Sunday, March 6, 2011

Menopause Bleeding After 10 Yreas

Colbricon 2602 m

family holiday, so nothing skialp ... These were my intentions when we started traveling to San Martino di Castrozza, but when in the vicinity of Passo Rolle I spotted this beautiful mountain, I immediately informed my wife (holy woman) that I would do at least one flight.
not even knowing what was the name of the mountain that I had spotted, after spending a first day on the slopes of Punta Ces together with my son, I immediately looked for a bookstore where I purchased a pair of guides and a pair of cards Tobacco through which I could see The mountain in question was "Colbricon" and had a classic ski mountaineering trip in the area.
Given that "Bambi" (my son Mark) was rather "cooked" after the whole day skiing, now organize solo flight, in the sense that I was alone on board of my car. Yes, the parking lot because I already have found a huge number of cars and several skialper ready to start and with which, in essence, I shared the climb.
course, if all of those cars has generated the usual "agitation", so I started to force the pace to reach and surpass all that had preceded me skialper at the start, but two guys (one of which a provincial forester) who obviously were upset as much as I was.
Instead of the climb, I made the descent in perfect solitude, accompanied only by the rustle the magnificent soft dust that still covered the hills north of Colbricon. In short, a great trip, which offers a stunning panorama of the nearby Pale di San Martino.

From the parking lot located on the road that leads to Predazzo Passo Rolle, a little further upstream of the crossroads for Passo Valles, part of a forest road (sign) that runs along l'indicazione per la Malga Colbricon. Raggiunta la radura nella quale รจ ubicata la malga, si prosegue in direzione sud-est in piano attraverso un bosco rado. Proseguendo a mezza costa, in leggera discesa, si raggiunge una piana dalla quale, superata una costola rocciosa alla nostra destra, si inizia a salire verso destra per un avvallamento (quota 1870 m. circa). Continuando a salire in obliquo verso destra su terreno ondulato, si raggiunge la Forcella Colbricon a quota 2420 m, dalla quale si raggiunge una spalla a sinistra che si risale, transitando sotto un breve e ripido pendio. Dalla spalla, in obliquo verso destra, si raggiunge la vetta (paletto di legno)  superando un ultimo tratto ripido. La discesa si effettua per l'itinerario di climb.

pearls photos of the trip click here , or the title of the post


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