Dell ' Wine con Cucina “Il Puntodivino” e del suo Patron Stefano Niccoli potete trovare molte altre notizie nell’ Archivio di questo Blog , voglio, però, ricordare la grande passione di Stefano per il “Vino Buono al prezzo giusto”, e che, con la sua grandissima esperienza, ogni sua scelta è sinonimo di qualità garantita.
Azienda Agricola Adriano Marco e Vittorio , ubicata nella Frazione di San Rocco Seno D’Elvio , ad Alba , in Provincia of Cuneo. Their family history was established in early 1900 when Giuseppe Adriano , sharecropper, began to cultivate the vines. Then his son Aldo in addition to helping his father initially, he bought a small farm . Through the years the ' Company has grown, thanks also to the children of Aldo : Marco following carefully and Vines Vittorio dedicated to all winemaking processes . Marco and Vittorio have wisely stepped in and developed the production of wine, and bottling their own 1994. From 1990, grew commitment wine, the cattle have failed to Fassona. Today, in addition to the manicured hazel and other land, has 21 hectares of vineyards with grape varieties (Nebbiolo, Barbera, Dolcetto, Moscato) and Sauvignon.
Farm Criolin family Canavero, father and son Angelo Claudio, is in Frazione S. Grateful , Castagnole Lanze , one of the maggiormente rinomate dell’ Astigiano vitivinicolo. Claudio , classe 1975 , si è diplomato all’ Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale “Umberto I” di Alba , una Scuola importante, legata al territorio, che prepara molto bene i suoi studenti. Tra le Langhe e il Monferrato hanno 7 ettari di vigneti di cui 2 dedicati al Moscato e producono vini sinceri e dalle indubbie qualità
Azienda Agricola Rigo di Rigo Silvano , è situata nel territorio del Comune d’Alba , Cuneo , è a conduzione familiare, Silvano e il padre Secondo , che l’ha fondata. Ha una estensione di circa 10 ettari, nel prestigioso territorio “Sorì Piadvenza”, a circa 400 metri sul livello del mare, nel cuore della zona d’origine del Dolcetto.
Società Semplice Agricola Aurelio Settimo , La Morra , in Provincia di Cuneo , nasce dalla volontà dei genitori di Aurelio , che dal 1943 , in una vecchia fattoria, iniziarono a coltivare vigneti, alberi da frutta e noccioleti, with the rearing of cows, chickens and rabbits. In the late 50 , Aurelio's father, Domenico , began to bottle, some of its wine production, with the tag "Seventh Domenico. Since 1962 , Aurelio , intensified and specialized production in the wine industry was born so "Aurelio Settimo". Today ' Company produces an average of about 40,000 bottles (more than 60% go abroad) thanks to their six hectares planted to Nebbiolo from Barolo Dolcetto D'Alba el'ettaro, ed è portata avanti con mano sicura dalla figlia Tiziana che segue attentamente la filosofia produttiva della famiglia basata sulla qualità nel rispetto della tradizione.
Ma torniamo alla serata all’ Enoteca con Cucina Il Puntodivino .
In un Locale al completo, immerso in una piacevolissima atmosfera di calda convivialità, si è svolta la degustazione dei Vini Piemontesi abbinati alle preparazioni scelte dalla cucina.
Per le Aziende produttrici erano presenti Vittorio Adriano , con la sua gentile consorte Grazia and Claudio Canavero .
were served after the ' Bars, Criolin Chardonnay "Praddone Vineyard 2009" , Vol 14%, DOC Piedmont
- guinea fowl salad, lettuce, tomato and pine green, with New Oil Extra Virgin Olive Bargecchia (LU), drops of balsamic vinegar and truffle San Miniato (PI). In the accompanying
: Dolcetto Di Diano D'Alba DOC "Piadvenza Vineyard 2009", Rigo.
- Rice with Pigeon and juniper berries.
With Barbera D'Alba Superiore ( ages in oak barrels ) DOC 2008, Vol 13.5%, of Adrian and Mark Victor.
- Pot roast, Nebbiolo Aurelio Settimo, of manzettina nostrale Garfagnina , with mashed potatoes.
On this dish, very important, two wines were served: Aurelio Settimo Barolo DOCG "Rocche 2005, 14% Vol , and Adriano Marco and Vittorio Barbaresco DOCG " Basarin 2006, 14% Vol.
- Pistachio parfait.
In combination: Criolin Moscato D'Asti, DOCG, 2009 .
Throughout the evening, the producers present, have presented to all participants, their respective companies , their production and in particular, have described accurately Wine taken. For
were served after the ' Bars, Criolin Chardonnay "Praddone Vineyard 2009" , Vol 14%, DOC Piedmont
- guinea fowl salad, lettuce, tomato and pine green, with New Oil Extra Virgin Olive Bargecchia (LU), drops of balsamic vinegar and truffle San Miniato (PI). In the accompanying
: Dolcetto Di Diano D'Alba DOC "Piadvenza Vineyard 2009", Rigo.
- Rice with Pigeon and juniper berries.
With Barbera D'Alba Superiore ( ages in oak barrels ) DOC 2008, Vol 13.5%, of Adrian and Mark Victor.
- Pot roast, Nebbiolo Aurelio Settimo, of manzettina nostrale Garfagnina , with mashed potatoes.
On this dish, very important, two wines were served: Aurelio Settimo Barolo DOCG "Rocche 2005, 14% Vol , and Adriano Marco and Vittorio Barbaresco DOCG " Basarin 2006, 14% Vol.
- Pistachio parfait.
In combination: Criolin Moscato D'Asti, DOCG, 2009 .
Throughout the evening, the producers present, have presented to all participants, their respective companies , their production and in particular, have described accurately Wine taken. For
Rigo and Aurelio Settimo, which had not been able to intervene, the "arduous" task has fallen to the landlord, Stefano Niccoli, and it was done, as usual, very well thanks to his great knowledge of the subject.
Wines Piedmont a ratio money extraordinary, combined with well cooked and presented dishes.
Magnificent "Stew" made a beautiful cut rump of an animal raised on pasture (pasture only organic and soy), the holding of Simone Togneri in Garfagnana , Loc Cascio to Fiattone , City of Gallicano in Province of Lucca . A good meat, provided by the Butcher "Mason Dino of Michelangelo Masoni, Piazza Cavour 17 Viareggio (Lu), who had artfully prepared by maturation 37 days.
The pleasant evening ended of thanks, greetings and souvenir photos, and to round off with a delightful homage by Victor Adriano, who gave us a jar of "Cugnà" the grape mustard from their produced, in addition to excellent with even the boiled polenta and cheese.
Wines Piedmont a ratio money extraordinary, combined with well cooked and presented dishes.
Magnificent "Stew" made a beautiful cut rump of an animal raised on pasture (pasture only organic and soy), the holding of Simone Togneri in Garfagnana , Loc Cascio to Fiattone , City of Gallicano in Province of Lucca . A good meat, provided by the Butcher "Mason Dino of Michelangelo Masoni, Piazza Cavour 17 Viareggio (Lu), who had artfully prepared by maturation 37 days.
The pleasant evening ended of thanks, greetings and souvenir photos, and to round off with a delightful homage by Victor Adriano, who gave us a jar of "Cugnà" the grape mustard from their produced, in addition to excellent with even the boiled polenta and cheese.

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