Men once believed that the meat was necessary to produce blood. Now it is known that only fresh fruit, berries and vegetables provide the body with vital energy.
The beef soup has long been considered a valuable tonic and stimulating, almost indispensable for the sick weak. Now, we know what the opposite is true.
According to an eminent French physician, the beef broth is a "real solution of poisons." Dr. Austin Flint of Bellevue Hospital College, one of the leading physicians of America, did a chemical analysis of beef broth and found that the result era praticamente lo stesso di un'analisi dell'urina .
E' inevitabile che sia così, perchè il brodo di manzo, il brodo di carne, il brodo di pollo, il bollito e gli estratti di carne di tutti i tipi sono dei veri e propri tessuti disintegrati, preparati artificialmente, proprio come l'urina, che è composta da tessuti disintegrati, prodotti dal metabolismo dei corpo.
Il brodo di carne, pertanto, è un veleno che intossica. Non ha proprietà nutritive, il suo uso non è mai indicato, e non ha alcuna capacità di aiutare i malati deboli o i convalescenti .
Maryse Bouchard, ricercatrice del "Department of Environmental and Occupational Health "(University of Montreal) discovered that adding the meat in the diet, the toxicity of the urine increased by 50%, and if the diet consisted entirely of meat, increased the toxicity of 400% .
Indeed by eating meat, the content of uric acid urine increases from three to ten times. In light of this, it should be noted that uric acid, in combination with other toxins, is considered by many researchers the most among all active substances that produce disease .
one time was supposed to, even, that meat was particularly beneficial in the treatment of tuberculosis both it is true that a few years ago a German enthusiast institution founded for the purpose of feeding the consumptive exclusively with meat (using mainly raw meat). The initiative failed in six months.
The flesh decomposes in the digestive tract, the venom is absorbed and the resulting contaminated blood, with disastrous results. This is the main cause that predisposes to cancer, tuberculosis and other diseases.
post mortem examinations, made in hundreds of cases to Phipps Institute in Philadelphia, showed that the ' 86% of all patients with tuberculosis also had kidney patients, and in a fairly advanced stage .
Weakening kidney is, in fact, among the most common causes of death in pulmonary tuberculosis. And it is always meat to be generally responsible for Bright's disease and other renal .
In a diet composed of fruits, nuts and vegetables, cancer patients have in their hands the means to free themselves largely if not wholly, from the fear that accompanies this terrible disease. I checked it many times through my own experience, and, in the treatment of this disease, I opened the door even wider since I knew the value of a similar diet . "(George Biack , MD) .
" The food animal abuse which becomes larger every day, not a food in any sense, but a continuous poison. "(Prof. Dr. Huchard ).
" It 'been noticed the huge number of deaths in America due to Bright's disease. I have no doubt that a diet rich in meat to spoil the kidneys, where, in particular, we consider the experiments of dr. Newburgh, which prove with mathematical certainty that we can produce also Bright's disease in mice by putting them on a diet with plenty of meat "- (M. Hindhede , MD, Commissioner of Health in Denmark )
" 75% of the most terrible diseases of which suffer, are basically caused by food poisoning do not occur naturally. Nature says, in a way that can not be misunderstood, that man is an animal frugivorous and carnivorous. "- ( Alexander Haig MA, FRCP).
Also, for more than a hundred years , doctors have argued insistently the absurd theory that a diet consisting mainly of meat was essential for the successful treatment of diabetes . Nothing more 'fake! That is, if anything, the reason why these patients do not heal ever! The doctors "without drugs" have shown, in fact, that a diet of meat worsens the disease, increasing even the presence of sugar in the urine.
A diet of lean meat was, however, long been considered beneficial in cases of obesity . Now it is known that in such cases of imbalance if there is a tendency to develop diabetes increases this by eating the meat.

Allo stesso modo Hindhede ha condannato anche le uova e il latte usando queste parole: " Cio' che è stato detto sulla carne è valido per le uova e in parte per il latte ".
Il beri-beri, lo scorbuto, il rachitismo e la pellagra sono malattie da deficienza, e spesso risultano dal mangiare troppa carne. Tutti i tipi di carne mancano di molti elementi che il corpo deve avere per costruire dei tessuti sani: questa, effettivamente, è completely lacking in vitamins and calcium salts that. Only fresh fruit, berries and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and eating will take all the substances that the body needs.
It was not a coincidence that a few years ago, a gastroenterologist startled the medical world by saying that " stomach ulcer is a disease reserved for those who eat meat .
Unfortunately all those meat eaters who are either too weak to break with the habit or whose dividends depend on the meat canning industry, are always ready to make a big publicity to any information that seems to help their cause.
Many people are so ì led to believe that for strength and stamina you need to eat red meat, forgetting that the oxen and elephants take their great strength and the blood from the grass and leaves, rich in vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.
The weak, thin and anemic, instead of eating calf liver and cod liver oil, should eat foods of vegetable life, the lack of which is starving their blood and their body has become ill.
Information about the risks of eating meat, should be sufficient to greatly reduce the consumption of meat. But if the risks are limitassero solo a quanto scritto sopra, l'argomento sarebbe di così poca importanza da ricevere poca attenzione da parte nostra.

Questo si verifica poichè un pasto zeppo di proteine animali causa un sovraccarico di lavoro per il cuore, which is comparable in extent, total activity of the heart of two or three hours.
The meat then going down in the stomach and intestines of man, as if it were lying under the summer sun by the roadside, and this, of course, cause more damage than it has ever been said or discovered .
One of the meat products is decomposed urine, and it does not matter if the flesh has decomposed in the stomach, into the pot or the butcher. The products of the decomposed flesh pass into the blood of meat eaters, and must be filtered out by the kidneys as a toxic waste, which only serves to weaken the body and wear down the kidneys, leading to disease Bright and other kidney diseases .
Meat, down in the digestive tract, which is a beautiful theater, painted with all colors of a wax doll, forms one of the most deadly poisons that chemists have ever known, giving the breath a nauseating smell that attempts to correct chewing gums and candies flavored. Almost all dentists, unfortunately, they claim that the odor comes exclusively from bad teeth, showing, in this way, although they have yet to learn and understand .
When the blood becomes so contaminated with these poisons, the skin comes to his rescue and, in a process of emergence, create an eruption: the doctors can call it morbillo, varicella, eczema, e così via, e cercano di "curare la malattia " con altri veleni sottotorma di farmaci e sieri.
Non c'è da stupirsi se il grande Metchnikoff , dopo una vita di studi sull'argomento, abbia dichiarato che è la putrefazione alimentare la responsabile delle morti premature, che è causa di tutte le malattie, perchè questi veleni, altamente pericolosi, passano dal canale alimentare nella linfa e nel sangue, e da questi sono condotti in tutte le parti dei corpo: il fegato, i polmoni, i reni, il cuore e il cervello .
Qual è il rimedio safe? The removal of the cause, not the use of drugs, serums and scalpel.
remember, finally, that just needs the last world war have served to demonstrate the value of a low protein diet. Pigs and cattle were killed in Europe in order to maintain supplies of food, and people are fed for some time especially fruit and vegetables . The result was a one-third reduction in mortality, as well as a large reduction in disease .
Some diseases such as diabetes, obesity, gout, digestive disorders, problems of liver and kidney diseases and other food disappeared almost completely.
La gente rovina la propria salute mangiando carne e paga i medici per farsi curare i sintomi che provengono da questo abuso, quando gli stessi medici ne ignorano la causa, soffrendo e morendo prematuramente e allo stesso modo per la stessa "malattia" causata dallo stesso problema .
Autore: Hilton Hotema
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