The mysterious deaths of many ufologists (and beyond) "
Morte per fucilata al cranio. Morte per sospetto avvelenamento. Morte per sospetto strangolamento. Morti a causa di possibili virus letali impiantati nel corpo ". Eppure le morti sospette di ufologi quali
Phil Schneider ,
Ron Johnson ,
Ann Livingston e
Karla Turner , così come quelle di
tantissimi ufologi del passato , sembrano solo enfatizzare una realtà con la quale molti dei più importanti ufologi sono oggi diventati più Family:
not only is UFO research potentially harmful, but the lifespan of the average of ufologists committed, is decidedly shorter than the national average .
However, the mysterious deaths among ufologists are not new.
In 1971 the renowned researcher Otto Binder wrote an article for the '
Saga magazine's Special UFO Report ' titled "Liquidation of the UFO Investigators
He himself had conducted investigations into the death of 137 people including researchers, writers, scientists and witnesses involved in ufology, died in the previous 10 years, many of them in circumstances mysterious. The selected cases Binder related to many heart attacks, cancers and fulminating strange murders .
We will have the opportunity to talk about many of these cases, but first look at suspicious deaths of more or less recent.
PHIL SCHNEIDER He was found murdered Jan. 17, 1996 at his home. This killing seemed to military performance in all respects: autopsy revealed the fact that Phil was also strangled with the catheter was in use.
But if the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, as were the controversial revelations he disclosed publicly before his death. Phil
era un geologo dilettante ed un esperto in esplosivi. Dichiarò di aver lavorato in 13 delle 129 installazioni sotterranee che, stando alle sue testimonianze, il governo USA aveva già costruito dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
Due di queste basi erano grandi ed includevano la famosa base di
Dulce ,
New Mexico , dove si sospetta da tempo si faccia della retro-ingegneria aliena.
Schneider diceva che i Grigi lavoravano insieme a tecnici USA e che, nel 1979, in seguito ad un fraintendimento tra alieni e umani vi fu una sorta di sparatoria durante la quale gli alieni presero in ostaggio alcuni tecnici e scienziati terrestri.
Furono ben 66, tra agenti segreti, FBI caps and blacks, to die in the crash. He, too, on that occasion, he was struck in the chest, and, most likely, this was the cause of a cancer that appeared a few years later, in the very area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
If things were really that way Schneider had broken the "code of silence
" imposed on all employees to the secret projects and whose penalty is death. It was no coincidence that, before being killed, 14 others suffered attacks of various kinds. He said publicly that they "scored" knowing that he would not live long.
Some of his accusations are worthy of attention:
1) the U.S. government made a deal with the alien Greys in 1954, this agreement is called the Grenada Treaty
2) much of the stealth technology was developed by reverse engineering the UFO aliens schiantatisi ground;
3) the AIDS virus was a laboratory for control the population
invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory Chicago, Illionois;
4) to all, the U.S. government has a device that causes earthquakes.
Whatever may be the opinion on its statements, it is undeniable that had attracted the attention of the FBI and CIA . According to the testimony of his wife a widow, some secret agents sift carefully his home after his death and kidnapped at least 1 / 3 of family photos.
RON Rummel Ex-intelligence agent 's USAF and editor of' Digest Alien '(from August 6, 1993), Rummel "allegedly" shot himself in the mouth .
"Presumably" because: 1) according to the statements of his friends there was no blood on the gun and this was completely free of fingerprints, 2) the suicide note left by the assumption seems written by a left-handed person, and not as a right-handed instead it was Ron, and 3) his body emanated a whiff of sodium pentothal. His
newspaper touched hot topics like the look and predator / prey relationships of the human / alien, and the use of humans as a food source and exploitation to recycle parts of the bodies of aliens.
It 's very likely that this information went beyond the confines prohibited activities, which puts them committed suicide. "
Very interesting, finally, the fact that one of his best friends was just
Phil Schneider with whom he frequently collaborated.
RON 'Jerrold' JOHNSON Deputy Director of Investigations of the MUFON
died at age 43, suddenly and strangely as he was at a meeting of the Society
of Scientific Exploration in Austin (Texas).
During the screening of a movie, some sitting next to him heard a gurgling sound. When the lights came on again, Johnson was on the floor, his face purple, and pouring out copious nasal bleeding. Under his desk, a can of soda.
He died of a stroke, for an allergic reaction to drink or were there other reasons? No doubt, some facts of his life may lead you to believe anything.
In recent times, having worked for Earth Tech Incorporated of Austin, Johnson worked on the propulsion of UFOs' s Institute of Advanced Studies
. An autopsy was declared
inconcludente così come quella di molti altri "morti all'improvviso" e che, come lui, avevano lavorato o collaborato in questo campo o si erano interessati all'argomento UFO.
In questi casi è bene ricordare quanto sia facile, oggi, causare infarti con prodotti chimici e radiazioni pulsanti, o indurre un infarto ed altri mali fisici (come cancri fulminanti). ANN LIVINGSTON Morì agli inizi del 1994 di un cancro alle ovaie molto rapido. Ann era una ragioniera che si dedicava all'ufologia in quanto membro del
MUFON . Difatti, in questa veste, aveva pubblicato un articolo: "
Electronic Harassment and Alien Abductions " sul '
Mufon Journal ' del Novembre 1993. L'articolo criticava duramente
Julianne McKinney , direttrice dell'
Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni , la quale non credeva agli UFO, e li riteneva velivoli governativi sperimentali.
KARLA TURNER Ufologa autrice di
' Masquerade of Angels ', '
Taken ', e '
Into the Fringe ', morta a sua volta di cancro. Sia pubblicamente che privatamente, la Turner smascherava lo spettro della rappresaglia aliena, esposto soprattutto nel libro '
Masquerade of Angels'. We do not know what was in his grounds for suspicion.
FARM DANNY investigative journalist who had investigated a series software, called Project Promise
that could track anyone anywhere in the world, died of a strange suicide in 1991. Casolaro also investigated on the basis of
Pine Gap, on '
Area 51 and its bio-engineering projects carried out by the U.S. government.
MAE Bussel Brave detective leading radio shows, talking off the teeth, "and, like Livingston and Turner, died of fulminant cancer. She also was interested in UFOs.
DECK Slayton Astronaut, was ready to speak publicly of his UFO experiences, but he covered his mouth cancer.
BRIAN LYNCH Young psychic contactee, died in 1985, officially of a drug overdose. According to his sister Geraldine, a year before he was approached by a secret agent working for the PSI-tech
Company of Austin (Texas) confessed that they were doing tests on weapons of war of psychological type. After his death, among his personal effects, was found in the note which was written
4 million from the Pentagon for the Scana project.
DON Elkin pilot for Eastern Airlines in the 80s, he committed suicide after being investigated for more than 10 years, the UFO cover-up.
So what or who are being removed today and ufologists in the past? Maybe some deaths did occur from natural causes or suicide, but, as Otto Binder
already noted 40 years ago, there are way too many.
logic and common sense leads us to believe that all premature deaths in a field that has few investigators are definitely disproportionate .
What we see looks like a chain of events, causal and often fatal:
una grossa minaccia è di sicuro l'attività delle agenzie segrete USA, un'altra è l'intervento diretto degli alieni, una terza è l'utilizzo di tecniche psicologiche portate avanti da alcuni "occultisti" .
È più che probabile questi tre elementi siano responsabili in parte o per tutte quelle morti di ieri e di oggi.
Il fatto, poi, che ben 30 morti "strane" siano associate anche al progetto per lo
Scudo Spaziale effettuato dalla
Marconi Limited in Inghilterra tra il 1985 ed il 1988 ci da conferme in questo senso. Eccone elencate alcune.
ROGER HILL , un disegnatore della
Marconi Defense Systems , shot himself for no apparent reason in March 1985.
JONATHAN WALSH , a digital communications expert employed by the sister company of Marconi, GEC
, fell from the window of his hotel in November 1985, after expressing fears for his life.
Ashad SHARIF, another scientist at Marconi Ltd., hanged himself in October 1986 in a rather "artificial": it seems that, after fixing one end of the rope around his neck and fixing the other end to a plant back into the car, sped up and strangled.
In March 1988
TREVOR KNIGHT , also impiegato della Marconi Ltd., si asfissiò col monossido di carbonio esalato dalla sua auto.
PETER FERRY , direttore del marketing della suddetta ditta, fu trovato fulminato con i fili elettrici infilati in bocca nell'Agosto 1988. Sempre nello stesso mese dello stesso anno,
ALISTAIR BECKHAM fu trovato anch'egli morto fulminato con i fili elettrici arrotolati sul corpo e con un fazzoletto infilato in bocca. Alistair ra un ingegnere della
Plessey Defense Systems , altra azienda consociata della Marconi Ltd.
L'ultimo della lista fu
ANDREW HALL , trovato morto nel Settembre 1988 per avvelenamento da monossido di carbonio.
Giunti At this point it is obvious to ask what connection could exist between the study on the Star Wars and the deaths of UFO: s and, as many have speculated, that the research was initiated with the aim of protect the U.S. from Russia is that the aliens, the real links tick here.
Probably the KGB, realizing that Western forces were perfecting a powerful beam that could be used against them in space, he carried out an offensive to destroy the project. If this is true, and the weapon exists and works, we have an explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unlike
all these scientists discovered the true nature of the project and were subjected to levels of stress to commit suicide en masse, almost. Otherwise found to work with and for non-human beings and they paid the consequences.
One thing is certain: something terrible happened to
Marconi Ltd .
Generally scientists do not commit suicide and even murder as bizarre as those above .
Another possibility is that a contingent of hostile aliens has managed the operation
Star Wars and have decided to boycott it for protection, creating psychological trauma and depression that scientists would then committed suicide. But if we really went in this way, because then ended up dead? The project was abandoned, or perhaps it was better protected?
Perhaps it was completed in 1988 and is now operational.
In truth no one realizes that ufologists are at risk. Not even themselves! Indeed those who believe the deaths of their colleagues in the '50s and '60s seem very suspicious to believe that any force or agency secret behind it, has softened the tactics in the '80s and '90s. But the evidence of the facts do not support this thesis. There is no doubt, however, that things happened in the past strange to say the least.
For example, the most intriguing and gruesome deaths that occurred in that period were those of journalist Dorothy Kilgallen
, astronomer
MORRIS JESSUP Ketchum and the physicist Dr. James McDonald
, the first overdose, the last two conditions for suicide.
The details of these deaths, despite official statements are disturbing, and not a little.
Each of the three was young, successful, successful, and all three were deeply involved in investigating UFO .
Kilgallen, the most famous journalist of his time, well established in England at the highest levels, he wrote two articles that might firmarono la sua condanna a morte. Il primo del febbraio 1954, parlava di
un incontro segreto dei capi militari mondiali programmato per l'estate successiva. L'altro del 1955, pubblicato poco prima della sua morte per overdose accidentale di barbiturici ed alcool (alla Marilyn Monroe, tanto per intenderci), parlava di un ignoto ufficiale inglese di gabinetto, che avrebbe detto: "
Gli UFO sono creati da piccoli omini alti meno di un metro. È spaventoso, ma non si può negare che gli UFO vengano da altri pianeti! ". Qualunque fosse la fonte (pare fosse un nobiluomo della famiglia Mountbatten), questa voce nell'atmosfera degli anni '50 era inaccettabile.
Da ricordare che il
Robertson Panel , cleverly orchestrated by the CIA, had met in 1953 and had issued the famous
In summary
this document and the general attitude of its members, representing a hard line to cover up all the most important UFO cases .
By the year 1953 and the meeting officially began the government cover-up on the phenomenon that continues today, but with very different nuances . But really
Kilgallen killed himself accidentally? Or, perhaps, was helped to do so?
Dr. James McDonald
, Physics of the 'Institute of Atmospheric Physics
and professor at the Department of Meteorology University of Arizona, attempted suicide in 1971.
No one else in the '60s as he had fought hard to convince Congress to seriously address the problem of UFOs, the existence of which was more than convinced . McDonald had become a thorn in the side of those who wanted to maintain the official cover-up, is not to say I miss the penalty, his death was a relief for many.
McDonald, presumably depressed, shot himself in the head in 1971, but , stroke, blindness caused him only a partial, not death. Admitted to a specialized institution, a few months after the first attempt, managed to run away June 14, 1971, and according to the ricostruzione ufficiale, salì su un taxi che lo portò ad un negozio di armi ove comprò una calibro 0.38 spagnola, si fece poi portare verso nord, nel deserto, dove si fece lasciare alle ore 16:00 in un'intersezione. Camminò da solo per un miglio fino al Canyon del Oro, luogo a lui familiare, e lì si sparò.
Ma questa ricostruzione appare francamente davvero poco probabile .
Il suo corpo fu trovato da un signore sotto un ponte il giorno dopo, a mezzogiorno. Quando fu ritrovato, la polizia dichiarò che era morto già da 8-10 ore.
In teoria qualcuno avrebbe potuto intervenire prima per cercarlo se qualcuno avesse chiamato la polizia immediatamente, e se le efficientissime squadre di Search and Rescue in Tucson had been put to work. But no one ever called
astronomer and archaeologist
MORRIS JESSUP Ketchum also committed suicide suspected in Dade County Park, Florida, in 1959. However there is no question that the famous author of important and influential works such as '
The Case for the UFO ' and '
The Expanding Case for the UFO ' in the long run he went into depression. Yes, but why?
Things were not going too well for him, let's face it: divorce, publications, although they had been important over the years, and today they are nowhere to be found, then sold little, his alienation from the scientific and the embittered, the few friends rimastigli (
biologist Ivan T. Sanderson , and dr. Martin Valentine).
Sanderson, said they saw him concerned about "'strange events" that had "engaged in an unreal world and completely sick."
But it was really that shabby, or was led to become one? Anna Genzlinger thoroughly investigated his death and concluded: "
The man was put under a certain type of mind control. At that time he experimented with means of mind control that are now coming to light. Some facts about the case left speechless. It was not even made An autopsy on the body, which by law must be done on any suspected suicide .
Obenclain , who had been in place shortly after the discovery of the corpse, commenting on his death due to carbon monoxide exhaled from his car said, "
Everything was done in a professional manner. The tube was tied with barbed wire and the exhaust was a strangely mechanical and manual watering. .
According to statements by the ex-wife, Morris began to receive strange phone calls right after the investigations into top-secret project conducted by the U.S. Navy, the Philadelphia Experiment
, when, at the time, head of cover UFO-up there was the '
ONI (Office of Naval Investigations).
It does not end here ... FRANK EDWARDS , the noted radio commentator, who, as
James McDonald was pushing for hearings by Congress UFO died of a supposed heart attack on June 24
on the day of ' anniversary of the sighting of Kenneth Arnold . A mere coincidence? Maybe not. Some prominent ufologists
died the same day : ARTHUR BRYANT
, contactee, Richard Church
, State Councillor of CIGIUFO, and science fiction writer
The annals of UFOlogy are frighteningly filled with the deaths of UFO researchers due to strange forms of malignant cancer and fast to lightning strokes, suicides and suspected for a series of strange happenings .
Only one case? And what about former Defense Secretary James Forrestal
, who died of suspected suicide, falling from 16th floor of Bethesda Hospital, where he was hospitalized in 1949? And the writer Damon Runyon ufologist
JR that jumped from a bridge in Washington in 1988? He did it of himself? And what really happened to dr.
B. NOEL OPAN that, in 1959, after an alleged visit of mysterious MIB disappeared, as did Edgar Jarrold
, ufologist Australia the following year?
as he explains the long series of heart attacks that killed
Edwards, the writer
HT Wilkins, Henry E.
Kock, the journalist Frank Scully
and the famous contactee George Adamski
and how to explain the long series of suicide: Rev. Della Larson
, contacts,
author Gloria Lee (Byrd) , UFO researcher who discovered the body of Marie Larson
Ford, and ufologists
Doug Hancock and
Feron Hicks?
What about cancers and malignant Lightning fast that led to the grave ufologist Canadian
Wilbert B. Smith, the Brazilian ufologist Dr. Olavo
Source s
Jim and Coral Lorenzen , the biologist Ivan T.
Sanderson CUFOS and founder of the Dr. Joseph A.
Hynek ?
Certainly not all of them, nor less important that we can not include here, were eliminated.
Many died of natural causes, yes, but others leave serious doubts and still others seem to have the mark of Cain.
We know how easy it is to induce strokes and heart attacks using chemical and beams buttons. We know that some governments are still involved in psycho-technological research e come una mente umana possa essere manipolata, così tanto da portare, in modo subdolo, un soggetto alla pazzia .
L'ufologia non è un passatempo né hobbistico né tantomeno sicuro. Ci sono pericoli reali, nel mettere il naso in alcune cose. Molte morti di cui sopra sono sospette. Altre paiono apertamente delle esecuzioni. A che scopo, e chi le ha attuate?