Solange Manfredi - Il trattato di Lisbona
What's really the Lisbon Treaty? What are the changes engendered by the adoption of this treaty? What changes to the previous Treaty on European Union?
There are many details which, although worthy of note, we have never heard mentioned.
recommend that you view the conference Solange Manfredi, held in Ferrara on May 30 2010, entitled " The Treaty of Lisbon: what no one tells .
Following are the links to the following parts: 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Ftv Midnight Hot Wallpapers Without Any Cloths
Friday, October 8, 2010 I spent a wonderful evening in a room very special because of its many qualities, the Restaurant "Silene" located in Location Pescina to Seggiano in Province of Grosseto , one of the most beautiful and preserved areas of the country Tuscany, on the slopes of Monte Amiata . This Monte , high 1738 meters above sea level, is nothing but an ancient extinct volcano, it is assumed that its last eruption dates back to more than 700,000 years ago, today is a note of Ski Resort Tuscany South , is in the middle of a green area, divided between the provinces of Siena and Grosseto . L ' Amiatese is a warm and rich territory, in every sense: the extraordinary ancient olive groves of chestnut forests (chestnut PDO) and beech trees, the lush undergrowth, full of mushrooms, with the Roads of Wine DOC Montecucco and 's Orcia, from the majestic medieval castles to -Lombard Romanesque abbeys, ancient villas the ancient palaces, churches by inerpicanti the streets of small towns, from Natural Parks to Geothermal Area. An infinity of wonders that are followed to the delight of residents and tourists. The name of the Monte Amiata comes from the richness of its aquifers, to the ancient "with meat" = "the sources" intelligently conveyed in the Thirty Years , in that masterpiece of engineering that is the ' Aqueduct of Fiora.

little higher up the ancient country of Seggiano , there is Village of Pescina here in 1830 was Station opened of Stop (Post), a typical expression of the host of time, from the early twentieth century called "Silene". The Local takes its name from the one who first gave him a special quality, Silene , and over the years has become Locanda , Osteria Restaurant and then, with quality , good food, the first public phone and for taking the first set, black and white, the whole area. Since 2000
the "Silene" is Roberto Rossi , dinamico, simpatico e bravo Chef/Oste.
Roberto nasce a Castel Del Piano (Gr), nel 1972 , da una famiglia contadina, e di questa sua origine ne è molto fiero, cresce a Seggiano , ha un rapporto costante e stretto con tutta la natura che lo circonda, anche prima di diplomarsi Ragioniere , durante le vacanze estive, entra a lavorare in cucina, la sua è una gavetta fatta con amore e passione che lo porterà ad entrare, 21 anni fa, come dipendente in questo storico Locale , e a salire tutta la scala gerarchica della cucina fino a diventare Chef e successivamente anche proprietario . Roberto has a philosophy very clear: a total respect for the quality of raw materials, processing techniques and cooking, the magnificence of the priority area, not to mention all those others that make our nation the first country ever in the World for "Good Taste". not only good local cuisine, then, but also Italian Cuisine high level. This
his great attention to the area led him to undertake, in 2001 , along with a small group of other major companies , the design of large Luigi Veronelli denominato “ L’Olio secondo Veronelli”, per la produzione di un Olio Extravergine di Oliva denocciolato, dopo tre anni di intenso lavoro è rimasto solo lui a credere caparbiamente nel risultato. E’ nato così il suo Olio Extravergine di Oliva Mono Cultivar ( Olivastra di Seggiano ) Denocciolato “Il Silene”, unico e raro, fatto con un procedimento innovativo, che permette una completa estrazione dalle parti nobili della polpa, riuscendo cosi ad ottenere aromi e sapori straordinari . Questa tecnica moderna trova origin in an ancient Roman tradition , which deprived the core designed to produce the olives' oil of Re . Roberto Rossi produces about 15,000 bottles 100 ml. and 3000 "magnum" from 250 ml. distributed to the best Local the world. Roberto stresses that does not live oil, but the 'Oil "Il Silene" is part of his heart, and the result can be seen and heard, this unique product always gets the most votes of the experts and subscribers to receive all the years, the scope Prize of the "5 drops, the best.
The Restaurant "Silene" is a place that is not easy to describe, you have to go to appreciate the charm and possibly even sleep in one of six comfortable rooms on the first floor, not hotel rooms , but rooms guests Roberto .
But back to the evening 's eight of October, organized for the presentation of Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Azienda Agricola Case Basse , of \u200b\u200bthat remarkable winemaker who is Gianfranco Soldera . To speak appropriately Soldera , volcanic character and his wife, the nice lady Graziella , not because of his wine, it would take volumes. The 23 acres of his estate , located in the south west of Montalcino (SI), are, about forty years, a pristine paradise where nature is indulged because it can express its full potential . The extraordinary Brunello di Montalcino , produced there, is not only the result of an almost maniacal care of the vineyards, five years in large Slavonian oak casks , of \u200b\u200babout twelve months of aging in bottle, but most of all is the son of Gianfranco Soldera and its link, quite unique, of "enlightened farmer, who with his land. The evening at
"Silene" provided tasting 2004 Brunello Case Basse Company to accompany all the dishes on the menu , specially prepared by Chef Roberto Rossi assisted by Chef Marinella .
The Restaurant "Silene" is a place that is not easy to describe, you have to go to appreciate the charm and possibly even sleep in one of six comfortable rooms on the first floor, not hotel rooms , but rooms guests Roberto .
But back to the evening 's eight of October, organized for the presentation of Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Azienda Agricola Case Basse , of \u200b\u200bthat remarkable winemaker who is Gianfranco Soldera . To speak appropriately Soldera , volcanic character and his wife, the nice lady Graziella , not because of his wine, it would take volumes. The 23 acres of his estate , located in the south west of Montalcino (SI), are, about forty years, a pristine paradise where nature is indulged because it can express its full potential . The extraordinary Brunello di Montalcino , produced there, is not only the result of an almost maniacal care of the vineyards, five years in large Slavonian oak casks , of \u200b\u200babout twelve months of aging in bottle, but most of all is the son of Gianfranco Soldera and its link, quite unique, of "enlightened farmer, who with his land. The evening at
"Silene" provided tasting 2004 Brunello Case Basse Company to accompany all the dishes on the menu , specially prepared by Chef Roberto Rossi assisted by Chef Marinella .
In a room warm and full, thirty-five guests, including fans, producers and experts sitting at the table well laid, on which stood the choreographic trays of bread, with different flavors of home, were served:
- mushrooms;
- Stop the cruel knife of white bull, a cross between two breeds extraordinary, Chianina and Limousine Amiata, with Extra Virgin Olivastra Seggianese "Il Silene" 2009 ";
- Mushrooms Roasted of Monte Amiata ;
- Maremmani Tortelli stuffed with ricotta and spinach, with large slices of white truffle ;
- pigeon breast and leg mix the vegetables with herbs , together with small triumphs of vegetables
- pistachio cake with ;
- Chocolate of the house olive "Il Silene".
All really good, balanced flavors, preparations treated, the raw material used is of exceptional quality. I was witness to the freshness of the mushrooms 's Amiata, arrived in the afternoon in a wicker basket overflowing, led by the most famous fungaiolo the area, Luciano said "Count".
During and after the dinner, Gianfranco Soldera nicely and pleasantly entertained the audience with a description of his latest techniques for growing and winemaking as well as outsource its particular philosophy of life in perfect harmony with nature. The
Brunello di Montalcino 2004 , 's Company Agricola Case Basse, of Soldera (see last photo below, along with a historical bottle of 1975), it's like all their wines , a great product, ready for a long life if properly stored, for decades, where you can give to a lucky taster, at all times, great taste and sensory satisfaction.
What else to say except to reiterate that she spent at the restaurant "Silene" a pleasant evening, thanks to two extraordinary characters as the great wine-grower and the most excellent Gianfranco Soldera Chef Roberto Rossi (see photo above).
Silene Restaurant Location
Pescina, Seggiano (GR) Tel 0564 950 805
- mushrooms;
- Stop the cruel knife of white bull, a cross between two breeds extraordinary, Chianina and Limousine Amiata, with Extra Virgin Olivastra Seggianese "Il Silene" 2009 ";
- Mushrooms Roasted of Monte Amiata ;
- Maremmani Tortelli stuffed with ricotta and spinach, with large slices of white truffle ;
- pigeon breast and leg mix the vegetables with herbs , together with small triumphs of vegetables
- pistachio cake with ;
- Chocolate of the house olive "Il Silene".
All really good, balanced flavors, preparations treated, the raw material used is of exceptional quality. I was witness to the freshness of the mushrooms 's Amiata, arrived in the afternoon in a wicker basket overflowing, led by the most famous fungaiolo the area, Luciano said "Count".
During and after the dinner, Gianfranco Soldera nicely and pleasantly entertained the audience with a description of his latest techniques for growing and winemaking as well as outsource its particular philosophy of life in perfect harmony with nature. The
Brunello di Montalcino 2004 , 's Company Agricola Case Basse, of Soldera (see last photo below, along with a historical bottle of 1975), it's like all their wines , a great product, ready for a long life if properly stored, for decades, where you can give to a lucky taster, at all times, great taste and sensory satisfaction.
What else to say except to reiterate that she spent at the restaurant "Silene" a pleasant evening, thanks to two extraordinary characters as the great wine-grower and the most excellent Gianfranco Soldera Chef Roberto Rossi (see photo above).
Silene Restaurant Location
Pescina, Seggiano (GR) Tel 0564 950 805

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Producing Alcohol Ontario
Le due anime di Veronesi
There are two aspirations that, not so secretly, hide the soul of the famous Italian political and oncologist Umberto Veronesi , former health minister in the government Amato, now a senator in PD and share newly elected Supervisor Scientific CICAP : One medical, or the " cure" for cancer , the other policy or the presidency nuclear agency. Already
just that: aspirations that would appear in clear contrast to any person, conscious of the fact that radiation is carcinogenic , Veronesi coexist without any problem.
is looming as a paradoxical scenario in which St. Peter is proposed rotation of the charges and offered the porter of hell in exchange for the keys of Paradise. And that is holy? Of course, welcome! Perhaps you doubt? It failed
nullifying the example of "correct applicazione del metodo scientifico " offerto dall'indiscusso "esperto di salute" sugli inceneritori che non farebbero male perchè " i suoi esperti gliel'hanno giurato " e si salti a pie' pari, dopo un doppio salto mortale, anche sulla posizione riguardo gli OGM , che, in tempi non sospetti, il professore ha sostenuto persino con la sottoscrizione di un manifesto .
Umberto Veronesi sembrerebbe, pertanto, predestinato alla guida dell' Agenzia per la Sicurezza nucleare . E' uno scienziato "futurista", che vive con trasporto viscerale la modernità ed il primato tecnologico: sì agli OGM, incinerators yes, yes to nuclear power ... but also yes to cure cancer !
with an air of Marinetti, while confirmation Belpietro during transmission Morning 5 its readiness for the presidency, exclaimed: " the new reactors are beautiful, powerful, and there is no doubt about their safety .
But in nature nothing is created, nothing is lost and everything is transformed, is not it? besides energy reactors also produce waste that are named in the case of nuclear .
However there is nothing to worry about. Both in Italy with the waste, their traffic and their disposal are made benissimo già prima dell'avvento dell'atomo berlusconiano: un'avanguardia europea!
Ma ci rassicura il luminare, che dichiara: " Scorie nucleari? Niente pericoli ". Chi gliel'avrà suggerito stavolta?
Alcune neoplasie come le leucemie, il tumore del polmone, del colon, della mammella, della tiroide e della vescica sono particolarmente sensibili agli effetti delle radiazioni . In un articolo recentemente pubblicato su Cancer Research si sostiene, vieppiù, che le radiazioni oltre a generare un singolo tumore, ne possono produrre multipli .
(Per capire meglio i reali rischi legati al nucleare would only have to read this article concerning investigations Riccardo Iacona the danger arising from the simple and normal operation of power plants.)
Of course, for men as Berlusconi, which is served up by the media as the solver each problem, the return to the atom represents a great opportunity on stage, that has been done to escape. And meanwhile
forward the nuclear agency, whose presidency, according to that hope, be sure to touch on some famous scientist: an engineer, a physicist, a chemist ... stain!? Let a famous doctor! It gives greater security and "Communists" to say that radiation is causative agents of cancer!
"fig leaf" or less, the figure of Veronesi (but also his person for that matter) is well suited to the role. The commercial nuclear power guaranteed by Veronesi work as the pots of Mondial House or mattresses Eminflex (special offer for first 100 calls for over twenty years). The rejection of PD
of Veronesi's nuclear program is clear and the government reaffirm the senators Silk and Ferrante who speak of " a dangerous adventure that will end in nothing . Consequently, the appointment of Veronesi, though known, was not at all digested and the same senators have called for his resignation from parliament.
Now, beyond the political overtones, or resignation of any of the professor's expertise in nuclear matters, I wonder, knowledge and belief: there is moral compatibility between the medical profession and the presidency of the nuclear agency?
Article published on (Editor's note here that I converted in part)
Click here to read the article from the source .

There are two aspirations that, not so secretly, hide the soul of the famous Italian political and oncologist Umberto Veronesi , former health minister in the government Amato, now a senator in PD and share newly elected Supervisor Scientific CICAP : One medical, or the " cure" for cancer , the other policy or the presidency nuclear agency. Already
just that: aspirations that would appear in clear contrast to any person, conscious of the fact that radiation is carcinogenic , Veronesi coexist without any problem.
is looming as a paradoxical scenario in which St. Peter is proposed rotation of the charges and offered the porter of hell in exchange for the keys of Paradise. And that is holy? Of course, welcome! Perhaps you doubt? It failed
nullifying the example of "correct applicazione del metodo scientifico " offerto dall'indiscusso "esperto di salute" sugli inceneritori che non farebbero male perchè " i suoi esperti gliel'hanno giurato " e si salti a pie' pari, dopo un doppio salto mortale, anche sulla posizione riguardo gli OGM , che, in tempi non sospetti, il professore ha sostenuto persino con la sottoscrizione di un manifesto .
Umberto Veronesi sembrerebbe, pertanto, predestinato alla guida dell' Agenzia per la Sicurezza nucleare . E' uno scienziato "futurista", che vive con trasporto viscerale la modernità ed il primato tecnologico: sì agli OGM, incinerators yes, yes to nuclear power ... but also yes to cure cancer !
with an air of Marinetti, while confirmation Belpietro during transmission Morning 5 its readiness for the presidency, exclaimed: " the new reactors are beautiful, powerful, and there is no doubt about their safety .
But in nature nothing is created, nothing is lost and everything is transformed, is not it? besides energy reactors also produce waste that are named in the case of nuclear .
However there is nothing to worry about. Both in Italy with the waste, their traffic and their disposal are made benissimo già prima dell'avvento dell'atomo berlusconiano: un'avanguardia europea!
Ma ci rassicura il luminare, che dichiara: " Scorie nucleari? Niente pericoli ". Chi gliel'avrà suggerito stavolta?
Alcune neoplasie come le leucemie, il tumore del polmone, del colon, della mammella, della tiroide e della vescica sono particolarmente sensibili agli effetti delle radiazioni . In un articolo recentemente pubblicato su Cancer Research si sostiene, vieppiù, che le radiazioni oltre a generare un singolo tumore, ne possono produrre multipli .
(Per capire meglio i reali rischi legati al nucleare would only have to read this article concerning investigations Riccardo Iacona the danger arising from the simple and normal operation of power plants.)

forward the nuclear agency, whose presidency, according to that hope, be sure to touch on some famous scientist: an engineer, a physicist, a chemist ... stain!? Let a famous doctor! It gives greater security and "Communists" to say that radiation is causative agents of cancer!
"fig leaf" or less, the figure of Veronesi (but also his person for that matter) is well suited to the role. The commercial nuclear power guaranteed by Veronesi work as the pots of Mondial House or mattresses Eminflex (special offer for first 100 calls for over twenty years). The rejection of PD
of Veronesi's nuclear program is clear and the government reaffirm the senators Silk and Ferrante who speak of " a dangerous adventure that will end in nothing . Consequently, the appointment of Veronesi, though known, was not at all digested and the same senators have called for his resignation from parliament.
Now, beyond the political overtones, or resignation of any of the professor's expertise in nuclear matters, I wonder, knowledge and belief: there is moral compatibility between the medical profession and the presidency of the nuclear agency?
Article published on (Editor's note here that I converted in part)
Click here to read the article from the source .
Monday, October 25, 2010
Best Tied To A Table Movies
From September 26 to 10 October 2010 , Have followed, at one of the most prestigious wineries of Bolgheri , in Province of Livorno , the 'Company Agricola "The Macchiole" , the days of presentation of the 'Year 2007, an initiative that has been called "Around the World ... .. Starting from Bolgheri " . Very charming and intriguing the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together, in Company, importers of their wines , of Belgium, England , Svizzera e altri, con giornalisti Italiani e stranieri provenienti da diversi Paesi , per conoscere l’ Annata 2007 e partecipare al “Come eravamo”, una ulteriore degustazione speciale di annate storiche e ormai rare, che ha messo a confronto le varie fasi di crescita, attraverso gli anni, dei loro grandi Vini . Le Macchiole , pur avendo un forte legame col Territorio , ha una dimensione Internazionale , che la porta, oggi, ad essere presente in 33 Nazioni del Mondo , con circa il 70% della produzione, with sales growing. Given such a large international distribution of their production , came as a result of getting through Wine to preparations of Chef good, other food cultures, brought in for the occasion, to cook in Company.

Great are the achievements "The Macchiole" for the last few years. Among the many awards to outstanding Wine Spectator (the prestigious American magazine, founded in 1976 , and which has become a world reference for wine lovers ) than in 2008 ha attribuito i “100/100”, il massimo, al “Messorio 2004” (il loro Vino di punta), un innegabile vanto per tutto il Mondo Enologico Itali ano.
L’ Azienda Agricola Le Macchiole , nasce nel 1983 , per merito del suo titolare Eugenio Campolmi , nel territorio che oggi meglio contraddistingue, dal punto di vista vitivinicolo, la “Costa degli Etruschi” , il Bolgherese . Le felici intuizioni e il grande impegno, oltre alla voglia di sperimentare, portano Eugenio little time to focus on grape varieties used in this area, such as Cabernet Franc and Syrah . Later, in 1991 , comes the valuable collaboration with a winemaker, he was born with just a special feeling, Luca D' Attoma . The moment, the plans to build Wine original and unconventional, but at the same time enhance and exalt the characteristics of the Territory membership begins to bear fruit, unfortunately, Eugenio tragically disappears.
Cinzia Merli Campolmi (see photo above), Eugene's wife, finds herself suddenly alone to manage the ' Company, is a charming and energetic woman, from the look sad but proud, though for her it's all new, now has clear ideas and the strength to put in place.
Create immediately a team of young and in love with his job with the help of his brother Massimo and winemaker, inside the company, Luke Rettondini .
Cinzia is to it right away to give continuity to the work done so far, but at the same time gives an exciting new wave of innovation. Plants in very low yields and high densities, run only manually (requires an end in 500 hours per hectare), apply "healthy" principles of ' organic farming, only to make more sustainable viticulture, in fact, is not even mentioned on the labels. For a little over a year, up 5 hectares, has launched a trial of biodynamic viticulture . One of the choices that most identify their Wine, is to produce with Monovitigni. Today "The Macchiole" a surface of 22 hectares e produce 5 Vini, quattro Rossi e un Bianco , l’obbiettivo è di tenere un alto standard qualitativo costante negli anni e di offrire ad ogni consumatore un’emozione particolare abbinata ad una sensazione unica.
I Vini prodotti , imbottigliati senza nessun procedimento di filtrazione, sono:
- Le Macchiole , Bolgheri Rosso D.O.C., Merlot, Cabernet, Sangiovese e Syrah, affina per 10 mesi in barrique da 225 lt. di secondo e terzo passaggio, ne vengono prodotte circa 90.000 bottiglie;
- Paleo Rosso , I.G.T. Toscana, 100% Cabernet Franc, affina per 14 mesi in barrique, 75% new and 25% of the second step, a production of just over 20,000 bottles;
- Paleo Bianco, Toscana IGT, 60% Sauvignon and 40% Chardonnay, aged in barriques of 225 lt. for 6 months, produced in 6000 bottles;
- Scrio , IGT Rosso Toscana, 100% Syrah, 14/16 months of aging, 75% in barriques of 225 lt. new, and 25% in second passage barriques, a valuable production of only 3,000 bottles;
- Messorio , IGT Toscana Red, 100% Merlot aged in new barrels of 225 liters. for 75% and 25% in barriques second step, 14/16 months, produced in about 10,000 bottles.
Noble wines, for their great quality, rich in authentic expressions of character and strong personality, distinctive precious fruit of an area as Bolgherese . All
barrels are supplied by some of the best companies the world, as the oldest and most famous Italian manufacturer of barrels the "Giobatta & Piero Garbellotto SPA", or Tonnellerie French : Cadus , Francois Frères, Saury, Vicard, Mercurey, Berthomieu.
I visited 'Company Tuesday 5 October 2010, with a small group of colleagues, for the day dedicated to' England, was there, in fact, the importer Patrick Sandeman , nice person of "Lea & Sandeman " 170 Fulham Road, London .
I Vini prodotti , imbottigliati senza nessun procedimento di filtrazione, sono:
- Le Macchiole , Bolgheri Rosso D.O.C., Merlot, Cabernet, Sangiovese e Syrah, affina per 10 mesi in barrique da 225 lt. di secondo e terzo passaggio, ne vengono prodotte circa 90.000 bottiglie;
- Paleo Rosso , I.G.T. Toscana, 100% Cabernet Franc, affina per 14 mesi in barrique, 75% new and 25% of the second step, a production of just over 20,000 bottles;
- Paleo Bianco, Toscana IGT, 60% Sauvignon and 40% Chardonnay, aged in barriques of 225 lt. for 6 months, produced in 6000 bottles;
- Scrio , IGT Rosso Toscana, 100% Syrah, 14/16 months of aging, 75% in barriques of 225 lt. new, and 25% in second passage barriques, a valuable production of only 3,000 bottles;
- Messorio , IGT Toscana Red, 100% Merlot aged in new barrels of 225 liters. for 75% and 25% in barriques second step, 14/16 months, produced in about 10,000 bottles.
Noble wines, for their great quality, rich in authentic expressions of character and strong personality, distinctive precious fruit of an area as Bolgherese . All
barrels are supplied by some of the best companies the world, as the oldest and most famous Italian manufacturer of barrels the "Giobatta & Piero Garbellotto SPA", or Tonnellerie French : Cadus , Francois Frères, Saury, Vicard, Mercurey, Berthomieu.
I visited 'Company Tuesday 5 October 2010, with a small group of colleagues, for the day dedicated to' England, was there, in fact, the importer Patrick Sandeman , nice person of "Lea & Sandeman " 170 Fulham Road, London .
After being kindly welcomed by Cinzia Merli Campolmi , we went to the beautiful tasting room , along with winemaker Luca Rettondini , the manager of Vigne, Massimo Merli, Veronica and Veltro the commercial point of reference for contacts with foreign countries, which is provided, with those in need, to make even an interpreter.
Satisfactory, careful and thorough tasting of the 2007 vintage Rossi ( Paleo, and Scrio Messorio ), assisted in great detail, from Holder and his staff . All three wines have successfully passed the examination, in particular, I have to rate very high in Scrio 2007, I was very impressed, for its intense color, intense aroma with a pleasant Mediterranean fruity, its roundness, its wealth and its great balance.
Then we made extensive visits to Vineyards and Winery beautiful.
Then we went back to the tasting room, also achieved by good and friendly winemaker Luca D' Attoma for the second round of tastings and interesting: "The Way We Were." A comparison of four Seasons Paleo Rosso, 1995, 1999, 2001 and 2004 , a very different path to production that has clearly passed the continuous improvement of wine, achieved through careful research and engaging wine.
Subsequently, we were housed in the annex with kitchen for lunch. The
Chef busy in the kitchen, with the 'Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom) as an apron, was the friendly and jovial, Paula Carrier, moved from 2004 in Florence, whose "mission" is to convince Italian , contrary to what we normally think that the Kitchen English is good.
We tasted wines in conjunction with Company:
- Bleu Cheese soufflé with red onion marmalade, paired Paleo White Wine 2008;
- Pumpkin soup with scones (like sandwiches of Scottish origin ) of cheese and butter, with The Macchiole Bolgheri Rosso 2008;
- beef stew with mashed potatoes and carrots, with Paleo Rosso 1995;
- Crumble Apple and more.
Interesting, well presented and pleasing preparations, just matching wines with good House of selected.
My pleasant and interesting visit to "The Macchiole" event "Around the World ... .. Starting from Bolgheri "was concluded between the souvenir photos, greetings and thanks.
Winery Le Macchiole
Bolgherese Street, 189 / A
Bolgheri (Livorno) Tel 0565 766 092
- Bleu Cheese soufflé with red onion marmalade, paired Paleo White Wine 2008;
- Pumpkin soup with scones (like sandwiches of Scottish origin ) of cheese and butter, with The Macchiole Bolgheri Rosso 2008;
- beef stew with mashed potatoes and carrots, with Paleo Rosso 1995;
- Crumble Apple and more.
Interesting, well presented and pleasing preparations, just matching wines with good House of selected.
My pleasant and interesting visit to "The Macchiole" event "Around the World ... .. Starting from Bolgheri "was concluded between the souvenir photos, greetings and thanks.
Winery Le Macchiole
Bolgherese Street, 189 / A
Bolgheri (Livorno) Tel 0565 766 092

How To Get A Semen Stain Out Of A Comforter
John Coleman - "La Gerarchia del Cospiratore"
In 1992, Dr. John Coleman, former intelligence agent of 'MI6 British published a text entitled " The Conspirators' Hierarchy. The Commité of 300", translated in Italian " The Conspirators Hierarchy. The True Story of the Committee of 300. "
With commendable and meticulous research, Coleman identifies in this book, the protagonists of the dominant hierarchy and explains in details the Illuminati agenda for domination and control of the world.
On page 161 of the text, Dr. Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:
" A single world government and one monetary system of units under the permanent control of oligarchs hereditary elected not to self-select each other in the form of a feudal system, as it was in medieval times. In this entity the single world, the population must be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family and by diseases, wars and famines, until 1 billion people useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined.
There will be no middle class: only the leaders and servants. All laws will be uniform under a single legal system with courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a police force of the government and a single unified body for the military to enforce laws in all countries where there are no more traditional national boundaries.
The system will be based on a welfare state: those who are obedient and submissive to the world government will be rewarded with the means to live, those who are rebellious will simply be put to death by starvation or outlawing (or insane, ndt), therefore a target for those who want to kill them. The private possession of firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited .
We can identify in this scenario as the current reality and the facts seem to lead to its representation that John Coleman is the system.
The social gap keeps growing and the most affected is the middle class who has trouble to survive in a stormy sea made tax-induced economic crisis and brutal.
The profession is opposed in every way. Control over cash movements of individuals is subjected to a exasperated that borders on the improbable and inconsistent with basic rights to privacy .
The feeling of perceived injustice and social inequality is also increasing and this creates conflicts artifacts useful to divert attention from facts and important. One such conflict concerns the management artifacts schizophrenic immigration, which is between the charitable and generous hospitality to the deportation to Nazi-style.
The propaganda machine is certainly massive and well-oiled and requires the utmost vigilance staff and the critical capacity is always on and ready to read the hidden reasons of events apparently the result of natural dynamics. .. Whereas very little is left of natural.
Below is a chart on the entities, agencies and organizations leading the hierarchy described by John Coleman .
Part of this article is taken from the web-site Freeskies

With commendable and meticulous research, Coleman identifies in this book, the protagonists of the dominant hierarchy and explains in details the Illuminati agenda for domination and control of the world.
On page 161 of the text, Dr. Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:
" A single world government and one monetary system of units under the permanent control of oligarchs hereditary elected not to self-select each other in the form of a feudal system, as it was in medieval times. In this entity the single world, the population must be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family and by diseases, wars and famines, until 1 billion people useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined.
There will be no middle class: only the leaders and servants. All laws will be uniform under a single legal system with courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a police force of the government and a single unified body for the military to enforce laws in all countries where there are no more traditional national boundaries.
The system will be based on a welfare state: those who are obedient and submissive to the world government will be rewarded with the means to live, those who are rebellious will simply be put to death by starvation or outlawing (or insane, ndt), therefore a target for those who want to kill them. The private possession of firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited .
We can identify in this scenario as the current reality and the facts seem to lead to its representation that John Coleman is the system.
The social gap keeps growing and the most affected is the middle class who has trouble to survive in a stormy sea made tax-induced economic crisis and brutal.
The profession is opposed in every way. Control over cash movements of individuals is subjected to a exasperated that borders on the improbable and inconsistent with basic rights to privacy .
The feeling of perceived injustice and social inequality is also increasing and this creates conflicts artifacts useful to divert attention from facts and important. One such conflict concerns the management artifacts schizophrenic immigration, which is between the charitable and generous hospitality to the deportation to Nazi-style.
The propaganda machine is certainly massive and well-oiled and requires the utmost vigilance staff and the critical capacity is always on and ready to read the hidden reasons of events apparently the result of natural dynamics. .. Whereas very little is left of natural.
Below is a chart on the entities, agencies and organizations leading the hierarchy described by John Coleman .

Part of this article is taken from the web-site Freeskies
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Difference Between Dow Foam Thermocol
Dominare il mondo
- How can we rule the world? Billions of people?
- It 's easy.
- what you say.
- No, it's really easy.
- Do not think, subjugate mankind, resorting to coercion is unlikely undertaking.
- What constraint? Not! Today you can use much more refined and effective methods, although the violence ...
- What are these tools?
- For example, the television and cinema with the television we men of every age and social class, property, in front of a screen with colorful and dynamic, hypnotized by programs furthering their tastes titillino or their base instincts. E 'entertainment is defined as because it keeps them and holds them in a constant state of trance.
- Not everyone is seduced by television: some show cultural interests ...
- It is not a problem, we transform the body or in sterile culture in learning, but giving the illusion that knowledge. You know how many scholars and scientists spend their entire life behind huge rubbish!
- How?
- With schools, universities, centers for mind control. In this way we create pseudo-scientists and pseudo-intellectuals who despise the common people, but I'm just a little 'less ignorant of the mass, but so docile.
- I am not convinced: knowledge is power. Potrebbero diventare pericolosi per il sistema.
- Pericolosi? In primo luogo, le loro conoscenze sono solo quelle che noi consentiamo di acquisire loro. Inoltre, se compiono qualche passo falso, o li corrompiamo o roviniamo la loro carriera, con diffamazioni e calunnie .
- Può darsi, ma qualcuno tra la massa potrebbe prendere coscienza e ribellarsi.
- Impossibile! Noi li riempiamo di cose: ad esempio vendiamo cellulari . Li convinciamo che senza i cellulari la vita è incompleta, infelice. L'altro giorno ho visto un bimbo che avrà avuto cinque anni. Strepitava e faceva i capricci perché voleva un cellulare, come il fratello adolescente. E' un grandioso successo!
- Not everyone has the money to buy these tools, or other ...
- into debt. Money is another good tool to control people . It is true that we who are greedy of riches: we have it all. is they who is never satisfied: they try to earn money and items, mostly useless. When you borrow, keep them under control even more . Today almost all go into debt: for an apartment, a car, plasma TV, even a holiday ...
- All right, the links are very narrow, but, in my opinion, someone manages to pass.
- rule it out in the strongest possible. We control everything: education, politics, justice, law enforcement, the judiciary, the tax system, the media ... You can not escape.
- This is not to dominate one hundred per cent of men.
- not true. Even if someone were to think freely, we can weaken with poisons in food, in ' environment. Will become ill and will not give us the most trouble: on the edge, if you insist, crushing like a fly. For now, suffice electromagnetic waves to stun people, but you will soon see what weapons we use ...
- Sooner or later, the risk is that some judges and investigate discover the truth ...
- I take it as a joke. It seems, however, that you have not grasped. We have created a well oiled gear: work, money, consumption, then again, work, money, consumption and so on. It 's like a hamster wheel to run wildly until he nearly broke his heart, does not stop. The truth? The truth is there in front for all to see, but prefer to ignore: they are resigned, defeatist, inert. Even if someone groped to wake the sleepers, the latter replies: "But I what can I do? What can I do alone against the system?"
- I think you have ragione.
- Certo che ho ragione e da vendere! Vedi: chi controlla il denaro controlla il mondo , ma noi controlliamo tutto: noi soggioghiamo anche le menti! Inoltre siamo molto generosi: diamo le cose ai materialisti; a chi ha una natura più evoluta, elargiamo le religioni e la New age; a chi rivela interessi culturali, qualche mostra d'arte, qualche scempiaggine, ma ben condita, di Umberto Eco . Non è vero che siamo indifferenti o spietati: siamo molto benevoli, addirittura pieni di sollecitudine .
- I tuoi argomenti sono persuasivi, ma valgono solo per la civiltà occidentale. Come si possono dominare i popoli del Terzo e Quarto mondo?
- Niente di più facile: li teniamo nella miseria più nera. Se appena osano sollevare il capo, fomentiamo conflitti, vendendo armi, così si scannano tra loro. Poi, con la scusa delle vaccinazioni, diffondiamo delle epidemie e sfoltiamo un po' il numero di quei primitivi. Naturalmente, anche se in modo diverso, teniamo divise anche le nazioni occidentali, creando finte contrapposizioni tra partiti, movimenti, leaders politici che in realtà sono tutti uguali, perché tutti obbediscono a noi .
- Dopo che avremo l'egemonia su tutto il pianeta e dopo che l'avremo distrutto, che cosa otterremo? Insomma non capisco il vero fine di questo piano di dominio globale…
- E' tardi. Vado. Devo inaugurare la conferenza sulla lotta ai problemi globali: fame, effetto serra, inquinamento, crisi economica, pandemie, terrorismo... Naturalmente sono problemi che abbiamo creato noi per conseguire i nostri scopi. Che idioti, però, gli uomini... Quasi quasi, nel discorso inaugurale, svelo tutta la verità. Tanto non ci crederanno e, se dovessero crederci, non capiranno e, se capiranno, penseranno ad uno scherzo.
Articolo di: Zret
Clicca qui per leggere l'articolo dalla fonte .

- It 's easy.
- what you say.
- No, it's really easy.
- Do not think, subjugate mankind, resorting to coercion is unlikely undertaking.
- What constraint? Not! Today you can use much more refined and effective methods, although the violence ...
- What are these tools?
- For example, the television and cinema with the television we men of every age and social class, property, in front of a screen with colorful and dynamic, hypnotized by programs furthering their tastes titillino or their base instincts. E 'entertainment is defined as because it keeps them and holds them in a constant state of trance.
- Not everyone is seduced by television: some show cultural interests ...
- It is not a problem, we transform the body or in sterile culture in learning, but giving the illusion that knowledge. You know how many scholars and scientists spend their entire life behind huge rubbish!
- How?
- With schools, universities, centers for mind control. In this way we create pseudo-scientists and pseudo-intellectuals who despise the common people, but I'm just a little 'less ignorant of the mass, but so docile.
- I am not convinced: knowledge is power. Potrebbero diventare pericolosi per il sistema.
- Pericolosi? In primo luogo, le loro conoscenze sono solo quelle che noi consentiamo di acquisire loro. Inoltre, se compiono qualche passo falso, o li corrompiamo o roviniamo la loro carriera, con diffamazioni e calunnie .
- Può darsi, ma qualcuno tra la massa potrebbe prendere coscienza e ribellarsi.
- Impossibile! Noi li riempiamo di cose: ad esempio vendiamo cellulari . Li convinciamo che senza i cellulari la vita è incompleta, infelice. L'altro giorno ho visto un bimbo che avrà avuto cinque anni. Strepitava e faceva i capricci perché voleva un cellulare, come il fratello adolescente. E' un grandioso successo!
- Not everyone has the money to buy these tools, or other ...
- into debt. Money is another good tool to control people . It is true that we who are greedy of riches: we have it all. is they who is never satisfied: they try to earn money and items, mostly useless. When you borrow, keep them under control even more . Today almost all go into debt: for an apartment, a car, plasma TV, even a holiday ...
- All right, the links are very narrow, but, in my opinion, someone manages to pass.
- rule it out in the strongest possible. We control everything: education, politics, justice, law enforcement, the judiciary, the tax system, the media ... You can not escape.
- This is not to dominate one hundred per cent of men.
- not true. Even if someone were to think freely, we can weaken with poisons in food, in ' environment. Will become ill and will not give us the most trouble: on the edge, if you insist, crushing like a fly. For now, suffice electromagnetic waves to stun people, but you will soon see what weapons we use ...
- Sooner or later, the risk is that some judges and investigate discover the truth ...
- I take it as a joke. It seems, however, that you have not grasped. We have created a well oiled gear: work, money, consumption, then again, work, money, consumption and so on. It 's like a hamster wheel to run wildly until he nearly broke his heart, does not stop. The truth? The truth is there in front for all to see, but prefer to ignore: they are resigned, defeatist, inert. Even if someone groped to wake the sleepers, the latter replies: "But I what can I do? What can I do alone against the system?"
- I think you have ragione.
- Certo che ho ragione e da vendere! Vedi: chi controlla il denaro controlla il mondo , ma noi controlliamo tutto: noi soggioghiamo anche le menti! Inoltre siamo molto generosi: diamo le cose ai materialisti; a chi ha una natura più evoluta, elargiamo le religioni e la New age; a chi rivela interessi culturali, qualche mostra d'arte, qualche scempiaggine, ma ben condita, di Umberto Eco . Non è vero che siamo indifferenti o spietati: siamo molto benevoli, addirittura pieni di sollecitudine .
- I tuoi argomenti sono persuasivi, ma valgono solo per la civiltà occidentale. Come si possono dominare i popoli del Terzo e Quarto mondo?
- Niente di più facile: li teniamo nella miseria più nera. Se appena osano sollevare il capo, fomentiamo conflitti, vendendo armi, così si scannano tra loro. Poi, con la scusa delle vaccinazioni, diffondiamo delle epidemie e sfoltiamo un po' il numero di quei primitivi. Naturalmente, anche se in modo diverso, teniamo divise anche le nazioni occidentali, creando finte contrapposizioni tra partiti, movimenti, leaders politici che in realtà sono tutti uguali, perché tutti obbediscono a noi .
- Dopo che avremo l'egemonia su tutto il pianeta e dopo che l'avremo distrutto, che cosa otterremo? Insomma non capisco il vero fine di questo piano di dominio globale…
- E' tardi. Vado. Devo inaugurare la conferenza sulla lotta ai problemi globali: fame, effetto serra, inquinamento, crisi economica, pandemie, terrorismo... Naturalmente sono problemi che abbiamo creato noi per conseguire i nostri scopi. Che idioti, però, gli uomini... Quasi quasi, nel discorso inaugurale, svelo tutta la verità. Tanto non ci crederanno e, se dovessero crederci, non capiranno e, se capiranno, penseranno ad uno scherzo.
Articolo di: Zret
Clicca qui per leggere l'articolo dalla fonte .
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My Three Year Old Has A Cold Sour
I went to Massa Marittima (GR), to interview the brilliant Chef Francesco Bracali in his Restaurant , "Stellato " by Michelin , which bears the name of Family , Bracali just reopened, after his tour in Japan . Francis started the September 20, 2010 and returned Thursday September 30 , ten intense days in which he led his extraordinary cuisine to the attention of a concerned public Japanese super of enthusiastic fans of flavors Italic in two important Restaurants , two different City, part of Group Suzuya . With great passion for Italian cooking the Executive Chef of this Group, Yukio Ishizaki (first photo below), Restaurants in question other than to make a high Italian Cuisine level, they also bring a good name Italian : "Life is Beautiful" . Yukio was born in Tokyo in 1963, he was a boy 16 years old when she first came to work in a kitchen, having obtained all the secrets of the culinary arts of its country in 1989, came to Italy , to be precise in Tuscany, where four years, gave vent to love everything about our typical, working and learning in several important Local . Back in Japan for him was a series of successes, he worked as Chef and Manager del noto Ristorante “Il Giardino” a Tokyo , ha scritto Libri di Cucina Italiana , ha partecipato a molte famose trasmissioni televisive, ha organizzato Galà e Manifestazioni , meritandosi, anche dall’ Italia , molti autorevoli riconoscimenti come “Rappresentante della Cucina Italiana in Giappone”; dal 2006 è al Gruppo Suzuya . Nella filosofia di Yukio prevale il desiderio di conoscere la Nostra Cultura per meglio interpretare la Nostra Cucina , e, appena ha la possibilità, viene spesso in Italy to visit friends, but especially for the understanding of our dishes and our products, then forward with its preparations, its all this valuable information to their countrymen. Yukio Ishizaki wanted in Japan , the Chef Francesco Bracali, one of the highest expressions of Italian cuisine high level. Francesco (you can find the history of the family and Bracali Local , the archive of this Blog ) has accepted the invitation with great pleasure and was 4 days Restaurant Nasu-Kogen " (seconda foto sotto) a Tochigi-Ken Nasu-gun Nasu-machi Yumoto-niibayashi e altri 4 giorni al “Izu-Kogen” (terza foto sotto) di Kawana Itoushi Shizuoka-ken . Il primo Ristorante, il Nasu-Kogen “La vita è Bella” e situato nel magnifico e lussuoso Resort “Michael Garden Court” , circondato da una lussureggiante vegetazione, e costruito come un vecchio Maniero di stile Inglese . Il secondo si trova nei dintorni di Shizuoka, su una verdeggiante e panoramica collina che guarda il Mar delle Filippine , the building resembles a large manor house European Middle Ages. Both Local are refined and richly furnished, and are attended by a select clientele. The Chef Francesco Bracali has prepared two lunches and two dinners, with varied menu, in any Local , doing taste its doors to more than 200 people as a whole. Yukio Ishizaki speaks very well ' Italian, but spontaneous and interested, was also the cooperation of other Japanese Chef of the two "kitchen staff" that are understood by skilled professionals, with Francesco , even with gestures. By all accounts it was a big success with the public who found the Cooking Light of a great Italian chef Francesco as Bracali , not only the best flavors of our land, but also the fine art of his hand. Francesco then dedicated a day to visit the amazing city of Tokyo and has enjoyed in a traditional Restaurant, a classic dish of "Okazu" (home cooking), "Unadon" (literally : eel bowl), a term is a contraction and simplification tra “Unagi no Kabayaki” (L’anguilla alla griglia) e “Donburi” (ciotola di riso) . Un piatto molto sostanzioso, l’anguilla grigliata ( Anguilla Japonica ) posta su una base di riso caldo e ricoperta da una salsa dolce a base di “Mirin” (Sake dolce per uso di cucina), salsa di soia e zucchero. Francesco Bracali ha voluto farmi provare alcuni piatti che ha portato in Giappone e anche altre nuove sue preparazioni. Su consiglio di Luca Bracali, attento conoscitore di ogni aspetto dei Vini sia Italiani che esteri, la degustazione è was accompanied by a young but "wonderful" bottle of Chateau La Nerthe Cuvée Des Cadettes 2006, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateauneuf-du-Pape Appellation Contrôlée, an amazing balance between Vines Grenache, Mourvèdre and Syrah.
E 'was served with the elegance of all time, from good Andrea De Luca :
- large slices of sourdough bread of the House, the taste of olives, tomato, wholemeal, poppy seed, and of butter and chives in a beautiful dish, fragrant addition to sticks;
- pizzas and meatballs cod with onion in sweet and sour (on tray handmade by ' Company Artisan "Juice of Wood" of Yari Fanti to Pistoia);
- sourdough sandwich with sunflower seeds with ham of Cinta Senese, aged 12 months, the Salumificio Artisan and Butcher Marini Marco Marini to Agliana (PT), with a roll stuffed with cream of chicken liver puree and pistachios;
- Taste of summer: fried eggplant and tomato confit rested with dome, anchovy pasta sauce mozzarella, and fried calamari;
- Tuna seared in a pan, celeriac puree, a salad of artichokes, olives and tomatoes, crusty bread and gocce di salsa agrodolce;
- Spaghetti all’uovo, con prevalenza di tuorlo, e carote, sugo di coniglio e funghi, il tutto su una base di crema di pistacchi, la finitura con una polvere di mirtillo;
- Gnocchi farciti con fegato grasso con sopra una pellicola di cipolle, su salsa di piselli con gocce di olio al tartufo fatto dallo Chef;
- Flan di gorgonzola con cialda di cioccolato bianco e un battuto di olive, capperi, e pomodori secchi;
- Filetto di baccalà cotto sotto vuoto, salsa di fagioli, composta di rabarbaro, sopra pelle croccante di baccalà e cialda di pistacchi, con insalatina aromatizzata e aceto balsamico;
- Filetto di maialino in crosta su salsa di Tè Verde, e sopra un fiore di zucca stuffed with scallops and zucchini;
- Olive Oil Gelato ( Olivastra Seggianese ), bits of cocoa, plum sauce and caramel over chocolate;
- Glasses: a chocolate mousse and pistachio Bracali; Tiramisu red fruit;
- The usual, rich and wonderful "Splashback" with the magnificent mini pastry chef. All
excellent raw materials, creations and combinations and the cooking a delicate flavor and incisive way, each of the dishes served has something more to tell of a "sought reach." The Local the Cantina, and the Service Cuci na del Ristorante Bracali sono di un livello tale che spero proprio che con l’uscita della prossima Guida Michelin gli venga attribuita, tutta meritata, la “Seconda Stella”.

E 'was served with the elegance of all time, from good Andrea De Luca :
- large slices of sourdough bread of the House, the taste of olives, tomato, wholemeal, poppy seed, and of butter and chives in a beautiful dish, fragrant addition to sticks;
- pizzas and meatballs cod with onion in sweet and sour (on tray handmade by ' Company Artisan "Juice of Wood" of Yari Fanti to Pistoia);
- sourdough sandwich with sunflower seeds with ham of Cinta Senese, aged 12 months, the Salumificio Artisan and Butcher Marini Marco Marini to Agliana (PT), with a roll stuffed with cream of chicken liver puree and pistachios;
- Taste of summer: fried eggplant and tomato confit rested with dome, anchovy pasta sauce mozzarella, and fried calamari;
- Tuna seared in a pan, celeriac puree, a salad of artichokes, olives and tomatoes, crusty bread and gocce di salsa agrodolce;
- Spaghetti all’uovo, con prevalenza di tuorlo, e carote, sugo di coniglio e funghi, il tutto su una base di crema di pistacchi, la finitura con una polvere di mirtillo;
- Gnocchi farciti con fegato grasso con sopra una pellicola di cipolle, su salsa di piselli con gocce di olio al tartufo fatto dallo Chef;
- Flan di gorgonzola con cialda di cioccolato bianco e un battuto di olive, capperi, e pomodori secchi;
- Filetto di baccalà cotto sotto vuoto, salsa di fagioli, composta di rabarbaro, sopra pelle croccante di baccalà e cialda di pistacchi, con insalatina aromatizzata e aceto balsamico;
- Filetto di maialino in crosta su salsa di Tè Verde, e sopra un fiore di zucca stuffed with scallops and zucchini;
- Olive Oil Gelato ( Olivastra Seggianese ), bits of cocoa, plum sauce and caramel over chocolate;
- Glasses: a chocolate mousse and pistachio Bracali; Tiramisu red fruit;
- The usual, rich and wonderful "Splashback" with the magnificent mini pastry chef. All
excellent raw materials, creations and combinations and the cooking a delicate flavor and incisive way, each of the dishes served has something more to tell of a "sought reach." The Local the Cantina, and the Service Cuci na del Ristorante Bracali sono di un livello tale che spero proprio che con l’uscita della prossima Guida Michelin gli venga attribuita, tutta meritata, la “Seconda Stella”.
Sono arrivato prima delle 13.00, tra la degustazione e l’intervista sul Giappone mi sono accorto, con grande meraviglia, che sono quasi le 18.00 , al Ristorante Bracali è talmente piacevole la sosta che il tempo vola.
Ho salutato congratulandomi con tutti (nella foto in alto Francesco, Luca e Andrea, insieme al sottoscritto) e in particolare con il Grande Chef Italiano, Francesco Bracali, per la sua ottima “Cucina” e per il Tour di successo fatto nella lontana terra del Giappone.
Ristorante Bracali
Via di Perolla, 2 Loc. Ghirlanda
Massa Marittima (Grosseto)
Tel. e Fax. 0566 902318
Aperto: il Mercoledì e il Giovedì solo la sera,
Venerdì, Sabato e Domenica a Pranzo e Cena.
Riposo: Lunedì e Martedì.
Ristorante Bracali
Via di Perolla, 2 Loc. Ghirlanda
Massa Marittima (Grosseto)
Tel. e Fax. 0566 902318
Aperto: il Mercoledì e il Giovedì solo la sera,
Venerdì, Sabato e Domenica a Pranzo e Cena.
Riposo: Lunedì e Martedì.

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