Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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RISTORANTE THE LAIR OF A PIRATE Marina di Castagneto Carducci (LI): From 1970 a blaze of sun, sea and good food.

Castagneto Carducci is a municipality in the Province of Livorno , with about 8,500 inhabitants, its territory, is the central part of the so-called Etruscan Coast (the continent that corresponds with the Province of Livorno , named for the numerous Etruscan necropolis therein) flat to the sea and hills in 'hinterland. The coastal strip, which is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea , is characterized by vast pine forests that incorporate the important Wildlife Reserve of Bolgheri. takes its name from the word "chestnut" accordingly Castagneto meant "sweet chestnut plantation." In 1900 his name was added to the term "Maritime" (= sea), but in 1907, was given its current name, Castagneto Carducci, in honor of the great poet and writer who has Child lived in this area and more specifically to Bolgheri. The story of the beginning of village, the hills, with the Medieval Castle and Church of San Lorenzo is tied hand in glove with the events of 'Ancient Gherardesca family . Wilfrid, noble Lombard, and founder of the Family was the absolute master of many lands in this area in 754 decided to become a Benedictine monaco (later, at his death he was canonised and became St Walfredo ), and founded the Monastery of San Pietro in Palazzuolo to Monteverdi . All his lands were donated to the monastery itself, even to save them from the new rulers' s Italy, the Franks . But the name "Della Gherardesca is linked to Gerard, Lord of Pisa and Volterra , which in X Century reconquered many territories in the area, exercise the role of Vicar of Maritime Republic of Pisa . followed centuries of infighting to Family causing devastation and looting, which continues with the arrival of the army of King Alfonso of Aragon of Naples, which dated from the 'Italy to go against Milan , and to keep "in training", also made war Florence. order not to miss anything, these territories straddle one of the most important transit routes, the Via Aurelia , were later destroyed and looted by soldiers also King Charles VIII of France ( 1470-1498), who went to conquer the Throne of Naples ruled by King Ferdinand II Aragon of said "Fernandino" and later by the troops in the pay of Maximilian I of Habsburg Emperor the Holy Roman Empire ( 1459-1519). Among the population Castagnetana and Gherardesca family the conflict is prolonged and, in various forms, violent or legal until the early 1900 . Today City, apart from the center historical hill is divided into three fractions, Bolgheri, Donoratico and Marina di Castagneto Carducci . The local economy is based on tourism and in particular about what food and wine, the area is famous for producing great wines and better Extra Virgin Olive Oil . A Marina di Castagneto Carducci the long beach, clean sea (Blue Flag), the quiet pine forests, Forte eighteenth-century, Villa Margherita with the adjoining chapel, the playground and Cavallino Matto all the facilities, come alive in summer with a multitude of tourists who are one of the most welcoming of Tuscany to spend the holidays. Here is a Restaurant that 40 years is a reference point for gourmets: The Pirate's Lair . The establishment and Seaside Restaurant La Tana del Pirata is owned by Family Olmi, the brothers Alberto class 1949, and Mauro, class 1953 , and their wives, and for those strange coincidences of life, both are called Sandra. when it recognizes the structure in 1970, was to finish and to be restored, there was no road but a path, and to work, the first season used for lighting the lamps of fishermen due to the lack the electrical room. With their commitment to succeed in the short to resolve the problems of the beginning and through the years have steadily improved with experience and taste, all that was possible to improve. Today they have a beautiful and comfortable place, a large parking, Local with Bar and Restaurant , the panoramic terrace, the beach comfortably equipped and well organized environment elegant and quiet even in high season. The Restaurant has two indoor rooms and large terrace in fine weather. Mauro and Alberto , dealing with all Bath in Restaurant are in the room, along with good Sommelier AIS Luciana Morelli, a security with them for more than thirteen years; in Kitchen, wives Chef, Sandra one and two, helped by good Chef self Michael Young class 1969, with their three seasons, and Sous Chef just arrivata, Pamela Papucci (nata a Poggibonsi , Siena , nel 1988 , diplomatasi all’Istituto Professionale per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione “Federigo Enriques” di Castelfiorentino , Firenze ). La Carta dei Vini è molto selezionata, circa 200 Etichette, in grande prevalenza Bianchi, da tutte le migliori zone vitivinicole Italiane e Francesi, Vini Rossi di Bolgheri e di altre zone qualificate d’Italia, Rosati, Prosecchi e Champagne, per finire poi con i Vini da Dessert e i Distillati. La scelta è ampia sia nelle tipologie che nei prezzi. Il Menù è in prevalenza di Mare , ma non mancano alcuni piatti particolari di Terra del Territorio.
Ma veniamo alla degustazione fatta .
Accompagnati da una bottiglia di La Rambarde 2008 , Appellation Pouilly-Fumé Contròlée ( 100% Sauvignon), della Domaine Landrat-Guyollot , Les Berthiers, Saint-Andelain, Francia, sono stati serviti:
- Rivisitazione espressa di Cacciucco di barca;
- Insalatina di mare al vapore;
- Piatto misto di mare: Baccalà spadellato con capperi, olive, acciughe e pomodorini di Pachino insieme a Scampi al vapore su purea di patate e tartufo, e Gambero al vapore con sformatino di zucchine e sedano;
- Spaghetto “Esagerato”;
- Tagliolini freschi all’Astice;
-Grigliata mista di mare con verdure.
Poi, in abbinamento ad una pregiata e rara bottiglia del Primo Muffato di Bolgheri , “Nobilis" 2007, della Fattoria Terre del Marchesato di Bolgheri (LI):
- Delizia di sfoglia.
Tutto molto buono, una cucina classica ben presentata e con prodotti di prima qualità. Il profumo del mare si sente non solo nell’aria ma anche nel pescato. L’ambiente è bello, l’apparecchiatura è semplice ma “fresca”, simpatici i segna tavolo in ceramica smaltati e dipinti a mano. In Estate, per un miglior servizio alla clientela, nella sala Bar, preparano, a pranzo, anche un ricco Buffet dove è possibile servirsi da soli.
Sono stato gentilmente assistito da Mauro Olmi , che ringrazio per avermi pazientemente ricordato la loro storia. Dal 1970 il Ristorante La Tana del Pirata a Marina di Castagneto Carducci (LI) è, per un’ affezionata clientela e non solo, la certezza di poter trovare un tripudio di Sole, Mare e Buona Cucina.
Stabilimento Balneare e Ristorante
La Tana del Pirata
Via Milano, 17
Marina di Castagneto Carducci (Li)
Aperto a pranzo and dinner from March to October
Tel 0565 744143 / 0565 744548


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