The investigations extended to the third bank in accordance with the Supreme
By Ordinance No. 20 197 of 24 September 2010, the Supreme Court affirmed the principle that the movements in bank accounts in the names of shareholders and employees of a corporation for which they refuse to give explanations, may be attributed to the company subject to tax. In this case, the Court, upholding the appeal the Agency has clarified that in case of corporate banking investigations can be extended to those formally made payable to shareholders, directors or employees, if proved, even by implication, the fictitious nature of the headers
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Stopping Friends From Seeing
Valid inductive detection even in case of fire accounting
This is determined by the Supreme Court that the sentence no 20025 of September 22, 2010 dismissed an appeal by a taxpayer.
In particular, the tax section says that "in cases where the records were destroyed by fire, of which the taxpayer was not liable, there is the inductive premise of the investigation, not merely by virtue of the conservation them '. In other words, according to the Supreme Court is not a case of force majeure but rather to one of ordinary cases such as the absence, unavailability, failure to produce records as to justify the finding of induction. In this regard stoats have reasoned that "on VAT, the power to proceed to the establishment does not accept inductive nature of a penalty." In essence, the use of this form of assessment is allowed in all cases provided by law, all based "on the absence, unavailability, lack of performance, unreliability of the accounts, which authorizes the Office to a form of verification that is independent in all or in part, by accounting records. " While the taxpayer had defended himself arguing that among the cases provided for in the rules does not fall to an unavailability or nonexistence of records for reasons not attributable to the party responsible for the preservation and exhibition of the same, as in all cases to the unavailability of records comes omission by a "conscious and intentional 'by dell'onerato, that there would be ascertained in case of' force majeure '. But according to the Supreme Court the argument has no basis in law
This is determined by the Supreme Court that the sentence no 20025 of September 22, 2010 dismissed an appeal by a taxpayer.
In particular, the tax section says that "in cases where the records were destroyed by fire, of which the taxpayer was not liable, there is the inductive premise of the investigation, not merely by virtue of the conservation them '. In other words, according to the Supreme Court is not a case of force majeure but rather to one of ordinary cases such as the absence, unavailability, failure to produce records as to justify the finding of induction. In this regard stoats have reasoned that "on VAT, the power to proceed to the establishment does not accept inductive nature of a penalty." In essence, the use of this form of assessment is allowed in all cases provided by law, all based "on the absence, unavailability, lack of performance, unreliability of the accounts, which authorizes the Office to a form of verification that is independent in all or in part, by accounting records. " While the taxpayer had defended himself arguing that among the cases provided for in the rules does not fall to an unavailability or nonexistence of records for reasons not attributable to the party responsible for the preservation and exhibition of the same, as in all cases to the unavailability of records comes omission by a "conscious and intentional 'by dell'onerato, that there would be ascertained in case of' force majeure '. But according to the Supreme Court the argument has no basis in law
Friday, September 24, 2010
Swollen Parotid Gland And Headache
He opened a few months Craftsman Brewery Toscano of Montescudaio (Pisa), but it is already the focus of the particular production beers, top-fermented traditional method (second fermentation in the bottle), which have already been defined by authoritative experts, "with a beer purely Italian Style ". In the ancient village of Bolgheri , located in the City of Castagneto Carducci (LI), the territory of the Gherardesca and a wine-growing areas ( Bolgheri DOC) Italian with a quality level of wines very high and widespread, from the well-known Enoteca Tognoni , owners of BAT ( Craftsman Brewery Toscano ), whose detailed history can be found on this Blog , organized a lunch, accompanied by their beer, and Experts Journalists sector. I went to the tasting and I interviewed Parrini Nicola, one of three members of Brewery (the others are Sabatino Luca and Vittorio Cotronei ). Dining area of \u200b\u200b Alberto Piazza, opposite the house where a child soggiornò il sommo poeta e scrittore Giosuè Alessandro Giuseppe Carducci ( 1835 - 1907 ), premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 1906 , vicini alla statua di Nonna Lucia , Nicola ha spiegato la loro filosofia e i “segreti” della loro interessante produzione.
Birrificio Artigiano Toscano
Via Guerrini, 1/b
Montescudaio (Pisa)

Per poter vedere la Video intervista su “La Tavolozza del Gusto in Video” cliccate sul Link indicato sotto:
Birrificio Artigiano Toscano
Via Guerrini, 1/b
Montescudaio (Pisa)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Broken Capillaries Hands Arm
Tokyo Time Lapse
Surfing on YouTube looking for some video di Tokyo, sono rimasto colpito in particolare da due filmati in HD che esaltano il dinamismo e la vivacità della "Capitale dell'Est". Sono dei video "time-lapse", cioè una serie di fotografie scattate ad intervalli di tempo regolari in modo che il frame rate di cattura sia molto più basso di quello di riproduzione. In parole povere tutti gli eventi ripresi appaiono accelerati: le automobili formano scie luminose lungo le strade, il giorno e la notte si susseguono velocemente. Tokyo sembra pulsare.
Itchy Broken Blood Vessels On Breasts
Kanji of the day
The kanji now is
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): sha
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): kuruma
means wagon and is now used to indicate the car. And 'the kanji of the day exactly 62 years ago because it was founded in Tokyo Honda (本田) Motor. We find the character naturally in many compounds such as: 乗車 する (jyoushasuru, hop on a train / car etc.) 自动 车 (jidousha, car. The difference between 车 自动 车 and is like that which exists in Italian between "machine" and car), 自 転 车 (jitensha, cycling).
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Man Public Mastrbation
Japanese Cuisine? Cooking with dog! Kanji of the day
If you love Japan, the "nippomani" DOC, you'll want to try or have already tried to cook some dish of the Land of the Rising Sun. Of recipes on the Internet if they are far too many times unclear and far from traditional recipe. Gettin myself a mess in the kitchen trying to come up with some good dish, I found on Youtube channel very interesting recipes. It's called Cooking with dog. E 'constantly updated with new recipes always explained in great detail.
Among those proposals, the recipe that I have succeeded best was that of nikuman: steamed dumplings filled with meat.
Masterbation Deminstration
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): on
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): mizu
High ideogram very simple. It means "water". Alone has kunyomi course reading, and then mizu. In compounds we find in 水 曜 日 (suiyoubi, Wednesday), 银 水 (Ginsu, silver), 水田 (suiden, rice field).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Treat Blister From New Cleat
Prepare for JLPT N5 (formerly 4)
Top two shares worth 120 points, the last 60.
The JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test), also known as 日本语 能力 试 験 (Nihongo-nouryoku-shiken) is a test organized by the Japan Foundation aimed to assess the knowledge of Japanese language .
is held every year on the first Sunday in December around the world. In Italy the examination venues are located in Milan and Rome. The JLPT is globally recognized and is therefore essential to certify the level of Japanese achieved thus enriching their curriculum. Starting this year we can achieve five levels of certification (in the past were 4). The easiest of all is the N5, the more difficult the N1. In this post I will try to give you some tips on how to prepare to support the N5 JLPT.
I passed the exam in 2008, after about 6 month or so to study very bland. The level of the examination is actually low; but this does not mean it is easy to overcome. On average 50% of the participants is rejected. Level 5 (as all levels of the JLPT up to 3 included) is divided into three parts:
is held every year on the first Sunday in December around the world. In Italy the examination venues are located in Milan and Rome. The JLPT is globally recognized and is therefore essential to certify the level of Japanese achieved thus enriching their curriculum. Starting this year we can achieve five levels of certification (in the past were 4). The easiest of all is the N5, the more difficult the N1. In this post I will try to give you some tips on how to prepare to support the N5 JLPT.
I passed the exam in 2008, after about 6 month or so to study very bland. The level of the examination is actually low; but this does not mean it is easy to overcome. On average 50% of the participants is rejected. Level 5 (as all levels of the JLPT up to 3 included) is divided into three parts:
- Vocabulary and Grammar
- Kanji 25 minutes 50 minutes 30 minutes Listening
advice to better prepare a study aimed at developing just these three basic skills. With regard to the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, I recommend the Genki Japanese Volumes I and II (find them on Amazon). Complete II is not essential for pass level 5. About half is sufficient. The characters are known to be 103. Here you will find the complete list. To learn how to best advise you Basic Kanji Book vol 1 (also on Amazon), by inserting the Kanji that gradually Anki and studied in parallel studies at Genki. The book covers 250 characters, but learn a few more never hurts; 103 are really little.
Once you have concluded that both Genki Japanese Basic Kanji Book vol 1, review grammar and vocabulary with "Preparatory Course for the JLPT N5 ": Very good in my opinion.
will now be listening. To the best practice on listening, but also on everything else, I recommend to take over the testing of previous years. Before this year the level was called simply N5 4, then you can just use them too. "Googled" a bit 'you will find all the tests until 1991 (it would be illegal .) Or you can buy from Amazon of booklets that have text and test solutions of the past years.
Details on how and when to register can be found here
Bottomless Women's Party
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): gatsu, Getsu
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): tsuki
One of the first characters that is studied . It means "moon." We can only find 月 (tsuki, moon) or compounds as 月曜日 (getsuyoubi, Monday), as a counter for months 一月 (ichigatsu, January) 二月 (Nigatsu, February) or in words like 一 ヶ月 (ikkagetsu, a period of one month).
How To Make A Wind Buggy
The Kanji of the Day "scouter" Dragonball come true!
If you're a fan of Dragonball will surely remember the "scouts" means a device used by some people to obtain information on the enemy.
Inspired by the shape, but certainly not the function of the gadget, Dragonball, Brother to Brother Industry presented the AirScouter World Japan 2010: a transparent display , ear with a stand, projecting images directly onto the retina.
This display uses the effect of "persistence of vision" to project images. A light is directed into the eye and move at high speed to form an image. This technique gives the viewer the impression that there is a screen that floats in the air about 40 cm away. Since the "virtual screen" is not totally opaque, the device is very useful to integrate the real world with the virtual one.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Women With The Dirtiest Mouths
Seppukuman: app for Android
The app is downloadable from the Android Market or directly from this link .
Do you have a smartphone Android? Want to wipe a bit 'in Japanese while you're around and you have nothing to do? Seppukuman for you! It 'a little game for Android like Hangman: Instead dell'omino with the noose, in this case we have a samurai prepares for suicide. The goal of the game is translated into Japanese by selecting a word randomly chosen from the hiragana characters.
The app is downloadable from the Android Market or directly from this link .
What Do I Wear To A Three Days Grace Concert
Kanji of the day
The kanji now is
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): ka
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): hi, bi-, I-
Today is Tuesday, 火曜日 (kayoubi) in Japanese, literally "day of fire." The kanji of the day is in fact means "fire." The flowers of fire 花火 (hanabi) can not be the "fireworks", and a mountain of fire 火山 (Kazan) is a volcano.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
What Are Cold Showers Suppose To Do Male
A deck / deck for Anki: 850 + phrases
Today I propose something that I hope you can be very helpful: a deck / deck for Anki consists of more than 850 Japanese-Italian phrases from the basic level up to intermediate level. The sentences are taken from books and Genki Japanese Intermediate Japanese. This deck can hold brush up the grammar without studying unnecessary memory related policies. Each sentence is dedicated to a particular building. There may be some spelling errors in a few sentences, I hope nothing significant. If you have not Anki , download it immediately from this site!
18th Birthday Wordings
Kanji of the day
The kanji now is
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): to
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): ito
One of the most tattooed characters. It means "love." We can only find 愛しい (Itoshii: dear, beloved), or in many compounds: 爱 书 (Aisha, favorite book) 爱车 (aisha, car preferred).
Smelly Urine Light Pink Blood
Shibuya Gaige Gakuin: My experience.
View Larger Map
The blog was originally created with the aim to tell you about my trip to Japan began June 28, 2009 and ending July 31, 2009. However, the lack of time allowed me to keep up to date and "Ikuzo Japan" ended up in oblivion. The experiences I had in Tokyo, however, are indelible in this post I want to tell the school that I attended in Japan. It's called Shibuya Gaige Gakuin and, as is clear from its name, is located in the district of Shibuya youth.
All in all not a bad school. If like me you are going to spend a quiet month, to explore good Tokyo e studiare un po' di giapponese senza troppo stress per metà giornata è perfetta. Non mi sento di consigliarla, invece, se siete alla ricerca di qualche istituto che vi permetta di imparare il più velocemente possibile la lingua del Sol Levante. Gli insegnanti non sono per nulla severi e il carico di studio è molto basso. I kanji sono secondo me un po' trascurati, mentre il parlato viene sviluppato sufficientemente. La scuola è molto piccola, permettendo un contatto diretto con i docenti e lo sviluppo di un ambiente molto familiare. Molto interessante la presenza di un'auletta dedicata allo studio, ma che di fatto si trasforma all'ora di pranzo in un posto dove poter consumare in tranquillità il proprio bento. Troppo elevata per i miei gusti la presenza di italiani (del resto all'ingresso campeggia proprio il tricolore).
Per quanto riguarda l'alloggio, l'organizzazione è stata buona. A parte il fatto che l'indirizzo dell'host-family mi è stato comunicato solo tre giorni prima della partenza, per il resto mi posso ritenere più che soddisfatto.
Ecco le indicazioni per raggiungerla
View Larger Map
8-18 Sakuragaoka-cho.Shibuya-ku,Tokyo150-0031 Japan
Tel. +81(0)3-3461-8854 Fax. +81(0)3-3463-4901
Increased Heart Rate Numbness In Left Arm
the marina of Cala de 'Medici affirmation is beautiful event with 26 CHEF.
The Seventh Edition of the Wine Route , which was held in Rosignano Solvay, Livorno Province in from 10 to 13 September 2010, has been a great success and a great media coverage. The event

, whose Organizing Committee is composed of Services Cala de'Medici, Livorno Confindustria, City Rosignano Marittimo , Yacht Club Cala de’Medici , l’ Associazione Grandi Cru della Costa Toscana, quest’anno, è stata sponsorizzata dalla Camera di Commercio di Livorno , dalla mcm&partners , dal Cantiere Cala de’ Medici , da Ubi Maior , da Azzurra International , da Re:Service , da Progress e da Cosimo Maria Masini .
Come ormai noto, la Rotta del Vino mette in competizione bellissime barche da Regata carrying a Chef who prepares, mandatory boat and during the race , two dishes which are then tested on the ground, the Saturday and Sunday , along with Wines winery combined, by a super-qualified jury Enogastronomica . Victory goes to the absolute best score ranking Combined, the result of the sum of the outcome of the trial sail and food and wine. There is, then, also closely linked to Competition Food and Wine , that qualifies Chef and its Restaurants , always together with Companies matched wine. The
sailing took place in the late morning of Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 . The jury
Enogastronomica , composed by a famous chef with Sommelier and Journalists, who were important Test and sector leadership, was divided into two boards, the One and Two , respectively chaired by Mayumi Nakagawara and Ornella D'Alessio . Before the arrival of
competitors, with a new and very nice initiative this year, have docked the Pirates of BAT (Craftsman Brewery Toscano) of Montescudaio (PI) of Parrini Nicola, Luca Sabatino and Vittorio Cotronei that out Race have served to jury for two days, as an aperitif, of tastes, prepared by Chef Luca Tafi of Restaurant "La Cantina" of Riparbella (PI), accompanied by their peculiar Birre ad alta fermentazione metodo classico (rifermentazione in bottiglia) e contraddistinte da uno “Stile Italiano”. Affascinante la Goletta “Don Quixote” che li ha portati al molo, un bel due alberi di legno pregiato, che sventolava la “Bandiera Nera col Teschio”, varata in California (U.S.A.) nel 1963 , e costruita in soli due esemplari.
Ventuno Barche , ventuno Chef di importanti Ristoranti Toscani e ventuno Aziende produttrici dei Grandi Cru della Costa si sono impegnati in una “battaglia” fatta per gioco e per passione. La Combinata, data dalla somma dei punteggi delle tre realtà, è stata vinta dall’imbarcazione “Tazmania” con il Ristorante Enoteca “La Torre” di Montecarlo di Lucca, in abbinamento ai Vini dell’Azienda Badia di Morrona di Terricciola (PI). La Chef Chiara Gambacorti (vedi foto in alto) ha preparato, Sabato, “Raviolo alla carbonara con gota e pancetta della Garfagnana”, servito con il Felciaio 2009 Toscana IGT (100% Vermentino), Sunday, "Leg of lamb stuffed white race Garfagnana with its meat, mushrooms and myrtle, with VignAalta 2006 Toscana IGT (100% Sangiovese). To them, as a bonus, a creation of sculptor Pisano Enrico Bacci . Second in the trio "Breezy" Restaurant "The House of the Oyster" of Andrea and Silvia Volpe, Castelnuovo Mercy (LI), with the wines of 'Company "I Giusti & Zanza " of Fauglia (PI). Third place, "Nina", Restaurant "Golden" the Port of Cala de 'Medici of Rosignano Solvay (LI), with the Podere Grattamacco of Castagneto Carducci (LI).
The latter, the "Golden" precisely with the Chef Marco Nardi won the race Gourmet, preparing "Leek soup with oysters marinated in ginger" and "Epigram pigeon," is presented together with Sommelier AIS Ilaria Bardi well described and has served the Grattamacco White Wines Bolgheri DOC 2008 (100% Vermentino ) and Grattamacco 2007 Red Bolgheri Superiore DOC (65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot and 15% Sangiovese). Behind them a new Local which has just opened in Nibbiaia (LI), the "Locanda Martinelli" the known Chef Michele Martinelli , in conjunction with the Wine 's Company of Pagani Pia De' Trademarks of Casale Marittimo (PI). Third place Restaurant "The Pearl of the Sea" of San Vincenzo (LI), with the talented Chef Deborah Courses and wines of Tenuta Poggiorosso of Populonia Station, Piombino (LI). Great enthusiasm of all participants, but also that of the large audience that has followed the event.
But many are fun and were also the events that were the corollary to 'Event central, Rice Parade, the Gala Dinner , the various gastronomic events in Square and the conclusion "Testing Cook" . Come to order.
Friday, September 10 took place in front of the elegant Coffee Re-Noir Lounge Bar of Cala de 'Medici the Third Edition of Risotto Parade "for Chef event Journalists VS Gourmet ", involving risottata che ha visto lottare sei Cuochi per passione, che pubblicamente, con a disposizione un tempo di soli venti minuti, hanno preparato un risotto secondo le severe disposizioni imposte dal Regolamento . I Dottori Sandra Gherardi e Giampaolo Francini , l’Architetto Roberta Cini , i Giornalisti Roberta Perna e Claudio Mollo con il Fotografo Bruno Bruchi, si sono fatti in quattro per portare a casa la vittoria con le loro preparazioni. Con 961 voti, espressi dalla Giuria Popolare , ha won the Journalist Roberta Perna with the "Risotto with zucchini and smoked bacon Paul Parisi scented with mint and red pepper. Saturday 11 at the beautiful panoramic structure Restaurant Golden of Porto, was held Dinner Gala of prepared by 'Chef Emiliano Bruno Barbieri, an international character in the culinary world, which brought the Restaurant Arquade de Hotel Villa del Quar , a member of the prestigious chain "Relais & Chateaux, a San Pietro In Cariano (Verona), the achievement of two " Stars "of authoritative Michelin and now works as a freelance consultant. Recently he has published several books in the series "Postcard of Kitchen" published by Bibliotheca Culinaria, for the occasion has presented his latest work, always the same Necklace, not yet in bookstores, entitled "Tajine without Frontiers (particularly pan traditional Berber ).
Mentre si svolgeva la Cena di Gala, nella Piazza del Borgo di Cala de’ Medici , il Personal Chef Siciliano Marcello Valentino, maestro di Cucina Mediterranea , preparava 6 tipi di Couscous e distribuiva i 600 “Arancini Siciliani”( palle di riso farcite e fritte), anche questi con 6 tipi di ripieni, che per tre giorni aveva amorevolmente e personalmente preparato.
In piazza anche gli stand gastronomici come quello dell’ottimo “Lampredotto” (o abomaso, stomaco degli erbivori) del trippaio "Mamo," one of the great products of Paul Parisi and the stand of the Grand Cru Côte Tuscany with good Sommelier of FISAR ., and not to miss anything, music and shows.
Sunday evening, immediately after the award ceremony of the 2010 Wine Route, the Piazza del Borgo was again busy late into the night with the booths the night before and with a successful "Laboratory Pasticceria Siciliana " always by Marcello Valentino, who delighted the Dolcetti palates of those present with almond paste, Almond Parfait with Orange Glaze (parfait typical cuisine of Palermo), Cannoli, shorts with different flavors, caramelized dried fruits, and finally a magnificent Cassata.
Monday, 13 September, still in the premises of the restaurant Golden Cala de 'Medici was staged "The test of the cook." Fabrizio Mantovani and Cristiano Tomei , two famous Chef who participated in the popular television program of the same name RAI 1, were pleasantly challenged to "single combat" with their excellent, innovative and highly personal preparations, as assessed by all the guests for an evening that turned into Judges. Fabrizio was born in Lugo (RA) in 1968 , thanks to his sensitive mind, already Boy Scout, was a cook and a musician, a destiny, it is now known as the Singer / Songwriter Chef. He has worked in important Local in Italy and abroad, with large as Chef David Scabin , has just finished working with the ' Hotel Belvedere in Riccione (RN), and is focusing, among other things, an interesting initiative by the trade name "Farin more" snapshots meal of vegetables and cereals, more natural, more creative and faster. Cristiano is Viareggio (LU) is the Chef / Patron , in his City, the famous restaurant "The Funnel", his creativity has been rewarded many times, is one of the few Italian Chef to have been granted the prestigious title of "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe " (Young Ristoratori d’Europa). Questa Associazione, il cui motto è “Talento e Passione”, è nata in Francia , nel 1974 , grazie all’ Azienda Grand Marnier e si è diffusa a livello Europeo nel 1992, premiando in tutto solo 530 bravissimi Chef tra Soci effettivi ed onorari. La Prova del Cuoco ha visto prevalere per pochissimi voti Cristiano Tomei , lo “scontro” con Fabrizio Mantovani è stato così equilibrato che quasi si è sfiorata la parità. A chiusura della cena Golden Chef of the , Marco Nardi, has prepared an excellent "flan with chocolate and strawberry sauce."
All Events the Seventh Edition of the Wine Route were planned and executed by the availability of tireless President of Cala de 'Medici Lawyer Maria Paoletti, supervision of Dr . Nicola Baldi, the fundamental practical support to Denis Zangrillo , coordination of Cecilia Lami , Mount Maurizio Villani and advice of Paul Valdastri George and myself Dracopulos respectively and Deputy Director of Gastronome Corriere del Vino. Paul and I have also directed and conducted all the different food and wine events.
The Wine Route 2010 was not only an established and proven success, but also a great and important food and wine event for the Territory that has seen at work among many side Race Nights and fewer than 26 wineries and talented chefs.
Simbian Love Machines
anti-Japanese protests in China the day
Ieri cadeva l'anniversario dell'"incidente di Mukden "(1931), detto anche "incidente della Manciuria". Settantanove anni fa una bomba di origine sconosciuta distrusse un tratto della ferrovia giapponese nei pressi dell'attuale città cinese di Shenyang. Il Giappone accusò i terroristi cinesi in modo tale da avere un capro espiatorio per annettere la Manciuria al Giappone. I protestanti di ieri, riunitisi proprio a Shenyang e approfittando della coincidenza storica, chiedevano che il Giappone liberi il comandante del peschereccio arrestato il 7 Settembre dopo una collisione con due motovedette giapponesi.
L'agenzia ufficiale cinese Xinhua News ha riportato che i protestanti si sono anche riuniti per chiedere il ritorno del capitano del peschereccio nella città di Shenyang, precedentemente nota come Mukden, dove nel 1931 avvenne l'omonimo incidente.
Le autorità hanno cercato di prevenire le proteste bloccando i siti dei gruppi nazionalisti cinesi, dicendo agli studenti universitari di non protestare e eliminando discussioni circa l'organizzazione delle manifestazioni da internet.
Samle Welcome Letter For New Joinees
Il kanji di oggi è
Reading Chinese (onyomi): jitsu, nichi
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): ka, hi, bi
means "sun", "day" and is used as a classifier for days. We find in 日本 (Nippon / Nihon Japan), in 日 曜 日 (nichiyoubi, Sunday).
今日 は 日 曜 日 です
kyou wa nichiyoubi desu.
Today is Sunday.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Shaving Turns My Sking To
Kanji Kanji of the day alone
The kanji now is
The kanji now is
Reading Chinese (onyomi): know
Reading Japanese (kunyomi): futatabi
means "again" , "for the second time." It is also used Italian as the prefix "re-": 再 开 (Saikai: reopen) 再起 (Saiki, back), 再现 (saigen, reappear). And 'the kanji of the day because today I decided to resetting (再 始 动 saishidou) to post in this blog.
How To Word Vow Renewal Invitations
Studying Japanese III
post of the day.
Here I had recommended some books to start learning Japanese by self-taught. Add new words, phrases and characters to Anki can be a bit 'boring and time consuming. To be able to quickly learn the most possible terms, I suggest you try . It 's a great site for self-learners. Create your account, choose the level of Japanese from which you want to leave and that's it: the decks are now available with the words of your level as in Anki. In addition to each word is associated with a sample sentence in order to easily learn the meaning. Unfortunately it is only available in English, but if you are putting to study the language of the Rising Sun, I guess that is not a problem:) This video explains everything
* ?live View / - Axis
Aquariums and Japan
L 'Aquascaping, or the art to reproduce natural landscapes in an aquarium, is an extremely popular hobby in Japan, thanks to the photographer and aquascaper Takashi Amano. Here are some of his works on display at the headquarters of his property in Niigata ADA.
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