Cercare di spiegare what they are and how they are practiced so-called " techniques of mental manipulation" in a society almost completely controlled and manipulated like ours, is no easy task. Fortunately, the book written by his lawyer and psychologist together with Marco Della Luna neuropsychiatrist Paul Cioni comes to our aid.
say that our society - as structured - is a real mental cage, immediately stir the champions and defenders of civil rights, waving from the rooftops that terms like "freedom" and "democracy", immediately seek reassure everyone, especially their consciences. Maybe they do not understand. Maybe pretend not to understand that beautiful words like "freedom" and "democracy" does not mean much the first and second are exploited by the establishment and amplified its viability (ie the actual Puppeteers), just to give us the illusion not in a cage .
tell people that they are prisoners of a system is dangerous and counterproductive because it could trigger riots and rebellions, and convince themselves prisoners to be free and in a democracy, and eliminate all forms opposing any attempt to escape.
The title of a book [1] Jesuit Anthony De Mello in this regard it is interesting, because if an eagle, that could easily fly free in heaven, grows with the conviction of being a chicken, will always remain inside the chicken coop. would be able to fly away, to fly, but this potential (around castrated by the company) will remain latent for the rest of your life or at least to the "awakening" .

This is why today the mental manipulation has become a science and technology, in which they invest much more money than in any other field of psychology. Not only that, the handling is essential in daily life and structure of the world we live , and if you do not believe you read to the end.
In such a scenario, where freedom and awareness are increasingly threatened, it is essential to know the tools that attack. Only by knowing we can defend ourselves.
The importance of information is beyond any discussion. Inform, says that the name comes from "in-form ," that is shaping. But give shape to what, if not the conscience? no coincidence that all the great dictators have always started with the control of the media (media), just to shape minds and consciences of people .
Today most of the communication is not objective information, but to influence the psyche, on the tastes, the decisions of individuals, consumers, investors, voters, etc. . The total number of people, educated by TV passivity and laziness of mind since childhood, it develops the ability to maintain attention to themselves, if not emotionally involved. manipulators know this well and to convey their information (commercial, political, economic, etc..) Keep alive the attention of the people, acting directly in ' emotion. This is called entertainment . The paradox is that they are the same people who demand to be entertained and informed, and obviously satisfied with the system: information (in their own way) through entertainment.
The importance of the media, as mentioned before, is huge. For the purposes of governance, particularly in societies based on consensus, it is essential to limit , but also check information and guidance, the construction of the representation of the illusory world and to which the production and management of consensus. Information For all these reasons, it is controlled so close: few news agency, strictly private property and banking, provide information to almost all media (newspapers, television news, radio and internet) .
Relaxation is the simplest mental conditions that increase suggestibility. This state can lead by ensuring that people get tired physically and mentally, or with tasks tediandole and repetitive speeches or distract him with erotic stimuli and / or sexual (the beautiful half-naked women that have a program or sell a product, etc.). . Music also plays a role, because it can be very sweet to rock or otherwise use noises to literally stun people.
If an audience relaxed (in front of the TV) is given a story with certain content (the classic story that we see in entertainment programs), we obtain the induction of a trance, in which easy to make suggestions and then mental facilities.
Distraction is undoubtedly Prince's strategy implemented by the means of mass communication.
Technically distract conscious (and therefore the action of the cerebral hemisphere dominant) absorbing a person in an activity or distract him with news and information that is absolutely useless, leaving the subconscious (ol'emisfero non-dominant) unprotected critical of his defense, making it possible instillation of fascinating pictures, stories, etc. .
Everything is conveyed media (TV, newspapers, television news and radio) by virtue of the tighter controls that there is total distrazione di massa.
Le telecamere e le luci dei riflettori vengono indirizzate su problematiche del tutto inutili per noi (la casa del partito di governo, i rom, gli stupri, delinquenza, l’assassinio in famiglia, ecc.), ma estremamente funzionali per il Sistema, che in questa maniera non fornisce le Vere informazioni e notizie. Riempiono, per così dire, il palinsesto mediatico, per riempire il nostro cervello con spazzatura, idiozie, gossip, e altre stupidità amene. Una volta raggiunto il limite non c’è più spazio per le cose importanti .
- Obbedienza al Sistema -
Ogni establishment that respects, has its own arsenal of means of domination, whose ultimate goal is to produce compliance, that is, obedience, conformation by the people. Dominate other means to obtain their compliance , more or less voluntary. Of course it is better if voluntary, that is obtained by manipulating (illusion, persuasion, intidimidazione or packaging), rather than imposed by force (dictatorships, coups).
- School -
The school is the primary means for handling cultural and mental. Possession of children to educate them and conditions are on the agenda of every state, totalitarian or liberal and democratic it is. Teaching children through repeated execution of orders per year for teachers, to follow the orders of the authorities, get used to the systematic gratification, absence of rules and comparisons with reality, turns out creatures incapable of self-discipline is completely dependent and unable to organize. Such children, adults are corrupt and dependent on external, and therefore more easily manipulated .
In schools, on the one hand the teaching of core subjects is designed to prevent the formation of an overview (history and science are two trivial examples), on the other you try that new generations will never doubt the power system is democratic and legitimate . In this regard, the U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky writes: " as schools do not teach the reality of which is the world, schools must use propaganda to inculcate in students about democracy. If they were truly democratic, there would be no need assailing them with similar platitudes. "
The conformation and indoctrination of the American people is the perfect example. The day begins with the stars and stripes flag-raising continues with the song dell’inno nazionale, le preghiere collettive e le esaltazioni patriottiche. Tutta questa "democrazia" e "libertà" del popolo fanno degli USA, non a caso, il paese più guerrafondaio del pianeta!
Viene da sé che nelle scuola non possono insegnare la verità, perché la Verità renderebbe gli uomini liberi!
Non stupisce quindi trovare scritto negli attuali sussidiari scolastici, commenti sulle straordinarie proprietà degli alimenti transgenici (OGM), e come risolveranno per esempio la fame nel mondo. Questa è la più becera e deleteria propaganda di Regime: facendo crescere i bambini di oggi con simili falsità (facilmente demonstrable), it will be much easier to influence them as adults, and this is just a trivial example .
While our society must be composed not of free men, but a mass of workers -consumer-voters on the basis , and a top layer or small group of leaders, the sons of businessmen, politicians and bankers . Only the latter are taken to a privileged level of knowledge that will enable them to continue to direct the company and maintain the established power.
- Neuroscience -
To shed light on the mental manipulation and how it is put in atto ogni giorno è necessario avere delle nozioni sulle funzioni primarie del nostro cervello. Il cervello è formato da due emisferi: destro e sinistro. Entrambi processano e analizzano gli stessi dati. La differenza sta nel fatto che l’emisfero di sinistra processa in maniera lineare o sequenziale, quello di destra invece processa i dati simultaneamente . Non solo, il destro essendo muto (il centro del linguaggio è a sinistra) deve affidarsi all’emisfero sinistro perché gli fornisca spiegazioni plausibili, ragionate, in vista delle decisioni da prendere sulla base del materiale (immagini, suoni, ecc.) processato a ogni istante. In pratica tutto deve passare per il sinistro .
Siamo cresciuti con la credenza che nasciamo con un certo numero di neuroni e che questi lentamente muoiono senza ricrescere. Le ultimissime scoperte della neuroscienza dicono invece che i neuroni incessantemente formano nuove sinapsi[2] e sciolgono sinapsi vecchie, e in modesta misura, nel cervello si generano nuovi neuroni, soprattutto in determinate parti del cervello.
Questo fatto importante si traduce così: l’acquisizione di nuove conoscenze, abilità, schemi comportamentali, (per esempio apprendere una poesia a memoria, suonare il pianoforte, ecc.) si attua mediante la formazione di nuovi circuiti e lo sviluppo vero e proprio nel cervello delle aree relative. Quindi imparare cose nuove non solo allena il cervello ma anche creates and develops areas of the brain. Conversely, ignoring these faculties, they produce their decrease.
Our brain is able to process an incredible amount of information: more than 400 billion bits per second, but we are aware of only 200 bits. In practice we are aware of half a billionth of what is happening and come to our brain!
From this point of view, we can, with some effort and commitment, engage and cultivate the inherent capacity to be aware in every moment of life, or lazily letting go and letting us pet the brain atrophy.
The whole ' entertainment industry and entertainment (dancing, alcohol, drugs, etc..) are working hard to make this very pleasant but slow insesorabile atrophy and on the other hand, the school policy is to make them legitimate in the eyes of the youngest. All because a population of individuals hetero-directed (atrophied brain and consciousness) is much more manageable than the population of people self-directed .
The other important thing needed to understand the overall picture is that most of the things we do in our lives, from morning to evening, we perform unconsciously . In doing so, not only are we not conscious of being conscious, but we are not even aware of them. This incredible process will be clarified with the example of shopping in supermarkets.
In summary, our unconscious registers and processes far more data than we are aware of: the process verbal reasoning, sensory-motor coordination, as we speak (write or drive your car or play the piano or play football) is not only entirely or almost entirely, subconscious, but it is also immensely faster than the consciousness . If it is true, how true it is, that ninety percent of what we do is handled unconsciously put "hands" in this dark part of our mind, would have enormous power to control ...
- The sense of helplessness -
Another strategy, closely linked to the theme control, is a huge media campaign to inculcate the sense of helplessness . A real scheduled task that is doing one part accustom to feel powerless, and desensitization to violence on the other, switching off every emotional reactivity.
How is this implemented? Bombing of violent images and news (murders, massacres, killings, destruction, brutality) that takes place without any intervention and / or changes to end it. Why? Assuefacendoci to accept the lawlessness, the deterioration, theft, crime, insecurity of the area, gangs, immigration, wild, and so on. things as inevitable and intractable, and at the same time leaving no time to think and reflect, flooded with endless, relentless, exhausting tasks: taxation, subsidies, taxes, fees, stamp duty, boiler review, cars, etc.. it is not possible for us to understand what is really happening, and especially you can not plan accordingly .
The sense of helplessness, thanks to the media di massa sta contagiando la società occidentale in maniera capillare, le persone oramai sono completamente apatiche e prive di volontà di cambiamento. Per quale motivo dovremmo cambiare noi stessi e la nostra vita, se non vediamo la luce, se le aspettative sono assolutamente nere? Questo però blocca e paralizza le coscienze di milioni di persone totalmente in balia del Sistema .
- Cognizione e comportamento -
Abbiamo visto prima che la scuola è strutturata per condizionare culturalmente e socialmente i bambini. Bisogna sapere che già nella prima infanzia ci creiamo falsi sistemi di convincimenti circa la realtà che ci circonda or the aspects that most affect us (relationships with parents, the power figures on which we depend). From the psychological point of view, these systems are fakes, censored, distorted, do not conform to reality itself, in order to avoid distress and adaptive conflict with certain aspects of reality, making us live in a subjective reality, as amended, made compatible with the needs and defense of our psyche and the need to keep in agreement with the people we depend on. Some
handling practices, engage (if well-designed course) just to these mechanisms, the distortions and repressions that are affecting their products and especially the field of fear, aggression and sex. manipulators (which may be religions, sects, and political marketing) build on them by the adept, the citizen, the consumer, the worker. At supersede parental authority figures or groups, those political, governmental, judicial, but also a testimonial of advertising!
- Advertising - Commercial advertising
born in the United States in the '20s to produce, direct, support the demand for goods and services produced in bulk from manufacturing plants. As a result, the mid-'50s, the production and supply of goods, overcame much demand, so the audience began to get people to standardize consumption, creating real needs. All this to sell products.
Over time, they arrived to the situation where the production exceeds the purchasing power, income. This condition is extremely serious socially and economically, because of investments made for the production are at risk because production will not be bought. Hence the risk of a systemic collapse and hence the birth of the shapes of expanding purchasing power, expanding access to credit and debit cards!
In the 90s the marketing becomes one-to-one ": personalization products and services, enabled by information technology and electronics, the capability of tracking each customer so that the stimuli from launching personal and targeted. We are talking about advertising, well represented in the science fiction movie "Minority Report .
marketing advertising, which is a drug or food, is undoubtedly the most ruthless and certainly the scientific system of mental conditioning. Their aim is to convince us to buy a product. For the analysis of the reactions and the study of the psyche, as well as test reports, the marketing of today has a rich arsenal of biophysical tools (frequency and amplitude of cortical waves, heart rate and respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, skin resistance, muscle tone, peripheral vasoconstriction, etc..) able to measure the level of excitement and attention of the subject .
Neuroscience, which in this context we call neuromarketing, argues that the brain area relevant to the decision (to purchase) and the medial prefrontal cortex.
E 'common to think of the commercials on TV or newspapers, like the classic ad for a company. We were wrong. Every word, color, character, phrase, image, logo, person used, to our untrained eyes can seems random, but not for neuroscientists behind . These experts (psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, psychiatrists, etc..) Paid handsomely, not only create advertising, but actual conditions which produce certain associations or moods in the minds of the recipients, that is, we consumers .
frequently in advertisements or propaganda are placed "embeds , evocative images, words or hidden, not obvious, is not grasped by the conscious mind, but grasped considered unconscious.
Often these words or images are hidden sexual stimuli: words like "sex", "sex" or images of sexual organs, women naked, orgies associated with the advertised product. All , on the one hand, to facilitate purchasing decisions and, secondly, to divert and therefore easier to control the masses . interfere in people's sexuality (as in many religions) is a safe and effective way to act on the deep layers of the psyche!
If this seems impossible, in the words of Dr. Lechner about what they are doing some psychologists and psychiatrists in the context of alcoholism, may seem like science fiction. Under the guise of helping them to free themselves from dependence on alcohol, collect information about nightmares and hallucinations che i loro pazienti sperimentano soprattutto quando sospendono l’assunzione dell’alcol, e le usano per congegnare pubblicità di alcolici, col presupposto criminoso scopo di evocare, tramite immagini angoscianti, il bisogno di assumere alcol!
Un’altra tecnica "dolce" di conquista seduttiva, consiste nell’ indurre la convinzione che la nostra libertà sia in pericolo e che si debba prendere quanto prima una decisione .
" Ti stai accontentando? Passa a Quattro Salti in Padella di Findus ", dice la pubblicità televisiva. Tradotto: " stai accettando una limitazione alle tue aspirazioni a mangiar right? You are a fool to do so, because you can meet them, free from the limits, going to a dance in the pan! "
The spot certainly does not want to increase our freedom, but restricting the contrary, getting them to buy a product. Pretend the person that the decision should be his and his alone, is an effective trick to prepare it to decide how you want to decide, however, leaving the illusion of freedom.
The central strand of the psychology of marketing decision-making factors, so it is very important that the Motivational Research motivational research.
Neuroscience knows that men are not aware of why they do most of what they do. is why people, deceiving the contrary, they respond to the conditioned stimulus of the symbol and not the actual quality .
Advertising, motivational technique focuses directly on the manipulation of symbols . Consumers are conquered by illogical suggestion, not by the quality or effectiveness of the product, and this is the logic of brands (products often mediocre but sold at high prices by virtue of a label-symbol, and then for a few exclusive) .
Guilt, then, connected to the pleasure voluttari tobacco consumption as , alcohol, sweets inhibits consumption, therefore must be fought for example, associating with positive values \u200b\u200b (as the doctor who smokes, alcohol names of political protest "Fidel", "Cuba Libre, family warmth, and ethics, for desserts, etc...)
Compared to the handicraft, the benefit of mass production is spectacularized to turn it into a symbol. The supermarkets, not surprisingly, are places of concentrated enormous power of symbolic enactment, then a massive conditioning power of the mind. Two-thirds of purchases made in supermarkets are discretionary and determined on the spot, under the influence of local stimuli, in a psycho-physiological state altered. He established a research 1954 of DuPont Corporation. In fact the person in the supermarket is quite helpless with respect to the manipulation and lies in a kind of psychological trap that can be improved by adding music and olfactory stimuli .
Among all categories of consumers, the most vulnerable and that of children, where it is easy to print needs, affiliations and habits. In addition, children are much more eager to learn new things and less able to resist impulses. I am the soft point of the family and in fact the tip of its marketing on them to encourage parents to pay money.
With children it is easier to stir waves of fashion or voghe that lead to consumption of an entire avalanche of related ancillary products and with different functions.
advertising aims, therefore, to change the landscape of the cognitive, the worldview, values, or lifestyle hazards: in practice, the advertising industry is the creation of imaginary needs and fashions!
- Subliminal Messages -
messages are going to act under the threshold of consciousness and therefore are not perceived . Human vision can perceive a picture a movie only if it is present in at least 12 frames .
The Coca-Cola first inserted the sequence of frames shorter, with the advertising content, in some films. The result: viewers are exposed to this advertising consumed 39% more than Coca-Cola.
In 1978 in many American supermarkets were spreading through the speakers, a sound inaudible to the conscious level, messages esortanti not steal. Result: The shoplifting was reduced by 36%.
The specific frequency has its own importance . It was discovered that the words of some television preachers are coupled to a frequency of 7 Hz . La frequenza del vibrato sembra avere un effetto suggestionante e alterante sul livello di coscienza e capacità critica .
Un’altra frequenza critica è quella intorno ai 3,5 Hz , cioè la frequenza di risonanza del cranio umano.
Negli anni ’70 si è scoperto che la musica può indurre la secrezione di sostanze oppioidi (encefaline, beta-endorfina, ecc.) che hanno una spiccata azione sulla psiche, euforizzate e anestetica. Quindi la musica induce decognizione. Anche la televisione, naturalmente, stimola la secrezione delle medesime sostanze.
- Associazione e ripetizione -
A little initiative objectively acceptable as a war, a law, taxation, etc.. can be made less burdensome label a false name but semantically "good," acceptable ( fight against terrorism, democratization , freedom, collective security , restructuring, humanitarian war, missiles intelligent, etc.). and repeating until every ounce in every situation and circumstance.
The repetition of a message, a spot, if it becomes pervasive, if it happens several times a day, it can absorb the content, the implications of the message as if it were a proven fact, even if they are not (weapons of mass destruction of Saddam, the twin towers and Bin Laden, etc.)..
Similarly, applying names odious, repulsive ( anti-Semite, Holocaust denier , revisionist, anti-Zionist , terrorist, rogue state , etc.). You can get the opposite effect, in order to hit, delegitimize, discredit, criminalize actions, people, ideas do not like .
The principle is always the same: the input - if you insist it properly - they tend to form patterns inconsci nelle persone .
Questo spiega perché i bambini vengono educati e acculturati in questo modo. Attraverso la ripetizione ossessiva e sistematica di apposite suggestioni, attività, esperienze a un modo ben preciso e voluto di concepire la realtà, la nazione, la storia, l’identità, ecc.
Crescere ripetendo e sentendosi ripetere decine di migliaia di volte quei messaggi, incide a livello emotivo, cognitivo, identitario sulla costruzione stessa di quello che poi si sentirà "reale", "provato". Pensiamo alla nostra società, in cui ogni canale televisivo ha un suo serial popolare, tanto per fare un esempio di indottrinamento, nel quale la polizia, la magistratura svolgono effective action, the protection of incorruptible citizen, while the reality is increasingly out of control crime and institutions increasingly inefficient. This is pure propaganda .
- Restrictions Language -
is to impose by various means (teaching, television, etc..) Not to use phrases or concepts, and to use to replace other, usually more vague, imprecise .
"Blind", "nigger", "invalid", "street sweeper" are not going well, much better than "blind", "black" or "differently abled", "ecological operator. But why all this? The inhibition of 'use of language and conceptual and formulation of specific questions ( resistance, Shoah , 11 September responsible, etc.). is suitable for planting in the young a sense of prohibition, gross thinking in relation to certain things, and teaches people to self-limitation of thought . Finally, an impoverishment of expression implies a conceptual impoverishment!
- Change the certainties -
Anyone who wants to manipulate a person, to induce her to buy something or to bend its resistance to any action of persuasione, ha la necessità di somministrare molti stimoli nuovi e interessanti, in modo tale che la corteccia prefrontale lavori e si affatichi. Dopodiché deve sommergerla di dati, dogmi, slogan, ecc. (proprio come lavora la tivù) per stremarla ancor di più, in questa maniera la corteccia prefrontale lascia le redini del cervello ai circuiti limbici, più primitivi ed emotivi, pertanto più suggestionabili e indifesi .
La corteccia prefrontale è influenzata da sostanze chimiche tossiche che possono danneggiarla, come le droghe, l’alcol, le tossine alimentari, ma anche da forti emozioni, privazione del sonno, stress cronico e una dieta ricca di grassi animali possono rendere le persone more vulnerable to external manipulation.
Ironically, by giving people freedom to lead a dissolute life, unnatural, we will make it easier to cancel their freedom more deeply than would be possible without the grant.
- Shock and awe doctrine -
The so-called "shock and dismay of the doctrine " is now applied on a global scale. By individuals or whole populations in shock, they can produce their consent to a change, reform, law, restriction of freedom, war, etc. . The example of the Twin Towers e delle leggi repressive e guerre avvenute dopo, è lapalissiano.
Sfruttano l’effetto sorpresa e di spavento come enorme fattore di distrazione e paralisi di massa, inibitore di possibili reazioni e resistenze.
Lo shock è molto generico e può essere prodotto da catastrofi naturali (epidemie, terremoti, pandemie, ecc.), quanto da fatti economici (recessioni, crisi, crolli in borsa, fallimenti, ecc.) e politici (guerre, colpi di stato, ecc.).
Un esempio sono le domeniche a targhe alterne per meri fini di risparmio energetico. Questa imposizione dall’alto, generando nelle persone, allarme e preoccupazione di non poter usare la propria auto, di perderne l’importante risorsa, crea totale disponibilità ad accettare fortissimi e ingiustificati rincari dei carburanti, pur di conservarla!
Un altro esempio della dottrina dello " shock and awe " potrebbe essere i black-out che hanno interessato il territorio nazionale qualche anno fa, la cui risoluzione sarebbero le centrali nucleari. Questo caso rientra anche nella cosiddetta strategia del "problema-reazione-soluzione". Avendo in mano la Soluzione (centrali), si crea il Problema (black-out) e si attende Reazione (quasi sempre emotiva) delle masse, che accetterà di buon grado ogni soluzione prospettata pur di evitare il disagio .
- Debunking -
Il debunking o discredito è una forma manipolatoria, che consiste nel confutare, nello smontare, teorie e informazioni che vanno contro il pensiero ufficiale dominante. Oppure screditare i diffusori di queste teorie e informazioni.
La campagna "Mani Pulite" è stata, tra le altre cose, una grande operazione proprio di debunking, finalizzata cioè a salvare la credibilità del sistema politico-giudiziario.
Il debunker attacca la controinformazione con messaggi semplici, discorsivi, prevalentemente a livello emotivo, con "ganci" diretti all’inconscio, piuttosto che alla logica. Questi attacchi non si rivolgono al contenuto, alle idee, ma mirano a screditare la fonte e l’autore sul piano morale associandolo spesso ad affiliazioni "appestanti" coi terroristi, nazisti, fascisti, comunisti, antisemiti, antisionisti, ecc .
L’approdo estremo del debunking è quello di portare lo smascheramento degli smascheratori alle estreme conseguenze, ossia portare l’opinione pubblica alla conclusione che tutto è marcio, tutti mentono, tutti sono ladri, tutti fregano. Per tanto la verità non si potrà mai sapere, e quindi è moralmente giustificato arrangiarsi, infischiarsi di tutto e tutti. Si giunge all’egoismo più radicale e disumanizzante .
- Who is an enemy finds a treasure -
Frustration generates tension and aggression, and aggression may be flat against itself or against an external object. When that kind of frustration is widespread throughout the population, the time is ripe to found a motion and / or organize an attack against the enemy .
In our world plagued by insecurity and frustration (ad hoc) there is a great psychological and social needs of an enemy, guilty of scapegoating (terrorists, Roma, immigrants, etc.)..
- chemical dependency -
in our society for wider use of psychotropic substances is enormous. A very high percentage of people are using stable and has developed some form of addiction to drugs, alcohol or drugs. Tens of millions of children are literally addicted to drugs.
The effects of these psychoactive substances converge in diminishing the freedom of opinion, resistance and action of people and of course in increasing their condizionabilità and suggestibility.
n practice the person dependent on alcohol or drugs or psychotropic drugs or barbiturates is much more malleable and controllable by the system, the same vehicle is sold these substances. Those who help themselves and get used to aid the chemical, lose the ability to self-determination. A society as such is not a free society.
psychoactive drugs or drugs are conveyed, with the complacency of psychiatry, pharmaceutical companies and the huge market of drugs and alcohol, is run by large international finance and the flow of drug money, 60% in the U.S. , connected to the arms trafficking.
- Movies and Television - The
Mussolini " cinema the strongest weapon" [3] has had its day or even today entertainment film has its importance in influencing the masses?
propaganda films in the past were able to produce true masterpieces ("The Great Dictator", "The Triumph of the Will" to name a few), but even today the power of the weapon is in no way checked the cinema: Hollywood docet.
The cinema vanguard role to convey a certain message type, and then test it and once you graduate, transfer it to the small screen: television!
In practice, the film sets the stage, prepare the entire body to the virus, which will then be injected into the mass media like newspapers, radio and especially television. Without noticing it makes the screen filter in the folds of the script and directed the thinking of the future [4], and its great penetrating power lies in silence and attention . While the devolved
TV (also very useful in some respects), in total silence reigns the dark room and you are alone, with the utmost care.
[1] "message for an eagle is believed that a chicken," Anthony De Mello
[2] Synapse: the junction of the specialized neurons through which a nerve impulse passes from one terminal to a neuron action , a muscle cell or a cell of a gland.
[3] "Movie still the weapon più forte?" Ferdinando Menconi, tratto dal mensile "Ribelle", nr. 23-24 - www.ilribelle.com
[4] Idem
Technically distract conscious (and therefore the action of the cerebral hemisphere dominant) absorbing a person in an activity or distract him with news and information that is absolutely useless, leaving the subconscious (ol'emisfero non-dominant) unprotected critical of his defense, making it possible instillation of fascinating pictures, stories, etc. .

Le telecamere e le luci dei riflettori vengono indirizzate su problematiche del tutto inutili per noi (la casa del partito di governo, i rom, gli stupri, delinquenza, l’assassinio in famiglia, ecc.), ma estremamente funzionali per il Sistema, che in questa maniera non fornisce le Vere informazioni e notizie. Riempiono, per così dire, il palinsesto mediatico, per riempire il nostro cervello con spazzatura, idiozie, gossip, e altre stupidità amene. Una volta raggiunto il limite non c’è più spazio per le cose importanti .

Ogni establishment that respects, has its own arsenal of means of domination, whose ultimate goal is to produce compliance, that is, obedience, conformation by the people. Dominate other means to obtain their compliance , more or less voluntary. Of course it is better if voluntary, that is obtained by manipulating (illusion, persuasion, intidimidazione or packaging), rather than imposed by force (dictatorships, coups).

The school is the primary means for handling cultural and mental. Possession of children to educate them and conditions are on the agenda of every state, totalitarian or liberal and democratic it is. Teaching children through repeated execution of orders per year for teachers, to follow the orders of the authorities, get used to the systematic gratification, absence of rules and comparisons with reality, turns out creatures incapable of self-discipline is completely dependent and unable to organize. Such children, adults are corrupt and dependent on external, and therefore more easily manipulated .
In schools, on the one hand the teaching of core subjects is designed to prevent the formation of an overview (history and science are two trivial examples), on the other you try that new generations will never doubt the power system is democratic and legitimate . In this regard, the U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky writes: " as schools do not teach the reality of which is the world, schools must use propaganda to inculcate in students about democracy. If they were truly democratic, there would be no need assailing them with similar platitudes. "

Viene da sé che nelle scuola non possono insegnare la verità, perché la Verità renderebbe gli uomini liberi!
Non stupisce quindi trovare scritto negli attuali sussidiari scolastici, commenti sulle straordinarie proprietà degli alimenti transgenici (OGM), e come risolveranno per esempio la fame nel mondo. Questa è la più becera e deleteria propaganda di Regime: facendo crescere i bambini di oggi con simili falsità (facilmente demonstrable), it will be much easier to influence them as adults, and this is just a trivial example .
While our society must be composed not of free men, but a mass of workers -consumer-voters on the basis , and a top layer or small group of leaders, the sons of businessmen, politicians and bankers . Only the latter are taken to a privileged level of knowledge that will enable them to continue to direct the company and maintain the established power.
- Neuroscience -

Siamo cresciuti con la credenza che nasciamo con un certo numero di neuroni e che questi lentamente muoiono senza ricrescere. Le ultimissime scoperte della neuroscienza dicono invece che i neuroni incessantemente formano nuove sinapsi[2] e sciolgono sinapsi vecchie, e in modesta misura, nel cervello si generano nuovi neuroni, soprattutto in determinate parti del cervello.
Questo fatto importante si traduce così: l’acquisizione di nuove conoscenze, abilità, schemi comportamentali, (per esempio apprendere una poesia a memoria, suonare il pianoforte, ecc.) si attua mediante la formazione di nuovi circuiti e lo sviluppo vero e proprio nel cervello delle aree relative. Quindi imparare cose nuove non solo allena il cervello ma anche creates and develops areas of the brain. Conversely, ignoring these faculties, they produce their decrease.
Our brain is able to process an incredible amount of information: more than 400 billion bits per second, but we are aware of only 200 bits. In practice we are aware of half a billionth of what is happening and come to our brain!
From this point of view, we can, with some effort and commitment, engage and cultivate the inherent capacity to be aware in every moment of life, or lazily letting go and letting us pet the brain atrophy.

The other important thing needed to understand the overall picture is that most of the things we do in our lives, from morning to evening, we perform unconsciously . In doing so, not only are we not conscious of being conscious, but we are not even aware of them. This incredible process will be clarified with the example of shopping in supermarkets.

Another strategy, closely linked to the theme control, is a huge media campaign to inculcate the sense of helplessness . A real scheduled task that is doing one part accustom to feel powerless, and desensitization to violence on the other, switching off every emotional reactivity.
How is this implemented? Bombing of violent images and news (murders, massacres, killings, destruction, brutality) that takes place without any intervention and / or changes to end it. Why? Assuefacendoci to accept the lawlessness, the deterioration, theft, crime, insecurity of the area, gangs, immigration, wild, and so on. things as inevitable and intractable, and at the same time leaving no time to think and reflect, flooded with endless, relentless, exhausting tasks: taxation, subsidies, taxes, fees, stamp duty, boiler review, cars, etc.. it is not possible for us to understand what is really happening, and especially you can not plan accordingly .
The sense of helplessness, thanks to the media di massa sta contagiando la società occidentale in maniera capillare, le persone oramai sono completamente apatiche e prive di volontà di cambiamento. Per quale motivo dovremmo cambiare noi stessi e la nostra vita, se non vediamo la luce, se le aspettative sono assolutamente nere? Questo però blocca e paralizza le coscienze di milioni di persone totalmente in balia del Sistema .

Abbiamo visto prima che la scuola è strutturata per condizionare culturalmente e socialmente i bambini. Bisogna sapere che già nella prima infanzia ci creiamo falsi sistemi di convincimenti circa la realtà che ci circonda or the aspects that most affect us (relationships with parents, the power figures on which we depend). From the psychological point of view, these systems are fakes, censored, distorted, do not conform to reality itself, in order to avoid distress and adaptive conflict with certain aspects of reality, making us live in a subjective reality, as amended, made compatible with the needs and defense of our psyche and the need to keep in agreement with the people we depend on. Some
handling practices, engage (if well-designed course) just to these mechanisms, the distortions and repressions that are affecting their products and especially the field of fear, aggression and sex. manipulators (which may be religions, sects, and political marketing) build on them by the adept, the citizen, the consumer, the worker. At supersede parental authority figures or groups, those political, governmental, judicial, but also a testimonial of advertising!

born in the United States in the '20s to produce, direct, support the demand for goods and services produced in bulk from manufacturing plants. As a result, the mid-'50s, the production and supply of goods, overcame much demand, so the audience began to get people to standardize consumption, creating real needs. All this to sell products.
Over time, they arrived to the situation where the production exceeds the purchasing power, income. This condition is extremely serious socially and economically, because of investments made for the production are at risk because production will not be bought. Hence the risk of a systemic collapse and hence the birth of the shapes of expanding purchasing power, expanding access to credit and debit cards!
In the 90s the marketing becomes one-to-one ": personalization products and services, enabled by information technology and electronics, the capability of tracking each customer so that the stimuli from launching personal and targeted. We are talking about advertising, well represented in the science fiction movie "Minority Report .

Neuroscience, which in this context we call neuromarketing, argues that the brain area relevant to the decision (to purchase) and the medial prefrontal cortex.
E 'common to think of the commercials on TV or newspapers, like the classic ad for a company. We were wrong. Every word, color, character, phrase, image, logo, person used, to our untrained eyes can seems random, but not for neuroscientists behind . These experts (psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, psychiatrists, etc..) Paid handsomely, not only create advertising, but actual conditions which produce certain associations or moods in the minds of the recipients, that is, we consumers .
frequently in advertisements or propaganda are placed "embeds , evocative images, words or hidden, not obvious, is not grasped by the conscious mind, but grasped considered unconscious.
Often these words or images are hidden sexual stimuli: words like "sex", "sex" or images of sexual organs, women naked, orgies associated with the advertised product. All , on the one hand, to facilitate purchasing decisions and, secondly, to divert and therefore easier to control the masses . interfere in people's sexuality (as in many religions) is a safe and effective way to act on the deep layers of the psyche!
If this seems impossible, in the words of Dr. Lechner about what they are doing some psychologists and psychiatrists in the context of alcoholism, may seem like science fiction. Under the guise of helping them to free themselves from dependence on alcohol, collect information about nightmares and hallucinations che i loro pazienti sperimentano soprattutto quando sospendono l’assunzione dell’alcol, e le usano per congegnare pubblicità di alcolici, col presupposto criminoso scopo di evocare, tramite immagini angoscianti, il bisogno di assumere alcol!

" Ti stai accontentando? Passa a Quattro Salti in Padella di Findus ", dice la pubblicità televisiva. Tradotto: " stai accettando una limitazione alle tue aspirazioni a mangiar right? You are a fool to do so, because you can meet them, free from the limits, going to a dance in the pan! "
The spot certainly does not want to increase our freedom, but restricting the contrary, getting them to buy a product. Pretend the person that the decision should be his and his alone, is an effective trick to prepare it to decide how you want to decide, however, leaving the illusion of freedom.
The central strand of the psychology of marketing decision-making factors, so it is very important that the Motivational Research motivational research.
Neuroscience knows that men are not aware of why they do most of what they do. is why people, deceiving the contrary, they respond to the conditioned stimulus of the symbol and not the actual quality .

Guilt, then, connected to the pleasure voluttari tobacco consumption as , alcohol, sweets inhibits consumption, therefore must be fought for example, associating with positive values \u200b\u200b (as the doctor who smokes, alcohol names of political protest "Fidel", "Cuba Libre, family warmth, and ethics, for desserts, etc...)
Compared to the handicraft, the benefit of mass production is spectacularized to turn it into a symbol. The supermarkets, not surprisingly, are places of concentrated enormous power of symbolic enactment, then a massive conditioning power of the mind. Two-thirds of purchases made in supermarkets are discretionary and determined on the spot, under the influence of local stimuli, in a psycho-physiological state altered. He established a research 1954 of DuPont Corporation. In fact the person in the supermarket is quite helpless with respect to the manipulation and lies in a kind of psychological trap that can be improved by adding music and olfactory stimuli .
Among all categories of consumers, the most vulnerable and that of children, where it is easy to print needs, affiliations and habits. In addition, children are much more eager to learn new things and less able to resist impulses. I am the soft point of the family and in fact the tip of its marketing on them to encourage parents to pay money.
With children it is easier to stir waves of fashion or voghe that lead to consumption of an entire avalanche of related ancillary products and with different functions.
advertising aims, therefore, to change the landscape of the cognitive, the worldview, values, or lifestyle hazards: in practice, the advertising industry is the creation of imaginary needs and fashions!

messages are going to act under the threshold of consciousness and therefore are not perceived . Human vision can perceive a picture a movie only if it is present in at least 12 frames .
The Coca-Cola first inserted the sequence of frames shorter, with the advertising content, in some films. The result: viewers are exposed to this advertising consumed 39% more than Coca-Cola.
In 1978 in many American supermarkets were spreading through the speakers, a sound inaudible to the conscious level, messages esortanti not steal. Result: The shoplifting was reduced by 36%.
The specific frequency has its own importance . It was discovered that the words of some television preachers are coupled to a frequency of 7 Hz . La frequenza del vibrato sembra avere un effetto suggestionante e alterante sul livello di coscienza e capacità critica .
Un’altra frequenza critica è quella intorno ai 3,5 Hz , cioè la frequenza di risonanza del cranio umano.
Negli anni ’70 si è scoperto che la musica può indurre la secrezione di sostanze oppioidi (encefaline, beta-endorfina, ecc.) che hanno una spiccata azione sulla psiche, euforizzate e anestetica. Quindi la musica induce decognizione. Anche la televisione, naturalmente, stimola la secrezione delle medesime sostanze.

A little initiative objectively acceptable as a war, a law, taxation, etc.. can be made less burdensome label a false name but semantically "good," acceptable ( fight against terrorism, democratization , freedom, collective security , restructuring, humanitarian war, missiles intelligent, etc.). and repeating until every ounce in every situation and circumstance.
The repetition of a message, a spot, if it becomes pervasive, if it happens several times a day, it can absorb the content, the implications of the message as if it were a proven fact, even if they are not (weapons of mass destruction of Saddam, the twin towers and Bin Laden, etc.)..
Similarly, applying names odious, repulsive ( anti-Semite, Holocaust denier , revisionist, anti-Zionist , terrorist, rogue state , etc.). You can get the opposite effect, in order to hit, delegitimize, discredit, criminalize actions, people, ideas do not like .
The principle is always the same: the input - if you insist it properly - they tend to form patterns inconsci nelle persone .
Questo spiega perché i bambini vengono educati e acculturati in questo modo. Attraverso la ripetizione ossessiva e sistematica di apposite suggestioni, attività, esperienze a un modo ben preciso e voluto di concepire la realtà, la nazione, la storia, l’identità, ecc.
Crescere ripetendo e sentendosi ripetere decine di migliaia di volte quei messaggi, incide a livello emotivo, cognitivo, identitario sulla costruzione stessa di quello che poi si sentirà "reale", "provato". Pensiamo alla nostra società, in cui ogni canale televisivo ha un suo serial popolare, tanto per fare un esempio di indottrinamento, nel quale la polizia, la magistratura svolgono effective action, the protection of incorruptible citizen, while the reality is increasingly out of control crime and institutions increasingly inefficient. This is pure propaganda .

is to impose by various means (teaching, television, etc..) Not to use phrases or concepts, and to use to replace other, usually more vague, imprecise .
"Blind", "nigger", "invalid", "street sweeper" are not going well, much better than "blind", "black" or "differently abled", "ecological operator. But why all this? The inhibition of 'use of language and conceptual and formulation of specific questions ( resistance, Shoah , 11 September responsible, etc.). is suitable for planting in the young a sense of prohibition, gross thinking in relation to certain things, and teaches people to self-limitation of thought . Finally, an impoverishment of expression implies a conceptual impoverishment!
Anyone who wants to manipulate a person, to induce her to buy something or to bend its resistance to any action of persuasione, ha la necessità di somministrare molti stimoli nuovi e interessanti, in modo tale che la corteccia prefrontale lavori e si affatichi. Dopodiché deve sommergerla di dati, dogmi, slogan, ecc. (proprio come lavora la tivù) per stremarla ancor di più, in questa maniera la corteccia prefrontale lascia le redini del cervello ai circuiti limbici, più primitivi ed emotivi, pertanto più suggestionabili e indifesi .
La corteccia prefrontale è influenzata da sostanze chimiche tossiche che possono danneggiarla, come le droghe, l’alcol, le tossine alimentari, ma anche da forti emozioni, privazione del sonno, stress cronico e una dieta ricca di grassi animali possono rendere le persone more vulnerable to external manipulation.
Ironically, by giving people freedom to lead a dissolute life, unnatural, we will make it easier to cancel their freedom more deeply than would be possible without the grant.

The so-called "shock and dismay of the doctrine " is now applied on a global scale. By individuals or whole populations in shock, they can produce their consent to a change, reform, law, restriction of freedom, war, etc. . The example of the Twin Towers e delle leggi repressive e guerre avvenute dopo, è lapalissiano.
Sfruttano l’effetto sorpresa e di spavento come enorme fattore di distrazione e paralisi di massa, inibitore di possibili reazioni e resistenze.
Lo shock è molto generico e può essere prodotto da catastrofi naturali (epidemie, terremoti, pandemie, ecc.), quanto da fatti economici (recessioni, crisi, crolli in borsa, fallimenti, ecc.) e politici (guerre, colpi di stato, ecc.).
Un esempio sono le domeniche a targhe alterne per meri fini di risparmio energetico. Questa imposizione dall’alto, generando nelle persone, allarme e preoccupazione di non poter usare la propria auto, di perderne l’importante risorsa, crea totale disponibilità ad accettare fortissimi e ingiustificati rincari dei carburanti, pur di conservarla!
Un altro esempio della dottrina dello " shock and awe " potrebbe essere i black-out che hanno interessato il territorio nazionale qualche anno fa, la cui risoluzione sarebbero le centrali nucleari. Questo caso rientra anche nella cosiddetta strategia del "problema-reazione-soluzione". Avendo in mano la Soluzione (centrali), si crea il Problema (black-out) e si attende Reazione (quasi sempre emotiva) delle masse, che accetterà di buon grado ogni soluzione prospettata pur di evitare il disagio .

Il debunking o discredito è una forma manipolatoria, che consiste nel confutare, nello smontare, teorie e informazioni che vanno contro il pensiero ufficiale dominante. Oppure screditare i diffusori di queste teorie e informazioni.
La campagna "Mani Pulite" è stata, tra le altre cose, una grande operazione proprio di debunking, finalizzata cioè a salvare la credibilità del sistema politico-giudiziario.
Il debunker attacca la controinformazione con messaggi semplici, discorsivi, prevalentemente a livello emotivo, con "ganci" diretti all’inconscio, piuttosto che alla logica. Questi attacchi non si rivolgono al contenuto, alle idee, ma mirano a screditare la fonte e l’autore sul piano morale associandolo spesso ad affiliazioni "appestanti" coi terroristi, nazisti, fascisti, comunisti, antisemiti, antisionisti, ecc .
L’approdo estremo del debunking è quello di portare lo smascheramento degli smascheratori alle estreme conseguenze, ossia portare l’opinione pubblica alla conclusione che tutto è marcio, tutti mentono, tutti sono ladri, tutti fregano. Per tanto la verità non si potrà mai sapere, e quindi è moralmente giustificato arrangiarsi, infischiarsi di tutto e tutti. Si giunge all’egoismo più radicale e disumanizzante .

Frustration generates tension and aggression, and aggression may be flat against itself or against an external object. When that kind of frustration is widespread throughout the population, the time is ripe to found a motion and / or organize an attack against the enemy .
In our world plagued by insecurity and frustration (ad hoc) there is a great psychological and social needs of an enemy, guilty of scapegoating (terrorists, Roma, immigrants, etc.)..

in our society for wider use of psychotropic substances is enormous. A very high percentage of people are using stable and has developed some form of addiction to drugs, alcohol or drugs. Tens of millions of children are literally addicted to drugs.
The effects of these psychoactive substances converge in diminishing the freedom of opinion, resistance and action of people and of course in increasing their condizionabilità and suggestibility.
n practice the person dependent on alcohol or drugs or psychotropic drugs or barbiturates is much more malleable and controllable by the system, the same vehicle is sold these substances. Those who help themselves and get used to aid the chemical, lose the ability to self-determination. A society as such is not a free society.
psychoactive drugs or drugs are conveyed, with the complacency of psychiatry, pharmaceutical companies and the huge market of drugs and alcohol, is run by large international finance and the flow of drug money, 60% in the U.S. , connected to the arms trafficking.

Mussolini " cinema the strongest weapon" [3] has had its day or even today entertainment film has its importance in influencing the masses?
propaganda films in the past were able to produce true masterpieces ("The Great Dictator", "The Triumph of the Will" to name a few), but even today the power of the weapon is in no way checked the cinema: Hollywood docet.
The cinema vanguard role to convey a certain message type, and then test it and once you graduate, transfer it to the small screen: television!
In practice, the film sets the stage, prepare the entire body to the virus, which will then be injected into the mass media like newspapers, radio and especially television. Without noticing it makes the screen filter in the folds of the script and directed the thinking of the future [4], and its great penetrating power lies in silence and attention . While the devolved
TV (also very useful in some respects), in total silence reigns the dark room and you are alone, with the utmost care.
[1] "message for an eagle is believed that a chicken," Anthony De Mello
[2] Synapse: the junction of the specialized neurons through which a nerve impulse passes from one terminal to a neuron action , a muscle cell or a cell of a gland.
[3] "Movie still the weapon più forte?" Ferdinando Menconi, tratto dal mensile "Ribelle", nr. 23-24 - www.ilribelle.com
[4] Idem
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