvolto tutti con la sua carica vitale e il bel film, un suo progetto, con personaggi caratteristici della sua terra e con la partecipazione della sua mamma . Grandi applausi anche al pregevole piatto che ha preparato.
Di seguito, dopo aver fatto un lungo giro tra i Vini Spagnoli , ho assistito all’intervista che Ignacio Medina e Julia Pérz hanno fatto a Gaston Acurio , Chef Peruviano che ha aperto Ristoranti in molti paesi del Sud America e ora è arrivato anche in Spagna , portando una filosofia “pulita” fatta di natural products and traditional cuisine of his homeland. Then the
Chef Quique Dacosta presented the film on itself and along its premises. The afternoon
Carlo Cracco has dabbled in the preparation of two dishes marked on the pleasantness of the taste bitter.
Dani Potter and Noel Hunwick they showed how the "restaurant digital , where each table has become a computer where you can do, pick the dishes, sort, play and much more.
The final day has come to an end with a friendly debate / interview on affordability of food that has involved three major "star" chefs, Martin Berasategui Olazabal, Pedro Subjana and Sergi Arola Gastro , interviewed by the President of ' Organization of Congress José Carlos Capel and Juan Manuel Bellver . In the three evenings of
25, 26 and 27 January, again thanks to the perfect car organizer of the event , there were three events are very interesting and fun. The
25, "La Ruta de Tapas por Madrid (for Tapas includes a wide variety of traditional appetizers and snacks, in many cases real mini masterpieces of haute cuisine), where we were brought Local 4, the first three were no major expression of the territory, Alambique, a Cooking School that also sells specialized products Estado Puro a characteristic Bar , La Dorada , another traditional Tapas Bar , per finire, poi, con Lavinia , una bellissima, moderna e super fornita Enoteca .
Il 26 , la Cena di Gala presso il Casinò di Madrid , splendido storico palazzo del 1910 , dove un gruppo di Chef Asturiani , tutti “Stellati” dalla Guida Michelin , guidati da Paco Roncero (2 Stelle), il padrone di casa, ci ha preparato prelibati manicaretti.
Il 27, la cena al Parador (Albergo situato in una particolare località d’interesse historical and tourist) De Alcala De Henares , a magnificent old structure seventeenth century, near Madrid , classified in 1998 from ' UNESCO as World Heritage that also includes a former convent / College of St. Thomas Aquinas transformed into a magnificent Resort offers guests a great one where traditional and sustainable "km 0".
The Summit IX International Haute Cuisine "Madrid Fusion 2011 talent management" was an extraordinary event and charm, where the High Kitchen had not only "Authentic El sabor de Espana", but also to all the best cuisines in the world.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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The disturbing and relentless perfection of the vegan diet

circulating on the Internet a little article we report intact, without changing even a comma:

Rome, 2 February (Adnkronos Health) - Giving entirely to meat and animal products could be harmful to health. The diet of the most popular of the moment, the vegan, may in fact increase the risk of clots and atherosclerosis, and therefore heart attack and stroke in people who adopt it, because it helps to make blood vessels more harsh.

It 's the conclusion reached by analysis of a dozen articles published on the subject over the past 30 years, and that appears in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Duo Li, Zhejiang University of China and his team certainly do not deny that high consumers of meat are at greatest risk vascolare. Ma anche i vegani, secondo i loro studi, potrebbero non essere immuni da questo pericolo. La loro alimentazione tende infatti a essere carente di alcuni nutrienti-chiave come il ferro, lo zinco, la vitamina B12, gli acidi grassi Omega3 e i grassi in generale. Come risultato i vegani tendono ad avere elevati livelli di omocisteina e bassi livelli di colesterolo buono Hdl nel sangue, entrambe situazioni che espongono al rischio di malattie cardiache.

Ma una soluzione mirata esiste, assicurano gli esperti. Basta aumentare l’apporto di vitamina B12 e di acidi grassi Omega3. E per chi non accetta di mettere in tavola questi alimenti, anche gli integratori possono servire

This is the last spot in the series, great to be scrawled on the walls of some toilet train in time for Carnival .

not react seriously to these daily ramblings of the losers, ie those who see the rug out from under their feet, and who can not find a shred of scientific argument in support of their choices, I'd be all day to counteract nonsense, scemenzette and scemenzone.

I never said such a short article. I only do it because I came from ten different readers, outraged by iniquity, from the nerve and the public miseducation inherent in it.

I can understand Duo Li , if it exists in the flesh, and that it was not invented out of whole cloth, but the McDonalds has landed in China in solid for over 30 years. The business of American fast food in China has become second only to America, and if you need the advertising media in China Tazebao work more than anywhere else .

enough to shell out four smears penniless teacher of any state universities and you find yourself holding a signed commentary contains things that interest you.

Needless to say, absurd phrases, like "you are vegan stroke", which would be embarrassing and compromising as well as unrealistic. Suffice it to say instead " vegan you may be having a stroke ," and the play is made . People forget the avalanche of evidence showing that, in order to avoid the aforementioned terrible disease, it is imperative to be vegan, and anything else that vegans. People feel so that phrase on the 'stroke vegan as likely as jarring and wrong, but still beat the cheater is in the head and creates confusion, suspicion and doubt. Exactly what premium for products cadaverali. Create least doubt. And if in doubt, people continue to consume their products .

do not need to convince, demonstrate, make formula, to provide reliable documents and artifacts. fact, strictly forbidden to do so. Find statistics

associating heart attacks, strokes and cancer for vegetarians and vegans, it would be difficult but not impossible undertaking.
Not paying you succeed.
would be like trying to prove that the blood is good and no orange juice. would be like trying to prove that the water makes you drunk and no wine. Eventually you would get the opposite effect .

But the real problem is not China, but Italy. A country that in more traditional areas of mechanics, is still difficult to place its industrial products abroad, whereas horrid and disgusting meaty-food sector, is traveling at full speed. It's not just cheese and prosciutto di Parma or San Daniele.

Eco-funeral-food abound. Other than Dante, Leonardo and St. Francis of Assisi! "Blessed are animals, especially those intended for slaughter! "slogan seems to be required of the beautiful country of today.

is then explained why these Sibylline messages, these counter-carnivoristiche at all levels. The television shamelessly butcher, like all media, not enough.

dirt should disseminate cultural concepts and specious and false in every where and every where in every
. should be mucking with advertising carnofila latrine each and every process. The mated animals are realizing that the vegan movement is growing! Here is their reach, their painful and desperate attempt to reverse the situation, and to change current trends.

We arrived at the paranoia. Not happy with Gerry Scotti, their goodness, even enhance the tripe out of the spot, not content with all of the cooks tattered " chicken-fish-egg-butter-sugar " now use to butchers and chefs-to-Executioner chefs, who cook live with him again the smell of offal and blood-stained apron.

a truly revolting and horrifying that the background has not only the apocalyptic scenes of animals pushed or dragged to rope in the death chambers, but no less desperate scenes of hospital wards, where 95% of heart disease worse and cancer applies only to consumers of animal protein, which is the most unhealthy food and pathological adopted by human folly . Need

maybe go to China? Just go to any hospital room and talk to the anatomy of the first cancer research you find. We never hear about fruit and vegetables, nor of crap on B12 and Omega 3. you speak with deep voice of malonic aldehyde, of acreolina of diethyl-silbestrolo of trimethyl-colantrene of coprosterolo, ethyl and methyl mercaptan, cadaverine and putrescine to, ammonia, nitrosamines and aflatoxins, of Bacillus suipestifer, of streptococcus bovis bacillus, Bacillus clostidrium. All things of exclusive slaughterhouses.

They went to take the statistics in China, and have developed bringing together the writings of the past 30 years. I am 30 years exactly that I am living mainly in the Asian region. If any country in the world dove non esiste un singolo vegano è la Cina .
La parola vegetariano in cinese significa uno che mangia tanta verdura e, in questo esatto senso, i cinesi sono vegetariani. Ma si ingozzano dal primo all’ultimo di carne bianca, cioè di pollo, di anatra e di pesce, ovvero delle peggiori carni del mondo .

Peggiori ancora di quelle di maiale e di manzo, che negli ultimi anni stanno pure espandendosi notevolmente. Oltre ai noti fenomeni putrefattivi, acidificanti, diabetizzanti e nefritizzanti, esse danno pure la falsa idea dell’innocuità, per cui la gente non adopera nemmeno i freni dell’accortezza e del buon senso .

Il lato comico della questione statistics is that vegans do not exist either in China or in Italy. There are scarce because the vegetarian population ill, and is completely lacking the vegan population ill.

in the United States, statistics abound, and to try samples of valid and consistent, you should contact the Mormons, or the Seventh Day Adventists, where to find a vegan who became ill with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and kidney problems, is impossible.

We are therefore attentive to the messages that we launch to the public. We use the yardstick of sense of responsibility, if not the love and respect for il prossimo, sia per la gente in calzoni e camicia che per quella col pelo, le pinne e le piume .

Diamo a Cesare quello che è di Cesare. Ossia la salute al veganismo e la micidiale triade cancro-infarto-ictus al caseinismo, al bianco-carnivorismo e al rosso-carnivorismo .

Parliamo allora un po’ di scienza e non di mercenarie e venali puttanate. Il cibo più facilmente scomponibile dall’organismo umano è la frutta. Il più problematico e difficile sono le proteine animali. Più proteine si mangiano e meno energia disponibile abbiamo per le altre migliaia di funzioni corporee, prima fra tutte quella basilare della eliminazione delle nostre organic waste.

The body recycles 70% of protein residues and waste, and lost only 23 grams of protein per day average. Our body draws on a pool of amino acids similar to an ATM open 24 hours a day, and involves amino acids that circulate in the blood and lymphatic system. There is never

protein deficiency but always excess acid, especially if one is charged with more than 24 grams of protein a day (that amount is also found in most tattered anorexic and vegan diet).

Where then are the real fanatics and fanatical true?

're in the majority of the people framed by the system frameworks, confusion by the authors di questi messaggi tanto demenziali quanto assimilati dalle menti già deboli e ampiamente diseducate.

Primo grave errore, l’uso della proteina animale, con scadente nutrimento e conseguente affamamento cellulare.
Secondo grave errore, il logico sovraconsumo compensativo di amidi (pasta, pane, dolci e zucchero concentrato).
Terzo grave errore, la carenza di sodio organico (quella del cavolo crudo, del sedano, del crescione, ecc), provocata da amidi e zuccheri, e collaterale consumo compensativo di sale marino e di integratori minerali.

I cibi che causano più problemi sono carne, pollame, pesce, latte, formaggi, zuccheri e fat, all-devitalized material, all material junk, all materials are free of its natural vitamins, its enzymes and its mineral organic .

The remedy is a disconcerting simplicity: to minimize the energy-calorie food but empty. Decision point with fruit, raw vegetables, roots, buds and seeds, as well as wholemeal cereals, legumes (chickpeas), chestnuts, locust beans, bananas, cassava .

Only plants with foliar receptive devices are able to capture the light and the electromagnetic force of the sun, and deposit it in the shoots, tubers, roots, fruits, in seeds.

A diet of fruits and vegetables and solar power at the atomic level. The live food is easy to digest, so that energy costs will eat itself to zero, while the meat gives you 1000 calories and you steal it in 1100 long digestion-assimilation-expulsive .

is no coincidence that in areas ammalanti and dark gray color and X-rays, with vibrations below 3000 Agstrom, while the human body in full health is on the average and absolute minimum of 6500 Angstrom .

With living food, obesity, constipation that is the most dangerous disease becomes rare. The raw vegetables, especially radish, Cresion, prezzemolo, sedano, topinambur, rape, cavoli, contengono insuline ed inuline vegetali, autentiche dighe al diabete .

Oltre a ciò anche l'aria fresca e la luce solare fanno parte essenziale della nutrizione, anche perché il calcio lavora sempre in associazione con la vitamina D . State dunque il più possibile al sole e all’aperto!

C’è una generale carenza di calcio e di fosforo organico tra la popolazione, specialmente tra i bambini in crescita. I caseari ne approfittano illudendo il mondo che col calcio inorganico-colloso-caseinico si risolvano le carenze, mentre in realtà amplificano a macchia d’olio un popolo già troppo osteoporotico e calcificato.

Trattiamoci bene, dunque, vegani, vegetariani e pseudo-carnivori, e ne guadagneremo in salute e in karma!

E’ estremamente sciocco che l’uomo tradisca se stesso per soddisfare i falsi bisogni del proprio palato. Ammazzare altri esseri porta solo effetti distruttivi alla nostra salute mentale e spirituale, nonché, in seconda battuta, alla nostra salute fisica. Il corpo è il nostro giardino e la nostra abitazione!

Dobbiamo riservargli sempre la massima cura. E’ fondamentale selezionare per lui il carburante giusto.

Non ne siete convinti? Vi interessano davvero i numeretti e i confronti?

There are detailed and verifiable statistics on an entire nation, which is the North American Indians Pimas, divided by the US-Mexican border. The American Arizona Pimas first, now within a few decades, most obese people, dialysis, diabetes and cancer in the world, and the Mexican Pimas other, remained in the mountainous area near Sierra Madre, call Pimeira still strong, healthy and muscular . The Arizona Pimas

ruined by McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and those of Pimeira saved from their traditional quasi-vegan or vegan diet (see my essay "The formidable check of Pimas ", del 02/05/2009).

Articolo di: Valdo Vaccaro
Clicca qui per leggere l'articolo dalla fonte .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wards Population Genetics Lab


Spain ha 50 Province, 47 sul continente e 3 nelle isole, raccolte in 17 Comunità Autonome , che distinguono e valorizzano le diverse culture di questo grande Paese .
La Navarra (in Basco Nafarroa ) è una di queste Comunità Autonome , confina con i Paesi Baschi a nord-ovest, La Rioja a sud-ovest, Aragona a sud-est e con la Francia a nord-est.
Il suo capoluogo è la conosciutissima e bella Città di Pamplona , il nome deriva dal generale Romano Pompey ( 106-48 BC) who founded, built in 75 BC a military legionary. The
City has become famous thanks to the story of American writer Ernest Hemingway ( 1899-1961) who described the spectacular and adrenaline rush of bulls through the streets of the City during Festival of San Fermin, the patron , which is held every year since the 6 July 14.
The morphology of this area is made of green hills, forests of beech, oak and chestnut trees. Vines are grown che danno vini interessanti e, da oltre 2000 anni si produce "aceite" (olio) extra vergine di oliva. Fenici , Greci , Romani e Arabi , hanno affinato e perfezionato, attraverso i secoli, anche in queste zone, le tecniche di coltivazione dell’olivo e di estrazione dell’olio .
Recentemente, con il raccolto 2007/2008 , parte del territorio, ha ottenuto la D.O.P. ( Denominaciòn de Origen Protegida ) Aceite de Navarra .
Ricadono sotto la D.O.P. 135 Comuni nel sud della Navarre, producing Extra Virgin Olive from three varieties of olive trees allowed: Arroniz, Arbequina, Empeltre .
Here is produced by a modern farm called Queiles a Extra Virgin Olive , superior, among the world's best ABBA .
This "small" Company following the canons of tradition, is situated in the beautiful valley where flows the River Queiles , full of ancient cultures, has about 16,000 olive one of the best varieties, Arbequina the particularly suitable as rustic, the tough local climate, very cold in winter and quite hot in summer. The quality of oil made from it, with a cold pressing, is excellent, especially the excellent organoleptic specifications. The Terroir
(in English " Pago") 's Company, has its own characteristics and details that make it unique: the Quaternary terrain, the rocky surface, the scarcity of rainfall, temperature changes The contribution of the mistral wind. A land humble but sincere. The plants are
curate con metodo ecologico certificato, della raccolta viene selezionato, per la spremitura, solo il prodotto perfetto, ogni fase della lavorazione avviene esclusivamente con tecniche manuali e meccaniche.
Tutto ciò fa del loro Olio un delicato nettare ricco di aromi e sapori straordinariamente piacevoli.
L’ Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Abbae dell’ Azienda Queiles ha ottenuto in questi ultimi anni innumerevoli premi e riconoscimenti nazionali ed internazionali, tra cui la “Medaglia d’Oro al Concorso Mondiale” di Parigi nella categoria “Olio Extra Vergine”.
Ho incontrato a Madrid the young and friendly owner Queiles , Juan Miguel De Barral , and I congratulated him for the high quality of its production. An old English proverb
says "Aceite de Oliva quita todo mal" (Olive Oil heals all evil) but ABBA has the advantage of also being very good.
Hacienda Queiles

Tarazona Km 12 Carretera Tudela Tudela

Monteagudo (Navarra) Spain