Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Valdo Vaccaro Conference - "How to heal without drugs Hygiene Vital

L' Igienismo Naturale è uno stile di vita che mira the achievement of perfect health through proper eating habits and behavioral . It has its roots from Pythagoras and the father of medicine Hippocrates , and it arrived today, through illustrious characters in the story ( Leonardo da Vinci, Giordano Bruno, Voltaire, Paracelsus and many others).

Over the past two centuries, thanks to modern technology, and with input from various publications of writers hygienists, first Herbert Shelton, it was possible to formalize this in a scientific discipline. The conference

ABIN-Bergamo, November 6, 2010, you can di seguito visionare, hanno relazionato Michele Manca , pionere in Italia dell'Igienismo ed editore di diversi libri in materia, e Valdo Vaccaro , divulgatore igienista autore di 2 recenti libri in tema, che si è messo particolarmente in evidenza attraverso il suo seguitissimo blog in questi ultimi mesi.

Significative ed emblematiche le testimonianze dei presenti in sala a fine conferenza, con guarigioni apparentemente miracolose, ma in realtà facilmente spiegabili se si considerano le notevoli capacità curatorie del sistema immunitario dell'uomo, quando viene lasciato libero di agire senza ostruzioni e intossicazioni alimentari .

To view the parties hereby following the first click on the respective numbers: 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8

To download the full video of the conference click here.

Here, however, found the text written by Waldo Vaccaro and read several times during the conference. A

VIBRAVAR the deserved thanks for having recorded the event and making available the video file of the conference.

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Pieve The term derives from the Latin plebs = populace, people, and identified a core area and religious headed to a rural church with Baptistery, the only place of worship, in bygone days, populations isolated by large distances, where they could administer the sacraments of the most important.
A few kilometers from Montalcino in Province of Siena , Country worship for lovers of the world wine, home of that Vin or extraordinary, famous throughout the world , which bears the name of Brunello, in Poggio alle Mura , in the hills not far from the homonymous Castle , stands the Pieve di San Sigismondo , a single unit, church, residential, square with a well.
The Church, dedicated to San Sigismondo, Re of Burgundy and Martyr, is one of the oldest in the Territory probably was built in 1300. But the earliest records of this structure have in 1462, when Pope Pius II, Enea Silvio Piccolomini ( 1405-1464), ascended to the Papal Throne in 1458, he founded the Diocese of Pienza , suo Paese di origine, e Montalcino .
Con la Bolla Pontificia , del 26 Maggio 1464 , la Pieve in questione viene smembrata dalla Diocesi di Grosseto ed entra a far parte di quella appena costituita.
La Pieve di San Sigismondo , pur essendo ubicata in aperta campagna, aveva una certa importanza, trovandosi sulla strada che allora portava da Montalcino a Grosseto .
Essendo Chiesa Battesimale vi venivano portati, per il sacramento, anche i bambini della confinante Parrocchia di San Pancrazio in Argiano .
Attraverso i secoli l’edificio ha subito diversi interventi a causa del degrado delle sue strutture.
Moltissimi sono stati i Parroci di questa Chiesa che si sono avvicendati dalla sua fondazione, infatti, in genere, duravano pochi anni, preferendo trovare una sede migliore e meno isolata.
A causa dello spopolamento delle campagne circostanti, la Parrocchia è stata definitivamente soppressa, nel 1986, con Decreto dell’ Arcivescovo Monsignor Castellano , che però lasciava consacrata la Chiesa .
La struttura architettonica del Place of Worship has a classic rectangular plan, divided between the nave and the left, while the right has been buffered, the Campanile is sailing, with the end in wrought iron that supports the bells. Inside, once was a beautiful table representative San Sigismondo and attributed to the Sienese painter miniaturist Welcome of Giovanni di Meo fault ( 1446-1518), currently is preserved in the Museo di Montalcino .
few years ago the complex was the site of a famous Restaurant "Stella" by Michelin: the Osteria del Vecchio Castello . The Parish
was detected in 2007 by a group of friends, fans of the territory and food and wine, already owners of neighboring Company "Belriguardo" .
After a year and a half of challenging and costly work restructuring, made with care and taste, which affected most of the 800 square meters of the complex, in May 2009, was inaugurated the current structure of the church . Of the ancient Rooms, only the Church, reported former glory, has not changed in the other did the ' Wine, the restaurant and 5 cozy apartments, for a total of 16 beds, with names full of charm Montalcino, Brunello , Vigna, Well and Canonica.
On the back, past the covered outdoor area where you can eat in the summer, also enjoying the beautiful scenery and vineyards, lies the swimming pool and tennis / soccer.
Go into the room through the large iron and glass door, rounded to the left of the service counter, behind which is bella mostra di se una macchina Wine Saver a compensazione di azoto, da 12 bottiglie, che limita l’ossidazione dei Vini aperti, mantenendoli anche alla giusta temperatura, preservando per un breve periodo le loro specifiche caratteristiche organolettiche. Alla destra i tavoli e una grande credenza, attraverso un arco il disimpegno con un fascinoso camino, a destra si accede ad altre tre salette, dove, nel corpo centrale, si trova un lungo tavolo, su cui viene effettuato, al di sopra del numero di sei ospiti, il servizio a Buffet .
Si, proprio cosi, è una particolarità del Locale , una filosofia per contenere i costi e poter offrire un’alta qualità all, customers are served by themselves, only the appetizer and the dessert is brought to the table. The price is fixed: 25 euro excluding wine. I can assure you that everything is done with simplicity and elegance, and we remain very pleased with the balance struck between supply and costs. The Head
who created, promoted and now runs everything, it's the nice lady Gotti Clara (see photo above).
Clara was born not far away, on Monte Amiata , for Arcidosso (GR), then, for many years, lived in Rome , his great experience was formed in Catering Service prestige, here at the church takes care of everything, from shopping to cooking, from personnel management to the administration, a strong and energetic woman who is committed every day to give the best to its customers. In the hall there is also
Alessandro Bruni, born in Rome in 1972 , good and experienced Sommelier AIS he graduated in 1999, he worked in Local the highest level, both Rome in Tuscany . The
Wines is important and selected with an emphasis on Montalcino and Tuscany.
Here we come to the tasting, who was accompanied by a good bottle of San Giusto A Rentennano 2008, Chianti Classico DOCG (95% Sangiovese, 5% Canaiolo), 14% vol, of ' Company Martini Cigala, Gaiole in Chianti , Siena:
- Zucchini tart;
- Cup of Pappa al Pomodoro, soup-
Cauliflower Curry;
- Cavatelli Tomato Capers and Olives;
- Arista pork salt crust;
- Fennel sauteed in a pan;
- Chicory sauté;
- Spicy Chicken cutlets baked with herbs;
- Vassoino dessert: chestnut cake with whipped cream, jars of ricotta mousse with basil, Red Wine Biscuits, Grape.
simple cooking good, honest aromas and flavors, which is held in high regard and Customs Territory , adding, however, modernity and careful, skillful and creative reassessment.
La Pieve, full of beautiful spots for relaxation, situated in a landscape very suggestive, as is the area of \u200b\u200bMontalcino, is able to offer much in hospitality, serenity, friendliness, food and wine, in order to make you stay certainly satisfying.
Restaurant Enoteca La Pieve
Poggio alle Mura
Provincial Road Maremmana
Montalcino (Siena) Tel 0577 816 604

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Example Of Disconnection Letter Of Internet

Italy today's problems and their solution

for our young people in school history is a nightmare. Often is not taught as it should and the spaces of interpretation fail, other times, however, is instilled in small doses, even got it down to memory, making a messy mixture of events and facts without any logical analysis.

's why we historically carried by the events, without interpreting or even less, manage, control them, a condition of youth, this, which is largely present in adults.

and dictatorships do not get there, as in fairy tales and cartoons, with the magic wand in the blink of an eye!

are in fact necessary actions in layers, for small steps, "mutations" targeted we've seen to implement: 1) adjustments of the laws and constitution ; 2) pressure on the state laws that make ; 3) influence on the consciousness of collective thinking through media work artifact paths with truly uninformative .

well aware of the experts on the systems used. President Silvio Berlusconi , and it is no coincidence that now its more "desire" is sent to every Italian family, a book about "the first two years of government," printed and sent with public money, of course, that is, with our poor pennies. It

può essere d'accordo a ricevere tale libro, e ci si può indignare per questa ennesima propaganda da regime.

Per chi condivide la seconda ipotesi, vada sul sito del Governo e invii una mail riportando quanto sotto:

Con riferimento all'annuncio del Presidente del Consiglio On. Silvio Berlusconi di inviare ad ogni famiglia italiana il libro "Due anni di Governo", mi preme comunicarVi che desidero assolutamente non riceverlo, essendo un mio diritto in base alla legge per la tutela della privacy n. 675/1996 ed il relativo D.P.R. n. 501/1998, nella fattispecie (articolo 13 comma e), e che la spesa relativa che si risparmierà venga messa a disposizione del Ministero della Pubblica istruzione and / or the Ministry of Health.

Every day, for decades, are being violated priceless, such as personal health, their own territory, social roots, and therefore our future and that of his neighbor and the government always thinks and only propaganda!

Today, the garbage in Naples and assaults-intifada, between citizens and police to Terzigno, are the face of the government.

know when the sites where nuclear power plants will be built, powerful and useful to the economy of the precariousness of health and work of citizens, then imagine what will happen, the police charged with batons e non solo sulle resistenze organizzate di uomini adulti, ma anche su uomini stanchi e vecchi, sulle donne gestanti e sui bambini .

Cosa vi fa pensare che un medico, direttore scientifico del maggior centro italiano sulla ricerca e cura dei tumori, sia a dirigere proprio l'agenzia sullo sviluppo del nucleare? Non so a voi, a me vien da piangere. Mi riferisco, ovviamente, al dottor Umberto Veronesi , il quale riferisce che " la paura degli italiani sul nucleare è un errore politico " quando sarebbe più onesto riferire che la paura è una conoscenza, una consapevolezza acquisita dalla triste esperienza della comunità scientifica, permessa Research by Human .

It 's really bad that a scientist as Umberto Veronesi relates ideas so unhappy and confused.

As for the police, although they have a duty to enforce the law, it is even more true that the law should be shared by common sense and feel, from the popular consciousness, have a very objective logical and rational, and certainly not to pursue economic and personal interests of power groups and / or criminals.

E 'meaningful bridge over the Strait? It would be enough to travel through the hinterland of Calabria and / or Sicily, where he also lacks water current, because a balanced and sensible person to change his mind.

And what about the TAV in Val di Susa?

What trust can have more of a parliament elected by an electoral system " porcellum ", with three quarters of its members to "payroll", operated from the economic centers of power, laws born out of people prosecuted and convicted in the first and second degree?

Who pulls beatings and even the old women in pregnancy, I hope no children, young people are often divided into low-paid job with no other choice, it does so according to what? The maintenance of the established order?

Why did not you do a referendum on nuclear power, which has already been swept years ago, to understand what the Italians think when their health is at serious risk?

A scientific study of anthropology and developmental psychology, developed by a team of American researchers at the University of Virginia, found that children are specifically inclined to believe the words spoken, and almost never to view of the facts. The child, therefore, if he is told that "the donkey flies," that "there are ghosts in the dark" or that "there is a heaven and hell," we certainly believe it. Likewise if you've told that nuclear power plants are good and do well.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon affects not only children but now also covers a good majority of Italians.

There is, indeed, a large division, of which very little warning, including Italy's real insecurity, health and daily life, and Italy made a fantastic and surreal politics obtrusive, suffocating, thief and mob .

Italy is falling apart: the gap could be bridged by a new fascism, or the birth of geographical and historical identity-popular currencies like centuries ago.

economy to peak, the loss of jobs and lack of prospects for the future dei giovani italiani, le fortissime riduzioni delle coperture economiche per le scuole, le università e la sanità, possono essere da subito sanate da due fattori : rivedere il concordato con il Vaticano, azzerando ogni forma di finanziamento diretto e indiretto, e smilitarizzare il Paese (N.d.R. è di fondamentale importanza, oltre a ciò, riappropriarsi della sovranità monetaria ).

Studi internazionali hanno dimostrato che solo una riduzione del 5% delle spese alle forze militari, comporterebbe aumenti del 20% per le coperture della sanità e la formazione scientifica .

Quanto al Vaticano, ancora una volta, una direttiva EU formalizes that Italy does not allow "discount" and favorable treatment. We're talking about four billion euro a year, passing from the coffers of the Italian State to those of the Vatican: a financial year that is lost, the future of young swallowed up by the Vatican.

article: Giuseppe Parisi
Click here to read the article from the source .

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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The owners of the Member

all are silent, not only Berlusconi and Tremonti. Silent governments around the world that are within our own conditions, having left to the banks the right to create money.

are silent journalists from around the world, knowing, fill out diligently every day their good book of business, without the slightest hint of the problem of problems.

the rulers of European states are silent and do not dare to even open my mouth in front of the arrogant audacity of Mr. Trichet, governor of European Central Bank, who said, apparently with the knowledge that they can lie as you will, that would wrong bankers leaned to the faults of the economic crisis!

And 'this, obviously, the immediate reaction of anger of a powerful banker in the small step of independence made by Obama, not to regain monetary sovereignty (never), but only to return to U.S. citizens , preventing the profits are pocketed by bankers with rich bonuses, at least part of the immense river of taxpayers' money that was spent to save big banks from failure .

In Italy, then, even the silent 'opposition' which does not go well at all and, as usual, has condemned the government because it does not keep the promise of lower taxes, but the absurd anomaly of the debt State against the European Central Bank does not speak , let alone speak of the rich for excellence, "the bankers", who should be its greatest enemies. Silence, silence, silence!

The worst, though, is that politicians and journalists Do not allow individuals to discuss this topic. As soon as somebody tries, just click the " strategy of silence" adopted by all, that is the modern form of censorship, much more serious and more effective in today's global information, a complaint and explicitly declared coercive as if the news is not 'collect' and repeated rising from a communication tool to another, is surely doomed to a death worse than death because, whatever its importance, they are denied the existence .

It can be inferred, then, the silence surrounding the issue of global sovereignty money, which banks are the only true master of the world. They have, in the precise technical meaning of the word 'own', all states, while politicians and journalists act as service, acting as managers of financial power. E 'due to the silence on the part of all that has been created with the idea of \u200b\u200ba' conspiracy ', a' secret '. Idea that it suits only to holders of Power. There is neither a conspiracy, no secret: this is the reality. full stop.

But there are a number of years and have many readers, despite the silence that accompanies them, countless books, essays , Articles , dealing specifically with the monetary and banking system , just as there are many websites dedicated to these problems, even if politicians and journalists do not pretend to ignore them never cited them. In this regard, we must recognize, pride of the Italians, coached by two thousand years with the only weapon to fight against the tyranny of the power of intelligence, that Italy is perhaps the nation's most lively and combative in this field, especially since, the approach of giving up the national currency with the introduction of the Euro, have been trained movements, political parties, committees ready to fight to the death.

I think that only Italy, of all the nations of Europe, it is submitted to the elections with a party from the beautiful and unmistakable name of 'Euro No'.

E 'known to all the strenuous efforts made by Professor Giacinto Auriti , with its unique expertise, to inform, to exhort, to inculcate the idea that "the we could do " actually even creating a single currency euro assessors. If I may remember it (mostly because dare to do myself in a moment of great uncertainty as well), I have done what little I could by writing several articles against the adoption of the euro, disputing with meetings in person and in print, on radio and television with all politicians, journalists, university professors, bishops and cardinals with whom I was in contact, praying the then Cardinal, Prefect of the S. Congregation of the Faith, Ratzinger Ioseph to hold the Vatican State outside the euro so as to notify the public of Europe and especially the Italian politicians, non-acceptance of the primacy of the Church which economistic 'value' assigned to 'EU.

I tried, finally, with the force of desperation to convince Alberto Sordi, as we were united by the same fascination for Italy, to 'save the Pound', instead of rising un monumento come aveva deciso di fare; l'ho supplicato di impegnare in questa straordinaria 'Grande Guerra' il suo nome, l'immensa fama che si era conquistato nel mondo. Ma tutto e' stato inutile.

La bravura dei traditori delle Patrie, delle Nazioni, dei Popoli, che hanno progettato l'unificazione-distruzione dell'Europa impadronendosene attraverso la nuova moneta, è stata soprattutto quella di usare a piene mani l'enorme massa di denaro, denaro nostro, di cui sono in possesso, per diffondere la convinzione che l'Euro era un 'destino', un destino al quale sarebbe stato fatale sottrarsi .

La battaglia per il recupero della sovranità monetaria, tuttavia, è continuata Even after the adoption of the euro, and that was even more intensified gradually growing awareness of bank fraud. The bibliography on the subject is now very dense, with many translations from English into Italian and French, and many essays written by technicians and experts Italian economy .

noteworthy, especially the work of the founders of the Liberation Committee Monetary , followers and followers of the studies Auriti (sadly passed away in 2006) with the aim, inter alia, to return to State monopoly to fly its currency by assigning ownership to citizens .

Exit from the Euro does not mean leaving the EU at the same time as other states already belong to it while not having adopted the single currency (Britain, Sweden, Denmark) and the possibility of such a release is expected by the Treaty of Lisbon .

we can and should work for now in this direction even if the true goal can not be the recovery of political freedom and independence of Italy, with the total abandonment of the tyrannical Empire and fraudulent bankers

article: Ida Magli
Click here to read the article from the source .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Friday, September 12, 2010, to 'Enoteca Kitchen with "The Puntodivino"
of Viareggio in Province of Lucca , I attended a very pleasant evening dedicated to Wine of three beautiful reality Vitivinicole of Friuli Venezia Giulia .
Companies in tasting were: "The Hornbeam " "Ronco dei Tassi" and "Anzelini. The
is a place I mentioned several times (you can find in ' Archive of this Blog more information), you just remember to Michelin Bib Gourmand is , Local with the best value for money, of Viareggio, and that its owner, Stefano Niccoli (con me e i Produttori presenti, nelle prime due foto sotto), oltre ad essere un grande Sommelier A.I.S., uno dei primi della Versilia, è anche uno straordinario, appassionato ed esperto scopritore di preziose realtà vinicole.
A Stefano , che considero un fratello , e a tutta la sua bella Famiglia , sono legato da un particolare affetto da moltissimi anni.
L’Azienda Il Carpino è ubicata in Località Borgo del Carpino , tra Oslavia e San Floriano del Collio , proprio sul confine con la Slovenia , una zona molto bella, in collina, da cui si gode un bellissimo panorama anche della Città di Gorizia . Una estensione di 15 ettari, curati amorevolmente da Franco Sosol , da sua moglie, la gentilissima Anna , e dai figli Naike e Manuel .
L’Azienda Ronco dei Tassi , si trova nel cuore del Collio Goriziano nel Comune di Cormons , prende il nome da Ronco , che indica il particolare terrazzamento dei vigneti, e dai Tassi (mammiferi notturni della famiglia dei Mustelidi) that sometimes roam the vineyards where the grapes are ripe and sweeter. The property is of Family Coser : Fabio , dear Daniela , his wife, and sons Matthew and Henry . Fabio is a talented and famous Winemaker that, apart from making good his Wine, also follows, as a consultant, other major companies the area.
The Farm Anzelini Gianluca , Location Plessiva , Cormons , was born a few years ago, ma è già nota per la sua produzione di qualità, Gianluca è un giovane e talentuoso produttore che gestisce la sua piccola, ma bella realtà vitivinicola, con l’aiuto dei genitori, Ettore e Maria .
Potete trovare altre informazioni, su tutti loro, e tutti i Vini che producono, cliccando sui Link dei rispettivi Siti , in fondo a questo articolo.
Ma torniamo alla serata . Erano presenti dei cari amici, che ho rivisto con grande piacere: per “Il Carpino”, Anna e Franco Sosol (prima photo below), and, "Ronco dei Tassi, Enrico Coser (second photo below), but unfortunately, due to a small family mishap at the last moment could not come Gianluca Anzelini . were served :
- Appetizer: "Triptych" (Fillet of Turbot with basil sauce, shrimp with caponata vegetables, potatoes and anchovies on a bed of Valeriana). Coupled with
"Vigna Runco 2009," 12.5% \u200b\u200bVol, Ribolla Gialla Collio DOC, The Company Carpino.
- First : Squid (a type pasta rings similar to paccheri ½), with brown Mare (Arselline, calamari, shrimp and mullet);
on this scale were served three wines, two of the company Ronco Dei Tassi, "Malvasia 2009 ", 14.5% Vol, and " Friulano 2009 " (Tocai) 13.5% Vol, and " Pinot Blanc 2009, Vol 14% of Anzelini, all three DOC Collio.
- Second Pig milk Garfagnana (soft, tasty and cooked to perfection) with roast potatoes.
The combination with this dish, it seemed on paper risky, "Vis Uvae 2007", 14% Vol, Pinot Grigio Il Carpino Auburn, IGT Venezia Giulia, in fact, thanks to the quality of wine, in which he felt strongly, as announced by name, "the Strength Grape " and skill in choosing the Patron Stefano Niccoli , that was more spot on.
- Dessert: Chocolate Soufflé . Dinner
excellent, good pairings, wines, all really good, you feel that are made with "heart" , and exceptional value for money.
Throughout the evening, Franco Sosol and Enrico Coser , entertained, interested in the fifty guests present, describing their passion with Territories, the Vineyards, the wines and methods of production .
Regarding Anzelini the Wine was presented by Stefano Niccoli .
When the evenings are organized in the proper manner, invited the wine estates are very good and the food is so good, we can only hope to belittling.
Wine with Cuisine Puntodivino
Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 229
Viareggio (Lucca) 31 046 0584 Tel

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Italy decline (in cifre)

's costs Italy's decline:

- 120 billion of tax evasion ;

- 60 billion to corruption ;

- 331 billion for infrastructure in late (to 2024) ;

- to unemployment '11% ;

- 600 000 people in layoffs ;

- public debt over 1800 billion € (third world debt);

- increase by only 1% of GDP ;

- share use of European structural funds over the past 4 years to 13% .

With this picture of the situation should stand out a high jump, but for years it deals with "praise" protective for the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and for months, its feasts and houses bought and sold abroad.

We are the country of the commedia dell'arte, companies are under sized, inflated prices from various forms of protectionism, we invest to exploit the arbitrage price protected, the political risk is high, there are powerful groups that have little to do with the rules of international finance, the environment is mercantilist, protectionist and provincial, are in danger of becoming only the consumer market, the lower the sense of civic duty, high security, high costs, etc. .

E 'Italy decline.

article: First Mastrantoni
Click here to read the article from the source .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is A Masterbation Glove?

Il 2012 e la crisi economica che piegherà le ginocchia

The public debt of the big countries are increasing.

The situation is becoming critical.

Let me explain what happened and what will happen with plain language: in 2008 America in prices of raw materials have increased (as in the rest of the world), but at the same time the major banks and financial institutions have gone bankrupt U.S. - such as Lehman Brothers - or risked closure, following all'ingordigia of the same banks that had sold "products finanziari spazzatura " (i " derivati " e " mutui subprime ") succhiando il sangue dei risparmiatori, soprattutto nel campo immobiliare.

Quando il comune cittadino non ha potuto più pagare le rate per la casa, ad esempio, le banche hanno piegato le ginocchia. In pochi si sono arricchiti, in molti hanno iniziato a impoverirsi.

La banche americane sono state salvate dall'intervento governativo, altrimenti sarebbe scoppiata una rivolta mondiale. Ma in questo modo il debito delle banche è stato trasferito allo Stato. In Europa l'effetto della crisi ha messo in ginocchia altre banche e dunque l'intero sistema economico .

Paesi come la Grecia, già fragile and high public debt, they risked default and Europe has reached out not to trigger a revolt European Union. Meanwhile, in this case, the debt was transferred to the partner States.

The situation now is very fragile. Today comes the news that the EU's statistical office reports an increase in the deficit of the European countries. Italy and Greece are very badly made.

In our country, public debt has reached 1844.817 billion euro.

America in 2012 expire in financial derivatives in an amount greater than three times than those that expired in 2008. Economists call it "the Armageddon financial . Did you know that someone told you that?

So get ready.

do not know if the Mayan prophecies can come true, but it matters little. Human society is on the threshold of a major crisis and the collective economic meltdown is just one of the effects of the arrogance and hubris that has governed humanity in recent decades .

Economic crisis means more humility and knees bent. But there is also the environmental crisis and the transformation of the ecosystem that give another blow to the presumption of omnipotence .

are made. We have before our eyes and you just watch.

Article by: Enzo Frenna
Click here to read the article from the source .

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sewing A Vest Pattern With Interfacing

fraud against the State, also condemned the accountant who prepares the application for funding

Ove la domanda di finanziamento sia supportata da falsa documentazione, rispondono a titolo di concorso nella fattispecie di truffa aggravata per il conseguimento di erogazioni pubbliche (ex art. 640-bis c.p.) l’imprenditore, in favore del quale la domanda è stata presentata, ed il professionista, che ha provveduto alla predisposizione della stessa.
A stabilirlo è la Corte di Cassazione, nella sentenza n. 40107 di ieri, 12 novembre 2010, a conferma delle condanne pronunciate sia in primo grado che in appello

Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Nibbiaia is a fraction of City of Rosignano Marittimo in Province of Livorno , situated on the verdant hills Livorno, about 300 meters above sea level. is only 4.5 Km. from the Sea and 10.5 from Livorno can be reached from the coast, with the panoramic road that starts from Chioma and from inside by the Provincial Road of Gabbro. From the hill overlooking the small country of Nibbiaia (just over 700 people) you can see the ' Island of Capraia , that of Gorgona and Corsica also . The Center was born from some farms in the Medieval City of Gabbro , passed from the domain Pisano that Fiorentino until new captaincy of Livorno, established in 1600. The name Nibbiaia probably derives from "kite", known bird of prey, it seems, in fact, that the symbol of the country was a tree on which these birds just rolled. A place very peaceful and relaxing.
Here, since July 16, 2010, has opened a new restaurant particularly importante per il Territorio e non solo, la Locanda Martinelli del bravo Chef Michele Martinelli.
Michele nasce a Massa , il 12 Settembre 1974 , il suo amore per la Cucina lo porta ad iscriversi, nel 1988 , ad una delle Scuole più rinomate e prestigiose del settore, l’ Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione “Giuseppe Minuto” di Marina di Massa . Questa Scuola avrà per lui una importanza essential not only professional but also sentimental, as in 1991 , while attending the fourth class, know and love with a beautiful girl who is in fifth, Evelyn Alice class 1973, Pisana , his future wife . Their lives, since then, it will be tied hand in glove, in all subsequent work experience, where Michele will share the duties of Kitchen and Evelyn those room.
After ' Hospitality and a "Special Training" in Palma de Mallorca in Spain, the " Mallorca Sea School, where he learned the necessary prevention rules and work on ships , deepens the study of the major languages \u200b\u200band specialized, with Evelyn at international level, at Restaurants very famous in France and Germany, as well as in Italy .
Then ten years ago "Personal Chef" . Between 1999 and 2009, their employers were some of the most prominent families and famous in the world, as the royal families of Jordan of and Luxembourg 's Saudi Arabia , the daughter of the President of Ukraine , and many wealthy businessmen, such as Melnichenko, Pinchuk, Kater, John Hill , Schwarzenbach.
In recent years, they, too, a great experience at the prestigious Golden Restaurant of Porto Turistico Cala de 'Medici to Castiglioncello (LI), also known as the Porto del Gusto .
Their home, in turn, was a Castle , A large Palace, a beautiful Villa Yacht or a dream, after a long run, with the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Denis in 2006, felt the need to put on a home and stable.
few years ago they bought an apartment Nibbiaia , the choice was made based on their desire to spend the holidays next to a beautiful area like "Etruscan Coast", which corresponds roughly to the territory coast Province of Livorno , full of enchanting and hospitable places, including beaches. Affezionatisi alla zona, e trovandola adatta anche alle loro esigenze lavorative, nel 2008 , hanno rilevato, e completamente ristrutturato con un attento e personale gusto, una palazzina a due passi dalla piazza principale di Nibbiaia .
Siamo giunti così al Luglio 2010 , all’apertura del loro nuovo Ristorante : Locanda Martinelli .
Il Locale , già da fuori, è molto “caldo” e accogliente, attraverso la porta di legno e vetro si entra in un piccolo disimpegno, di fronte le dritte scale che portano all’appartamento privato del piano superiore, a sinistra la nuova bella cucina, right the first room, the largest, which then down three steps, you enter the second, the smallest, with the great and beautiful wood-burning stove. L ' decor is simple yet elegant details, meticulously maintained, make the difference, we see the loving hand of Evelyn . The apparatus of marble tables is refined, the walls of two large rooms framed blackboards, written with white chalk, updating the guest on the availability of menu. The expenditure is made with great attention to raw materials, to the territory and the seasons, nothing comes to the inn only after a thorough inspection. The Carta dei Vini è molto selezionata, Vini Bianchi e Rossi soprattutto dalla Toscana, dal Piemonte, dall’Alto Adige, dal Friuli, alcuni anche dalla Francia, Spumanti e Champagne, infine i Vini da Dessert, una proposta valida atta ad accontentare anche gli enonauti più esigenti.
Ma veniamo alla degustazione fatta, in tavola il simpatico secchiello del buon pane assortito della Casa, è stato servito come aperitivo “Primo Secolo” Vino Spumante Brut di Qualità, 100% Chardonnay, prodotto per la prima volta nel 1991 per i primi 100 anni dell’ Azienda Giulio Cocchi di Asti , the smallest of the big Champagne houses Piemontese:
- Shrimp coated with bacon Paul Parisi with cream of broccoli, and tomato confit;
- red shrimp and butter on cream of cauliflower.
These first two dishes were accompanied by "Montepepe 2008", Bianco Toscano IGT 's Company Montepepe of Roberto Poggi, Montignoso (MS).
- duck ravioli with truffle sauce;
- Gnocchettini with Strolghino (salami typical of the lands of the Duchy of Parma , made from trimmings of Culatello ) and duck breast;
- wild boar stew on polenta chained to Lunigianese . The second part of
menu was served a bottle of ' Wine Company of Light Cocconato D'Asti, 100% Barbera "Piano Alto 2001, Barbera D'Asti Superiore Nizza DOC Vineyards Light Agliano.
Then we got to the desserts:
- Baba lightened with whipped cream;
- Raised (in fine glass, and beautiful choreography) with small pastries. All
extremely enjoyable and beautiful presentation, great aromas and flavors, excellent raw material, the very delicate "paste" homemade (all), precise cooking that have maintained the unique qualities of each dish. Sincere
the art of this great Chef that, for its many merits, has recently been invited to hold a series of lectures at "Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, in the capital of Jordan, Amman . A modern, technological and prestigious International Cooking School, directed by Anton Würsch , far ahead in the world.
Michele Martinelli and his wife Evelyn , I was welcomed with much warmth and kindness with the immediate at ease.
I can recommend only to visit them: it is not a common occurrence to have a Personal Chef International, at this level, available to all.
Inn Restaurant is open always, reservations required
Piazza Mazzini, 11 Nibbiaia (LI) Tel 0586 740 161