Thanks to the resources of " the European External Borders " Framework Programme 2007-08 against migration , the General Command of armed force has bought five sophisticated EL/M-2226 ACSR (Advanced Coastal Surveillance Radar) made by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd (IAI).
radars are specially designed for the detection of small fast boats. " The high-resolution images captured by the system - inform the manager of the Israeli war - are used to prevent illegal immigration and illegal fishing, drug trafficking, terrorist attacks and smuggling, for carry out search and rescue missions, identifying targets for aircraft, ships, submarines, radar signals emitted by antennas .
The EL / M-2226 has a capacity of over 50 kilometers, located at sea level, is able to find a fast boat or a dinghy 10 miles to 7.

" exposure azimuthal angle is 1.5 °, while the height is 3.5 ° " adds Elta Systems . " The system configuration was developed in the short, medium and long-range and incorporates a fixed antenna, a radio transmitter, a receiver, a signal processor and a control unit and computer management. The network of different radar systems can be easily controlled by a single command center / remote VTMS. The EL / M-2226 has been installed along the Israeli coast and integrated maritime defense network will be strengthened with five more powerful radar stations. The Israeli navy has used this system in January 2002 to locate the boat in the Red Sea Kareen A Palestinian carrying weapons . Now it Italy's turn against migrants and refugees fleeing conflicts in Africa and the Middle East .
Although the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza maintain the confidentiality of the five selected locations to install microwave radar, three of them are known. This is Gagliano del Capo (Lecce), Syracuse Sant'Antioco and the island of Sardinia. In
Salento the plant will be built in an area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters located between the towns "Sciuranti" and "Salanar", within the perimeter of the park Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca - Woods Tricase .
In Sicilia , il radar sarà installato a Capo Murro di Porco presso la stazione di sollevamento fognario del Comune di Siracusa, zona sottoposta a vincolo paesaggistico ed archeologico e prospiciente l’oasi marina protetta del Plemmirio, istituita nel 2005.
Il terzo impianto sarà creato invece all’interno dell’ex stazione radio militare di Sant’Antioco di proprietà della Regione Sardegna, in località Capo Sperone – Su Monti de su Semaforu. Si tratta di una splendida area costiera ricadente nel parco di “Carbonia ed Isole Sulcitane”, dove sono presenti pure fabbricati particolarmente significativi dal punto di vista storico-culturale and architecture.
In all three places, the radar antenna will be mounted atop towers 36 meters high, will be carried out extensive concrete platforms, shelters and cabins for containing the transmission equipment .

The contract was awarded by the General Command of the GDF and the call without the prior publication of a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, on the grounds that " works and services can be provided only by a particular supplier, the Almaviva SpA, which owns the technical requirements and reserved rights of the materials ".
With an annual turnover of 865 million €, Roman society was very active in the field of defense and security . In addition to the Finance Police, among his clients appear to NATO, the Joint Chiefs of Staff , the ' Air Force, the Navy , the' Carabinieri and the Department of Public Safety .
" cooperate with the police in the management of safety at sea, the territorial borders and airports, and in the protection of critical infrastructure," explains the manager of Almaviva. "We develop systems for command, control, communications, territorial surveillance and messaging applications for logistics and personnel, technologies and biometric solutions for identification. We have developed systems C4I, strategic and tactical operations for the management of land, air and naval integration services surveillance radar and electro-optical and information from various types of sensors deployed on fixed platforms or mobile .
Almaviva is one of the key private actors in the field of politics "securitarian and immigration enforcement. In addition to cooperating with the government in the implementation of electronic residence permit, "the company participates in projects under the National Operational Programme (NOP)" Security for Development - Towards Convergence 2007-2013 ", aimed to" increase the conditions safety and legality in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Puglia. On April 21, 2010, in consortium with Unisys SpA and Srl Secom, Almaviva has won the tender called by the Central Directorate of Immigration and Border Police for the creation of a "system of information collection, analysis and aimed at coordinating their monitoring activities to tackle illegal immigration across the Mediterranean and extended land borders (Satmar).
The company has finally secured the technological updating and software for the operation of four systems for monitoring coastal MCSS (Mobile Coastal Surveillance System). These are the configuration of the mobile radar Israeli EL/M-2226 ACSR, the Guardia di Finanza located in Calabria and Sicily from the summer of 2008, thanks to the European structural funds under the "Operational Safety Program for the development of Southern of Italy - CSF 200/2006.
"MCSS The complex, fully set up by the Israeli company IAI-Elta Electronics Industries Ltd. of Ashdod, consists of four elements: the search radar, the system of recognition optronic, the shelter and transport vehicle manufactured by Iveco "says the command of the GDF. "For their use requires three operators: engaged in the discovery and recognition, employee communications and the driver of the vehicle. The shelter for the body are installed radio equipment necessary to ensure liaison with operating rooms, transportation, land and naval transport aircraft and radar. The system is safe: it has been tested for radiation protection and within the parameters established in order to emissions of electromagnetic waves .
not think so residents of the town of Montallegro in the province of Agrigento. After the placement of mobile radar in the coastal strip between Bovo Marina and Eraclea Minoa, the inexplicable failure to register on electrical installations, alarm systems and appliances.
article: Antonio Mazzeo
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