il Forte , finito di costruire nel 1788 , era chiamato “Forte Lorenese”, non svolgeva solo le funzioni di nucleo di difesa dalle incursioni dei pirati, ma anche quelle di magazzino dei marmi, prima che fossero imbarcati: diventò presto per tutti il “Forte dei Marmi”.
Attraverso gli anni questa bella Località della Versilia (territorio che prende il nome dall’omonimo Fiume che scorre per 24 Km . nelle Province di Lucca e Massa Carrara ) racchiusa tra verdi pinete e il mare, è diventata one of the most welcoming city, known in the tourist scene and elegant Italian and world.
For lovers of quality Kitchen in Forte dei Marmi is a matter of great interest, an irresistible attraction: the Restaurant Lorenzo .
of this mythical Local and his extraordinary Patron , Lorenzo Viani , you can find the story in detail ' Stock this Blog . The first of
February of each year, reopening after the holidays for me has become a rite to visit Lorenzo, first of all for the great esteem, friendship and affection I have for him but also for the wonderful feeling that you can try sitting on one of its tables. After the holidays by
Lorenzo there is always something new, even in interior design, with the great taste and love for art and beautiful things in the natural constant Family Viani, where the illustrious namesake uncle , Lorenzo Viani , was one of the outstanding pictorial expressions of twentieth century Italian, and another great-uncle, Viani Franco, left, in his, Unfortunately, short-lived, indisputable signs of his innate poetic .
This year, I found, in the cozy rooms of Lorenzo Restaurant, the new and elegant light fixtures that give off a soft light and warm. The woven leather, of "historical" and "precious" chairs, has been reclaimed and brought back to life. Another novelty is the
Tasting Menu Fast, full of interesting six-course meal plus Small pastries at a very attractive price.
The welcome by all the waiting staff, is extremely professional, caring and gentle, with Free Musetti, expert Sommelier (third picture below), Lorenzo Giannini, Alessio Gigli , Mohamed Benzarrou and Simona Petrucci , we "good hands".
Lorenzo , the great master and "gentleman" the restaurant world with his great charm, helped by the lovely and talented daughter Clare is always able to offer guests the " best of the best, thanks his extraordinary culinary experience and knowledge that make its spending a method that has made school.
Chiara Viani (see photo above), this year is a full-time in of Family Restaurant , having ceased to follow the nearby Enoteca. She did not like that small fish, but had a sweet tooth, she grew up among so many wonderful dishes, in a unique environment, with, available, a wine cellar where you can find the best world wine production. Through the years, has been passionate about high food, especially the world of wine , today has become an expert and qualified connoisseur with a penchant for big red and Champagne. He graduated
, all ' University of Pisa in Economics, becoming the reference point for all the commercial part of his Company, following with care and attention.
But let's get to taste some new dishes on the menu .
As an aperitif of sparkling Italian, Monterossa Franciacorta Brut Sansevé Satèn , 12.5% \u200b\u200bVol, Agricola Monterosso Paola Rovetta, S. Bornato Cazzago Martino (BS).
Su consiglio di Libero Musetti, i piatti sono stati accompagnati da una buona bottiglia di Riesling 2009 “Castel Ringberg”, D.O.C. Alto Adige/Sudtirol, 13,5% Vol., dell’Azienda Elena Walch di Termeno sulla Strada del Vino (Bolzano), un vino armonico ed equilibrato, dai profumi e i sentori eleganti e persistenti.
In tavola il vassoio con il buon pane fresco assortito della casa:
- Misto mare al vapore con maionese fatta al carrello;
- Scampetto croccante su julienne di zucchine profumate alla menta;
- Calamaro ripieno di pesce bianco su purea di melanzana profumata al basilico;
- Filetti di triglia dorati con pomodorini secchi and olives on soft polenta;
- Squid (pasta shape belonging to the family of Paccheri ) with broccoli and fish from the seabed;
- Monkfish in "gremolada" (condiment used to flavor, is a chopped parsley and garlic with lemon zest is added after cooking) with a timbale of basmati rice (soft variety grown mainly in India) with saffron;
- warm pear tart, chocolate and walnut ice cream with flowers milk;
- Small pastries. The great
Chef Joachim Pontrelli (right in the first photo below) that from 1984 is with Lorenzo , no exceptions, his preparations were all very well presented, cooked to perfection and extraordinary tastes: BRAVISSIMO . I
"stolen" in Lorenzo a chat between a few minutes and the other, we have digressed from his holidays to prepare for the opening in the fall of the new Restaurant of Armani Milano in the third room The following person, after those of New York and Dubai. Finally I express all my appreciation and congratulations for the great tasting made. The legendary
Ristorante Lorenzo di Forte dei Marmi non è solo un posto super premiato, anche con una “Stella Michelin”, dove si mangia molto bene, ma è uno straordinario luogo dove l’ospite fa un “percorso” eccezionale, tra raffinatezza, eleganza e gusto.
Sono venuto via abbracciando affettuosamente Lorenzo e dando un grosso bacione a Chiara, insieme, visto che era il 10 febbraio giorno del suo compleanno, ai miei più sinceri auguri.
PS. Se volete vedere una esclusiva ed interessantissima Video intervista Lorenzo that has given me, click on the link below:
Lorenzo Ristorante Via Carducci, 61
Forte dei Marmi (Lucca) 89 671 0584 Tel

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