circulating on the Internet a little article we report intact, without changing even a comma:
Rome, 2 February (Adnkronos Health) - Giving entirely to meat and animal products could be harmful to health. The diet of the most popular of the moment, the vegan, may in fact increase the risk of clots and atherosclerosis, and therefore heart attack and stroke in people who adopt it, because it helps to make blood vessels more harsh.
It 's the conclusion reached by analysis of a dozen articles published on the subject over the past 30 years, and that appears in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Duo Li, Zhejiang University of China and his team certainly do not deny that high consumers of meat are at greatest risk vascolare. Ma anche i vegani, secondo i loro studi, potrebbero non essere immuni da questo pericolo. La loro alimentazione tende infatti a essere carente di alcuni nutrienti-chiave come il ferro, lo zinco, la vitamina B12, gli acidi grassi Omega3 e i grassi in generale. Come risultato i vegani tendono ad avere elevati livelli di omocisteina e bassi livelli di colesterolo buono Hdl nel sangue, entrambe situazioni che espongono al rischio di malattie cardiache.
Ma una soluzione mirata esiste, assicurano gli esperti. Basta aumentare l’apporto di vitamina B12 e di acidi grassi Omega3. E per chi non accetta di mettere in tavola questi alimenti, anche gli integratori possono servire ”.
This is the last spot in the series, great to be scrawled on the walls of some toilet train in time for Carnival .
not react seriously to these daily ramblings of the losers, ie those who see the rug out from under their feet, and who can not find a shred of scientific argument in support of their choices, I'd be all day to counteract nonsense, scemenzette and scemenzone.
I never said such a short article. I only do it because I came from ten different readers, outraged by iniquity, from the nerve and the public miseducation inherent in it.

enough to shell out four smears penniless teacher of any state universities and you find yourself holding a signed commentary contains things that interest you.
Needless to say, absurd phrases, like "you are vegan stroke", which would be embarrassing and compromising as well as unrealistic. Suffice it to say instead " vegan you may be having a stroke ," and the play is made . People forget the avalanche of evidence showing that, in order to avoid the aforementioned terrible disease, it is imperative to be vegan, and anything else that vegans. People feel so that phrase on the 'stroke vegan as likely as jarring and wrong, but still beat the cheater is in the head and creates confusion, suspicion and doubt. Exactly what premium for products cadaverali. Create least doubt. And if in doubt, people continue to consume their products .
do not need to convince, demonstrate, make formula, to provide reliable documents and artifacts. fact, strictly forbidden to do so. Find statistics
associating heart attacks, strokes and cancer for vegetarians and vegans, it would be difficult but not impossible undertaking. Not paying you succeed.
would be like trying to prove that the blood is good and no orange juice. would be like trying to prove that the water makes you drunk and no wine. Eventually you would get the opposite effect .

Eco-funeral-food abound. Other than Dante, Leonardo and St. Francis of Assisi! "Blessed are animals, especially those intended for slaughter! "slogan seems to be required of the beautiful country of today.
is then explained why these Sibylline messages, these counter-carnivoristiche at all levels. The television shamelessly butcher, like all media, not enough.
dirt should disseminate cultural concepts and specious and false in every where and every where in every . should be mucking with advertising carnofila latrine each and every process. The mated animals are realizing that the vegan movement is growing! Here is their reach, their painful and desperate attempt to reverse the situation, and to change current trends.

a truly revolting and horrifying that the background has not only the apocalyptic scenes of animals pushed or dragged to rope in the death chambers, but no less desperate scenes of hospital wards, where 95% of heart disease worse and cancer applies only to consumers of animal protein, which is the most unhealthy food and pathological adopted by human folly . Need
maybe go to China? Just go to any hospital room and talk to the anatomy of the first cancer research you find. We never hear about fruit and vegetables, nor of crap on B12 and Omega 3. you speak with deep voice of malonic aldehyde, of acreolina of diethyl-silbestrolo of trimethyl-colantrene of coprosterolo, ethyl and methyl mercaptan, cadaverine and putrescine to, ammonia, nitrosamines and aflatoxins, of Bacillus suipestifer, of streptococcus bovis bacillus, Bacillus clostidrium. All things of exclusive slaughterhouses.
They went to take the statistics in China, and have developed bringing together the writings of the past 30 years. I am 30 years exactly that I am living mainly in the Asian region. If any country in the world dove non esiste un singolo vegano è la Cina .
La parola vegetariano in cinese significa uno che mangia tanta verdura e, in questo esatto senso, i cinesi sono vegetariani. Ma si ingozzano dal primo all’ultimo di carne bianca, cioè di pollo, di anatra e di pesce, ovvero delle peggiori carni del mondo .
Peggiori ancora di quelle di maiale e di manzo, che negli ultimi anni stanno pure espandendosi notevolmente. Oltre ai noti fenomeni putrefattivi, acidificanti, diabetizzanti e nefritizzanti, esse danno pure la falsa idea dell’innocuità, per cui la gente non adopera nemmeno i freni dell’accortezza e del buon senso .
Il lato comico della questione statistics is that vegans do not exist either in China or in Italy. There are scarce because the vegetarian population ill, and is completely lacking the vegan population ill.
in the United States, statistics abound, and to try samples of valid and consistent, you should contact the Mormons, or the Seventh Day Adventists, where to find a vegan who became ill with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and kidney problems, is impossible.

Diamo a Cesare quello che è di Cesare. Ossia la salute al veganismo e la micidiale triade cancro-infarto-ictus al caseinismo, al bianco-carnivorismo e al rosso-carnivorismo .
Parliamo allora un po’ di scienza e non di mercenarie e venali puttanate. Il cibo più facilmente scomponibile dall’organismo umano è la frutta. Il più problematico e difficile sono le proteine animali. Più proteine si mangiano e meno energia disponibile abbiamo per le altre migliaia di funzioni corporee, prima fra tutte quella basilare della eliminazione delle nostre organic waste.
The body recycles 70% of protein residues and waste, and lost only 23 grams of protein per day average. Our body draws on a pool of amino acids similar to an ATM open 24 hours a day, and involves amino acids that circulate in the blood and lymphatic system. There is never
protein deficiency but always excess acid, especially if one is charged with more than 24 grams of protein a day (that amount is also found in most tattered anorexic and vegan diet).
Where then are the real fanatics and fanatical true?
're in the majority of the people framed by the system frameworks, confusion by the authors di questi messaggi tanto demenziali quanto assimilati dalle menti già deboli e ampiamente diseducate.
Primo grave errore, l’uso della proteina animale, con scadente nutrimento e conseguente affamamento cellulare.
Secondo grave errore, il logico sovraconsumo compensativo di amidi (pasta, pane, dolci e zucchero concentrato).
Terzo grave errore, la carenza di sodio organico (quella del cavolo crudo, del sedano, del crescione, ecc), provocata da amidi e zuccheri, e collaterale consumo compensativo di sale marino e di integratori minerali.
I cibi che causano più problemi sono carne, pollame, pesce, latte, formaggi, zuccheri e fat, all-devitalized material, all material junk, all materials are free of its natural vitamins, its enzymes and its mineral organic .

Only plants with foliar receptive devices are able to capture the light and the electromagnetic force of the sun, and deposit it in the shoots, tubers, roots, fruits, in seeds.
A diet of fruits and vegetables and solar power at the atomic level. The live food is easy to digest, so that energy costs will eat itself to zero, while the meat gives you 1000 calories and you steal it in 1100 long digestion-assimilation-expulsive .
is no coincidence that in areas ammalanti and dark gray color and X-rays, with vibrations below 3000 Agstrom, while the human body in full health is on the average and absolute minimum of 6500 Angstrom .
With living food, obesity, constipation that is the most dangerous disease becomes rare. The raw vegetables, especially radish, Cresion, prezzemolo, sedano, topinambur, rape, cavoli, contengono insuline ed inuline vegetali, autentiche dighe al diabete .

C’è una generale carenza di calcio e di fosforo organico tra la popolazione, specialmente tra i bambini in crescita. I caseari ne approfittano illudendo il mondo che col calcio inorganico-colloso-caseinico si risolvano le carenze, mentre in realtà amplificano a macchia d’olio un popolo già troppo osteoporotico e calcificato.
Trattiamoci bene, dunque, vegani, vegetariani e pseudo-carnivori, e ne guadagneremo in salute e in karma!
E’ estremamente sciocco che l’uomo tradisca se stesso per soddisfare i falsi bisogni del proprio palato. Ammazzare altri esseri porta solo effetti distruttivi alla nostra salute mentale e spirituale, nonché, in seconda battuta, alla nostra salute fisica. Il corpo è il nostro giardino e la nostra abitazione!
Dobbiamo riservargli sempre la massima cura. E’ fondamentale selezionare per lui il carburante giusto.
Non ne siete convinti? Vi interessano davvero i numeretti e i confronti?
There are detailed and verifiable statistics on an entire nation, which is the North American Indians Pimas, divided by the US-Mexican border. The American Arizona Pimas first, now within a few decades, most obese people, dialysis, diabetes and cancer in the world, and the Mexican Pimas other, remained in the mountainous area near Sierra Madre, call Pimeira still strong, healthy and muscular . The Arizona Pimas
ruined by McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and those of Pimeira saved from their traditional quasi-vegan or vegan diet (see my essay "The formidable check of Pimas ", del 02/05/2009).
Articolo di: Valdo Vaccaro
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