Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Usb To Rca At Best Buy

A new world

I'm back after a short absence, but I could not connect to the wifi network dell'hostfamily. I apologize for errors of grammar and syntax that will do in this post, but I write really fast.

What, after two days here in Japan, seems to have arrived in a new world. It 's all so different from Italy stay top dazed, dazzled by what is' Japan.

Day yesterday, June 29, 2009.
I landed at Narita International Airport with CIRA 30 minutes late (Thanks Alitalia) Already at the airport we understand that you are truly a nation in particular: lots of people but a surreal silence, cleanliness and smell, people in uniform who just throw bows with a smile.
is now a detail that made me smile.
Under the written Arrivals .... There are two inscriptions: one in Japanese that reads okaerinasai, the other in English by simply welcome in Japan. Too bad that okaerinasai not want to say "Welcome to Japan" (Nihon would he Youkoso), but it means "Welcome home."

After the baggage claim and customs, I buy my bus ticket to get to the Cerulean Tower a professor at the hotel where I will pick Shibuya Gaige
ages and will accompany me to school. The bus was scheduled at 13 and one quarter, then I start to wait for good good eating the first meal of Japanese balls of dough stuffed with octopus better known as Takoyaki.

had finished eating it's off to Tokyo!!
once again I remain shocked by the kindness that I meet. At 13:15 o'clock, not a second more has one less (the driver stared at the watch station) is part. The landscape gradually changes. From Narita campaign will gradually pass to the confusion of the capital.

Arrivato al Cerulean devo chiamare in qualche modo la scuola. Entro nell'albergo dove mi accoglie un cinquantenne con una divisia superelegante. Si inchina e mi da il benvenuto in giapponese. Io un po' stizzito ed in un giapponese molto approssimativo gli espongo il problema. Ancora una volta con una gentilezza che in Italia ci scordiamo, vengo accompagnato al telefono pubblico. Chiamo a scuola e questa volta il mio giapponese non funziona per niente ihih: dopo che mi ero presentato e gli ho cercato di spiegare dove fossi e cosa volessi, momento di pausa e ricevo in cambio un "Eh!?". Ok, meglio passare all'inglese. Conclusa la chiamata dopo pochi minuti I hear from afar "Jianruka?", I turn thirty years old and this is popping up all smiles and very nice. Once a school meeting the hostmother .... Tomorrow I promise to continue the story :-))

Small anticipation


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