Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Width Of Central Maximum

Top of Shoes 2802 m.

Taking advantage of the preparations of the luggage, I give myself one last quick escape. Leave the car at the hotel available to the rest of the family, with the first run of the cable car station to reach the mountain "La Rosetta" located just below the summit from which we overlooking the great plateau of the Pale di San Martino. Put on your skis, it falls to the east just below the Rifugio Rosetta (Pedrotti) at an altitude of 2581 m or so. Here mounted skins, even in an easterly direction, it points directly to an obvious ridge that goes directly progressing well towards south to reach the Top Shoes (wooden pole), which boasts a breathtaking view of the Pala di San Martino Praditali and the Valley below.
not deny that during this short trip on the plateau of the Pale, I have often considered the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving for a few years around here.

For other photos click here , or the title of the post.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ontario Liquor Licence Rules

Cima Ports 2754 m.

The consultation of the two new guides, plus a third that I had already become one of my main occupations "après-ski." It 's so that after spending a second day "pistaiola" begins to take shape the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the climb al Monte Mulaz. Tuttavia alcune informazioni negative circa le condizioni del manto nevoso raccolte sul luogo ed il suggerimento di Annibale, mi hanno fatto desistere da questa intenzione e ripiegare sulla più "tranquilla" Cima Bocche.  

Durante la salita, in totale solitudine, più volte mi giro a scrutare le pieghe del citato Monte Mulaz,  finché non scopro la presenza di una evidente traccia di salita e parecchie tracce di discesa; scoperta che fa aumentare notevolmente la mia delusione (per la precedente rinuncia) che si placa solo quando, superato un primo colletto al di sopra della Malga Bocche, il panorama che si para davanti ai miei occhi è assolutamente straordinario. 

Leave the car at a small parking area near the bridge over the Torrente Juribrutto at an altitude of 1757 m., on the road that leads to Passo Rolle, Passo Valles, following the signs Alm Juribrutto for navigating a forest road that starts right at the bridge. Reached the clearing where the two buildings are located above the hut, turn decidedly left and follow the signs for "Alm Ports" earns the broad ridge of Peak Connections, sloping from the peak (not shown) to the Plan Casoni. Continuing along the north, go up the back of mountain, overcoming some slight hollows, traveling a little further upstream of the bivouac Jelic and an obelisk in memory to the fallen, until you reach the wooden cross placed on top round, which enjoys a magnificent view. The descent to the ascent route.

For more photos of the trip click here , or the title of the post.

How Much To Build 12x12 Deck

March 8, 2011 - Women's Day.


Ward's Ap Biology Lab

Carnival ...

Incredulous and convinced that pastarelle (or similar ...) has "gigioneggiato" with the demented mind, an insignificant public post to confirm the joke Carnival ....!

Basketball Court Stensil

The Matrix

" Bel film! Think if it were really true! "said the person next to me laugh, turning to her friend, and we got up from the comfortable armchairs of maxicinema to exit.

" Belli special effects, you saw Trinity as he walked on the walls? .... Neo also ... really good actors ... .

now were too far away, I could not feel what they were saying, but it was clear that like many others who have seen the movie Matrix knew that the story was pure fiction and that things are not like the film wants us to see.

They are right. This is not the case: the reality is much worse than fantasiosa descritta in Matrix.

Non esistono campi dove gli esseri umani vengono coltivati in maniera così meccanica come nel film, ma la coltivazione, o meglio, l'allevamento di umani, avviene in modo consensuale .

Non è facile vederlo, nemmeno se qualcuno te lo indica, te lo spiega, ti dice “ Guarda! ”. Si potrebbe anche rispondere: “ Ah, adesso ho capito! ” e non realizzare affatto di cosa si tratta.

La trappola è molto ben congegnata, è davvero geniale, e coloro che l'hanno ideata sapevano cosa e come fare... altro che la zona fantasma dei film di Superman dove inviare i criminali!

However, if you're living right as a human being, you have a good social life, if you are happy with what you have, your relationships, your work, and maybe you have subscribed to an excellent supplementary pension that will allow you to live a happy retirement free from economic tasks, you should not continue reading because you might have a shake your certainties and doubts could become shaky.

's all about though, as Cypher, want a happy life, sleeping in the illusory world of the Matrix, or wake up and live in rags on the Nebuchadnezzar. But it could also andarti much better.

Normally the individual is not able to see the trap in which he lives because it is the same trap! This is the great secret: the trap typically can not be found because the trap can not see itself.

The above paragraph contains a great truth, but after reading it, probably will not notice any change in your emotional state before and after the reading.

This is because the trap is so well thought out that if someone showed another has no effect, at most reactions of pity for the poor fellow who says such nonsense.

But, how an individual is a trap that is paradoxically trapped?

Being something implies identification with the thing you think you are, and people who go around on this planet are usually a collection of identifications.

If you took a random person in the crowd would have almost 100% probability of finding an individual who thinks he's a lot of things, which is identified with a wide range of roles and calling all this himself.

son may be an employee of the director of a bank teller who does and that when driving down the streets full of traffic is angry with pedestrians crossing the road without looking, and when it does not use the machine is a pedestrian who gets angry with motorists who do not stop while he is in waiting to cross at pedestrian crossings. It could be a lovely husband and loving father, a collector of coins, a Catholic, a communist Berlusconi, a fisherman by hobby, a camper, an Italian, etc.. Well, ll these labels can be where the person could be identified and considered all these things.

What, then, this trap, and how is it made? The trap is the sum of identification with the roles that the person does and the features it has .

an example of identification, if we were talking about laws and notassi you are very knowledgeable in this area and I say: " But you I want to read it! "I feel proud to answer with a broad smile:" Of course, I am a lawyer! "

Identifying the coarser, second, the one with your body. There are men and women who believe they are the body and dedicate themselves completely to it, with the blossoms of the gyms and clinics of cosmetic surgery, cosmetic factories and all that thrives around the "Cult of the body."

I'm not talking about just taking care of your body, but of obsession about it, and this is widespread.

addition there is the identification, much thinner, with the personality and this is practically invisible when it is deeply rooted in it.

Everyone gets an idea of \u200b\u200btheir characteristics, likes and giving them a value according to their level of awareness. There are those who know to be nice, generous, intelligent (often the smartest), brilliant, being a playboy and have a magnetic gaze, to look threatening or seducer, to be educated, to be a leader, dominant snob, unkempt, unruly, orderly, precise, heedless ... and all the endless series of attributes that a person can have.

Personality is a dress made of features that example to others because we recognize them, as if our lives depended on recognition by others of what we believe to be .

The persons identified are dependent on their happiness or unhappiness by the finding that they get in this game show .

personality creates boundaries that limit you want to occupy a space to show their existence as a human being. Without those limits there would be the dreaded infinite space of the idea of \u200b\u200bdisappearing into space without limits, and this is the reason why people are held close to their personality or their prison.

my last name Gianazza, si presta ad essere pronunciato e scritto in modo errato come Giannazza, con due “enne” e mi è successo un sacco di volte, quando qualcuno doveva inserirlo in un elenco o fare un documento, di dover dire “ con una “enne” sola ” perché lo scrivevano molto spesso con due “enne”. A volte ero pure risentito nel veder ripetersi la cosa e pensavo “ questi analfabeti proprio non vogliono impararlo ” e il risentimento aumentava quando dopo la mia precisazione mi chiedevano pure: ” Con due zeta? ”.

Appena nati cominciano a chiamarci con il nome: quando sento “Luciano!” mi volto e quando incontro someone asks me: "You are ...? "I say" I Luciano Gianazza .

so I'm all for Luciano Gianazza and if we now say I'm not the best Luciano Gianazza think I have lost his memory and the worst that I need to care because they do not connect.

I'm not really Luciano, as if you're not Antonio called by that name, but my first and last name are just sounds and words spoken or written labels along with date of birth and a few other data identify my presence, my work in a particular place and time while I create the effect with a human body in a social structure that recognizes a result of my particular existence.

Ogni essere umano non è né il suo nome, né tanto meno la sua personalità, la sua professione, ne tutte le altre etichette che si appiccica o gli vengono appiccicate . Tuttavia se le tiene molto strette perché senza di quelle avrebbe la sensazione terrificante di non esistere e per questo insiste nel continuare ad essere una " sicura cellula di matrix " piuttosto che lo spazio infinito.

Nel mondo ordinario ogni persona agisce per avere approvazione della sua esistenza da parte degli altri mostrando la sua particolare personalità. Alcuni dicono di no, ma basta fare un'osservazione qualsiasi che mette in discussione ciò che credono di essere che subito reagiscono in difesa di ciò who believe that it is under attack, whether it's reputation or attributes which have been proud.

Personality is an empty shell in which the vast majority of people are identified, believed to be quell'involucro and rejoices in all appreciation and praise to the fact that personality and will react with resentment, anger and even violence to any insult as if they received compliments and insults had done to himself.

This condition identification, from coarser to finer, and you imagine what may be subtle, many thinkers of the past, from the most remote to the most recent, have described it as condition even sleeping person in an apparent state of wakefulness .

It is not easy to point out this was the so-called normal person you could meet on the street because it is the state that is almost all of the people. In fact, almost always, speak with a personality and a body which is imprisoned in a sleep to be identified.

It is certainly difficult to accept that it is not what we firmly believe to be and any attempt to prove the contrary it involves a strong opposition.

People think that if the labels were removed, they disappear. Of course not, we lose nothing, awakening means no longer be identified in the roles . Does not mean that you will do more to call Antonio! continue acting on stage as before but no longer think of being the character he is playing . Maybe you will find that becoming a surgeon to achieve a social status field but does not like to cut all the people and change profession. O no longer think of being Robin Hood and the enormous benefits this brings. A

an actor playing Robin Hood, if someone were to say that Robin Hood is a thief who uses the poor to accumulate treasures pretending to be a champion of justice could not give a care less and do not would respond to insults, but if you were identified as the character would react to an insult to his person.

effect of identifying a person not a person is awakened and free, is separated from the Matrix . The feeling of infinite space that you feel can not be expressed in words. In addition, this person is no longer limited to being the individual as it has always been recognized, but may be what he likes best .

Unlike the persons identified are susceptible to a range of desired and undesired acts of which they become and remain prigionieri.

Possono diventare vittime di complimenti interessati o di offese e insulti provocatori e mettersi nei guai o comunque vivere una vita piena di spiacevoli imprevisti, possono accettare qualunque cosa fornita dal mainstream (Matrix) pensando che apporterà miglioramenti alla propria personalità e nella loro vita. Possono diventare consumatori di un mare di cose inutili o anche utili ma solo per essere trendy perché altrimenti si è emarginati.

Fanno questo per ottenere approvazione ed ammirazione da altre personalità, giocando inconsapevolmente su questo grande palcoscenico che è il mondo illusorio, che gli antichi chiamano il mondo di Maya, credendo sia reale .

La pubblicità che coinvolge le emozioni e l'idea di essere migliori di qualcun altro funziona, dunque, solo con persone addormentate.

Mai come oggi è visibile l'inganno di Matrix. Le persone vogliono essere migliori, più forti, più potenti, più ricche, più affascinanti, più belle. Lo sono già, sono molto di più di quanto vogliono far acquisire alla loro personalità.

Stanno cercando di svegliarsi, ma essendo identificati nella personalità cercano di svegliare la personalità, ma questo è impossibile, la personalità è un'accozzaglia di immagini, non è viva, non c'è niente da svegliare lì !

You can not help but cover it with other attributes, images and thoughts, enrich, embellish. So people spend a lot of money to "enrich" their personalities, but all this being derive no benefit.

Now it is fashionable to a whole range of courses and New Age practices that fall under the category of "Improvement . They ran like the extraction psychiatric GNP, for example, and other practices that also use hypnosis. They are led by "coach" or "trainers" smiling, very clever to be compelling, but not I know they are likely to be in good faith, in good faith does not make right something that is not.

These techniques work only with people identified asleep. Can improve their living conditions, social and economic and still be asleep. are improving their personality while not deriving any benefit as being . On

people have awakened these courses do not work, can not be hypnotized at any level. And do not think that hypnosis is not used in those courses. There are several methods ... forget the circus hypnotist swings the pendant before his eyes while saying " your eyelids become heavier ... "

are not able to explain what it means to be awake but I know for sure what it means to be asleep. When for any reason I react instead of act or not act, I know I'm asleep. Where there is reaction there is someone who sleeps. Even when you react "being right". This for me was a difficult obstacle to overcome and I believe it is for many .

can be easy not to react when we receive the result from circumstances in which we were dead wrong, for example, do not answer received a punch in the face by a cuckolded husband when you have been through the betrayal.

But when you're a victim of an injustice, then yes that it is difficult not to react.

be right makes us strong and enables our attack, marked by extreme intensity of emotions and beliefs, and full of resentment, we become prone to react violently against those who committed the injustice. This is because it is identified in the personality.

E 'personality, "hurt unjustly who suffers injustice, not to be, but when you wake up you stop reacting. We are acting to remedy injustice without anger or negative emotions.

The most important thing that a person is awakened to be free, not afraid of anything and can not be controlled . Really a bad deal for Matrix ...

And it's really another life, you can buy a blackberry if you need them and not let everyone know you have it. 'S why the Matrix, or the system, the NWO, they, call it what you like, do not want people to wake up.

But you can wake up and know you're asleep is the first step, but not volermene if you do not want to wake up. You can always go to lunch with Agent Smith.

article: Luciano Gianazza
Click here to read the article from the source .

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lock Replacement Truck

Attributable to the employer the movements recorded on the bank account of the partner

With No Judgement 4775, 28 February 2011, the Supreme Court states that are attributable to income earned by the entrepreneur of the banking transactions on the account of the partner, account to which the man had an attorney. In this case, the Supreme Court, rejecting an appeal by a contractor, applies the principle, in line with the provisions of art. 32 of Presidential Decree No. 600/73, that "once you're testing, including presumptions of traceability to the taxpayer of a banking relationship, by legal presumption, be overcome by evidence to the contrary, in this case not provided, concerning the allocation of bank transactions business carried on by that taxpayer "

Names Cultural Festival

garnishee held with 20%: there's the guidelines of the Treasury

Con la Circolare n. 8/E del 2 marzo 2011, l’Agenzia delle Entrate fornisce chiarimenti sulle procedure da seguire per applicare la ritenuta del 20% a titolo d’acconto dell’Irpef sulle somme liquidate attraverso il pignoramento presso terzi. Classico esempio di questa procedura è il professionista che vanta un credito nei confronti di un cliente. Se per esigerlo avvia una causa giudiziaria e ottiene una sentenza di condanna del debitore che comporta il pignoramento delle somme presenti su un conto corrente, l’istituto di credito deve operare la trattenuta sugli importi assegnati al creditore. La ritenuta dovrà essere versata entro il giorno 16 del mese successivo a quello in cui è stata applicata, usando il codice tributo 1049, established by resolution n.18/2010. The certification to the pledgee (eg professional) of the amounts paid and deductions to be made by the third party provider (eg the bank) not later than 28 February of the year following that in which the amounts were paid

Menopause Bleeding After 10 Yreas

Colbricon 2602 m

family holiday, so nothing skialp ... These were my intentions when we started traveling to San Martino di Castrozza, but when in the vicinity of Passo Rolle I spotted this beautiful mountain, I immediately informed my wife (holy woman) that I would do at least one flight.
not even knowing what was the name of the mountain that I had spotted, after spending a first day on the slopes of Punta Ces together with my son, I immediately looked for a bookstore where I purchased a pair of guides and a pair of cards Tobacco through which I could see The mountain in question was "Colbricon" and had a classic ski mountaineering trip in the area.
Given that "Bambi" (my son Mark) was rather "cooked" after the whole day skiing, now organize solo flight, in the sense that I was alone on board of my car. Yes, the parking lot because I already have found a huge number of cars and several skialper ready to start and with which, in essence, I shared the climb.
course, if all of those cars has generated the usual "agitation", so I started to force the pace to reach and surpass all that had preceded me skialper at the start, but two guys (one of which a provincial forester) who obviously were upset as much as I was.
Instead of the climb, I made the descent in perfect solitude, accompanied only by the rustle the magnificent soft dust that still covered the hills north of Colbricon. In short, a great trip, which offers a stunning panorama of the nearby Pale di San Martino.

From the parking lot located on the road that leads to Predazzo Passo Rolle, a little further upstream of the crossroads for Passo Valles, part of a forest road (sign) that runs along l'indicazione per la Malga Colbricon. Raggiunta la radura nella quale è ubicata la malga, si prosegue in direzione sud-est in piano attraverso un bosco rado. Proseguendo a mezza costa, in leggera discesa, si raggiunge una piana dalla quale, superata una costola rocciosa alla nostra destra, si inizia a salire verso destra per un avvallamento (quota 1870 m. circa). Continuando a salire in obliquo verso destra su terreno ondulato, si raggiunge la Forcella Colbricon a quota 2420 m, dalla quale si raggiunge una spalla a sinistra che si risale, transitando sotto un breve e ripido pendio. Dalla spalla, in obliquo verso destra, si raggiunge la vetta (paletto di legno)  superando un ultimo tratto ripido. La discesa si effettua per l'itinerario di climb.

pearls photos of the trip click here , or the title of the post

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hack Sony Dvp-sr200p 2011

Hachiko died of cancer could be

Many of you know the story of the dog Hachiko , became famous in the West thanks to the movie with Richard Gere.

According to recent studies conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Tokyo, the dog would die of cancer and not as filariasis is said to be eighty years now.

After death, Hachiko was stuffed and their organs preserved. The team, analyzing the heart and lungs, has identified a possible tumor.

Black Horseshoes On Bearded Dragon Belly

Nanikore is a very popular program of Asahi TV entirely dedicated to the oddities of Japan. I suggest a piece that shows a dog in the prefecture Yamaguchi has a very peculiar behavior.

Difference Between Nighttime Orajel And Day Time

Caparezza - not you

was not you who speak of freedom as we talk about
a wild night in the brothels.

was not you who drag the nation into the darkness
but you have fun doing the luminaries.

was not you who are men, perhaps because of wrist
surrounded by idiots.

not you waving the flag as
curve and that is enough to make you feel patriotic.

was not you or your parliament
of idolaters ready for anything to get a hearing.

was not you who bought votes with propaganda
but it never paid the consequence.

was not you that Squeeze the rosary
polls hoping you refreshed.

not you state that you solve the plight of unemployed living in
going to do the acrobats.

was not you. You are not State, vol.

was not you, men Executioner with the uniform that killed
of beating detainees.

not you with the boots on the faces of unarmed
kicked like sacks of waste.

was not you who sent your sons to the front
as a carcass of a hyena that depleted.

not you roll up the flags on coffins
to sleep every sense of guilt.

not you cursed forcaioli unprepared
always looking for an enemy to fight.

not State that you are burned as witches immigrants
worship except the one in the cave.

not you with the bust of the leader on the desks
and the constitution under his feet.

was not you who deserve to be estripati
as the weeds out of your seats.

was not you. You are not State, vol.

that was not you toast the blood of those who try to shed light on
obscure your lives.

was not you would like to give voice to newspapers
party silent as graves.

not you are doing more custom
like a pair of pants according to the genitals.

was not you who dealt with
who criticizes you as a stray in which the vocal cords cut.

was not you, servants, who have rented costumes
sovereign undeserved money,

you are brothers of a lodge which sits on the value of the privileged

as you call them heroes to the mafia and the corrupt
pious calls and each of you,
involved in all sorts of crime
fixing the magistrate and then I swear to God:
"It was not me."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

All Types Of Ap Biology Essays

THE LEGENDARY RESTAURANT LAWRENCE in Forte Dei Marmi (LU), an exceptional course of refinement, elegance and taste.

Forte dei Marmi in Province of Lucca , is a small town lying on the Tyrrhenian coast . Named after the "Forte dei Marmi " watch a military construction and defense, which still stands in the center powerful Citizen , which was built in the eighteenth century by Grand Duke of Tuscany Pietro Leopoldo I of Lorraine ( 1747-1792), to safeguard the precious marble that came from behind and close Alps and were boarded from the pier that once stood in this location. In fact
il Forte , finito di costruire nel 1788 , era chiamato “Forte Lorenese”, non svolgeva solo le funzioni di nucleo di difesa dalle incursioni dei pirati, ma anche quelle di magazzino dei marmi, prima che fossero imbarcati: diventò presto per tutti il “Forte dei Marmi”.
Attraverso gli anni questa bella Località della Versilia (territorio che prende il nome dall’omonimo Fiume che scorre per 24 Km . nelle Province di Lucca e Massa Carrara ) racchiusa tra verdi pinete e il mare, è diventata one of the most welcoming city, known in the tourist scene and elegant Italian and world.
For lovers of quality Kitchen in Forte dei Marmi is a matter of great interest, an irresistible attraction: the Restaurant Lorenzo .
of this mythical Local and his extraordinary Patron , Lorenzo Viani , you can find the story in detail ' Stock this Blog . The first of
February of each year, reopening after the holidays for me has become a rite to visit Lorenzo, first of all for the great esteem, friendship and affection I have for him but also for the wonderful feeling that you can try sitting on one of its tables. After the holidays by
Lorenzo there is always something new, even in interior design, with the great taste and love for art and beautiful things in the natural constant Family Viani, where the illustrious namesake uncle , Lorenzo Viani , was one of the outstanding pictorial expressions of twentieth century Italian, and another great-uncle, Viani Franco, left, in his, Unfortunately, short-lived, indisputable signs of his innate poetic .
This year, I found, in the cozy rooms of Lorenzo Restaurant, the new and elegant light fixtures that give off a soft light and warm. The woven leather, of "historical" and "precious" chairs, has been reclaimed and brought back to life. Another novelty is the
Tasting Menu Fast, full of interesting six-course meal plus Small pastries at a very attractive price.
The welcome by all the waiting staff, is extremely professional, caring and gentle, with Free Musetti, expert Sommelier (third picture below), Lorenzo Giannini, Alessio Gigli , Mohamed Benzarrou and Simona Petrucci , we "good hands".
, the great master and "gentleman" the restaurant world with his great charm, helped by the lovely and talented daughter Clare is always able to offer guests the " best of the best, thanks his extraordinary culinary experience and knowledge that make its spending a method that has made school.
Chiara Viani (see photo above), this year is a full-time in of Family Restaurant , having ceased to follow the nearby Enoteca. She did not like that small fish, but had a sweet tooth, she grew up among so many wonderful dishes, in a unique environment, with, available, a wine cellar where you can find the best world wine production. Through the years, has been passionate about high food, especially the world of wine , today has become an expert and qualified connoisseur with a penchant for big red and Champagne. He graduated
, all ' University of Pisa in Economics, becoming the reference point for all the commercial part of his Company, following with care and attention.
But let's get to taste some new dishes on the menu .
As an aperitif of sparkling Italian, Monterossa Franciacorta Brut Sansevé Satèn , 12.5% \u200b\u200bVol, Agricola Monterosso Paola Rovetta, S. Bornato Cazzago Martino (BS).
Su consiglio di Libero Musetti, i piatti sono stati accompagnati da una buona bottiglia di Riesling 2009 “Castel Ringberg”, D.O.C. Alto Adige/Sudtirol, 13,5% Vol., dell’Azienda Elena Walch di Termeno sulla Strada del Vino (Bolzano), un vino armonico ed equilibrato, dai profumi e i sentori eleganti e persistenti.
In tavola il vassoio con il buon pane fresco assortito della casa:
- Misto mare al vapore con maionese fatta al carrello;
- Scampetto croccante su julienne di zucchine profumate alla menta;
- Calamaro ripieno di pesce bianco su purea di melanzana profumata al basilico;
- Filetti di triglia dorati con pomodorini secchi and olives on soft polenta;
- Squid (pasta shape belonging to the family of Paccheri ) with broccoli and fish from the seabed;
- Monkfish in "gremolada" (condiment used to flavor, is a chopped parsley and garlic with lemon zest is added after cooking) with a timbale of basmati rice (soft variety grown mainly in India) with saffron;
- warm pear tart, chocolate and walnut ice cream with flowers milk;
- Small pastries. The great
Chef Joachim Pontrelli (right in the first photo below) that from 1984 is with Lorenzo , no exceptions, his preparations were all very well presented, cooked to perfection and extraordinary tastes: BRAVISSIMO . I
"stolen" in Lorenzo a chat between a few minutes and the other, we have digressed from his holidays to prepare for the opening in the fall of the new Restaurant of Armani Milano in the third room The following person, after those of New York and Dubai. Finally I express all my appreciation and congratulations for the great tasting made. The legendary
Ristorante Lorenzo di Forte dei Marmi non è solo un posto super premiato, anche con una “Stella Michelin”, dove si mangia molto bene, ma è uno straordinario luogo dove l’ospite fa un “percorso” eccezionale, tra raffinatezza, eleganza e gusto.
Sono venuto via abbracciando affettuosamente Lorenzo e dando un grosso bacione a Chiara, insieme, visto che era il 10 febbraio giorno del suo compleanno, ai miei più sinceri auguri.
PS. Se volete vedere una esclusiva ed interessantissima Video intervista Lorenzo that has given me, click on the link below:

Lorenzo Ristorante Via Carducci, 61
Forte dei Marmi (Lucca) 89 671 0584 Tel