little higher up the ancient country of Seggiano , there is Village of Pescina here in 1830 was Station opened of Stop (Post), a typical expression of the host of time, from the early twentieth century called "Silene". The Local takes its name from the one who first gave him a special quality, Silene , and over the years has become Locanda , Osteria Restaurant and then, with quality , good food, the first public phone and for taking the first set, black and white, the whole area. Since 2000
the "Silene" is Roberto Rossi , dinamico, simpatico e bravo Chef/Oste.
Roberto nasce a Castel Del Piano (Gr), nel 1972 , da una famiglia contadina, e di questa sua origine ne è molto fiero, cresce a Seggiano , ha un rapporto costante e stretto con tutta la natura che lo circonda, anche prima di diplomarsi Ragioniere , durante le vacanze estive, entra a lavorare in cucina, la sua è una gavetta fatta con amore e passione che lo porterà ad entrare, 21 anni fa, come dipendente in questo storico Locale , e a salire tutta la scala gerarchica della cucina fino a diventare Chef e successivamente anche proprietario . Roberto has a philosophy very clear: a total respect for the quality of raw materials, processing techniques and cooking, the magnificence of the priority area, not to mention all those others that make our nation the first country ever in the World for "Good Taste". not only good local cuisine, then, but also Italian Cuisine high level. This
his great attention to the area led him to undertake, in 2001 , along with a small group of other major companies , the design of large Luigi Veronelli denominato “ L’Olio secondo Veronelli”, per la produzione di un Olio Extravergine di Oliva denocciolato, dopo tre anni di intenso lavoro è rimasto solo lui a credere caparbiamente nel risultato. E’ nato così il suo Olio Extravergine di Oliva Mono Cultivar ( Olivastra di Seggiano ) Denocciolato “Il Silene”, unico e raro, fatto con un procedimento innovativo, che permette una completa estrazione dalle parti nobili della polpa, riuscendo cosi ad ottenere aromi e sapori straordinari . Questa tecnica moderna trova origin in an ancient Roman tradition , which deprived the core designed to produce the olives' oil of Re . Roberto Rossi produces about 15,000 bottles 100 ml. and 3000 "magnum" from 250 ml. distributed to the best Local the world. Roberto stresses that does not live oil, but the 'Oil "Il Silene" is part of his heart, and the result can be seen and heard, this unique product always gets the most votes of the experts and subscribers to receive all the years, the scope Prize of the "5 drops, the best.
The Restaurant "Silene" is a place that is not easy to describe, you have to go to appreciate the charm and possibly even sleep in one of six comfortable rooms on the first floor, not hotel rooms , but rooms guests Roberto .
But back to the evening 's eight of October, organized for the presentation of Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Azienda Agricola Case Basse , of \u200b\u200bthat remarkable winemaker who is Gianfranco Soldera . To speak appropriately Soldera , volcanic character and his wife, the nice lady Graziella , not because of his wine, it would take volumes. The 23 acres of his estate , located in the south west of Montalcino (SI), are, about forty years, a pristine paradise where nature is indulged because it can express its full potential . The extraordinary Brunello di Montalcino , produced there, is not only the result of an almost maniacal care of the vineyards, five years in large Slavonian oak casks , of \u200b\u200babout twelve months of aging in bottle, but most of all is the son of Gianfranco Soldera and its link, quite unique, of "enlightened farmer, who with his land. The evening at
"Silene" provided tasting 2004 Brunello Case Basse Company to accompany all the dishes on the menu , specially prepared by Chef Roberto Rossi assisted by Chef Marinella .
The Restaurant "Silene" is a place that is not easy to describe, you have to go to appreciate the charm and possibly even sleep in one of six comfortable rooms on the first floor, not hotel rooms , but rooms guests Roberto .
But back to the evening 's eight of October, organized for the presentation of Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Azienda Agricola Case Basse , of \u200b\u200bthat remarkable winemaker who is Gianfranco Soldera . To speak appropriately Soldera , volcanic character and his wife, the nice lady Graziella , not because of his wine, it would take volumes. The 23 acres of his estate , located in the south west of Montalcino (SI), are, about forty years, a pristine paradise where nature is indulged because it can express its full potential . The extraordinary Brunello di Montalcino , produced there, is not only the result of an almost maniacal care of the vineyards, five years in large Slavonian oak casks , of \u200b\u200babout twelve months of aging in bottle, but most of all is the son of Gianfranco Soldera and its link, quite unique, of "enlightened farmer, who with his land. The evening at
"Silene" provided tasting 2004 Brunello Case Basse Company to accompany all the dishes on the menu , specially prepared by Chef Roberto Rossi assisted by Chef Marinella .
In a room warm and full, thirty-five guests, including fans, producers and experts sitting at the table well laid, on which stood the choreographic trays of bread, with different flavors of home, were served:
- mushrooms;
- Stop the cruel knife of white bull, a cross between two breeds extraordinary, Chianina and Limousine Amiata, with Extra Virgin Olivastra Seggianese "Il Silene" 2009 ";
- Mushrooms Roasted of Monte Amiata ;
- Maremmani Tortelli stuffed with ricotta and spinach, with large slices of white truffle ;
- pigeon breast and leg mix the vegetables with herbs , together with small triumphs of vegetables
- pistachio cake with ;
- Chocolate of the house olive "Il Silene".
All really good, balanced flavors, preparations treated, the raw material used is of exceptional quality. I was witness to the freshness of the mushrooms 's Amiata, arrived in the afternoon in a wicker basket overflowing, led by the most famous fungaiolo the area, Luciano said "Count".
During and after the dinner, Gianfranco Soldera nicely and pleasantly entertained the audience with a description of his latest techniques for growing and winemaking as well as outsource its particular philosophy of life in perfect harmony with nature. The
Brunello di Montalcino 2004 , 's Company Agricola Case Basse, of Soldera (see last photo below, along with a historical bottle of 1975), it's like all their wines , a great product, ready for a long life if properly stored, for decades, where you can give to a lucky taster, at all times, great taste and sensory satisfaction.
What else to say except to reiterate that she spent at the restaurant "Silene" a pleasant evening, thanks to two extraordinary characters as the great wine-grower and the most excellent Gianfranco Soldera Chef Roberto Rossi (see photo above).
Silene Restaurant Location
Pescina, Seggiano (GR) Tel 0564 950 805
- mushrooms;
- Stop the cruel knife of white bull, a cross between two breeds extraordinary, Chianina and Limousine Amiata, with Extra Virgin Olivastra Seggianese "Il Silene" 2009 ";
- Mushrooms Roasted of Monte Amiata ;
- Maremmani Tortelli stuffed with ricotta and spinach, with large slices of white truffle ;
- pigeon breast and leg mix the vegetables with herbs , together with small triumphs of vegetables
- pistachio cake with ;
- Chocolate of the house olive "Il Silene".
All really good, balanced flavors, preparations treated, the raw material used is of exceptional quality. I was witness to the freshness of the mushrooms 's Amiata, arrived in the afternoon in a wicker basket overflowing, led by the most famous fungaiolo the area, Luciano said "Count".
During and after the dinner, Gianfranco Soldera nicely and pleasantly entertained the audience with a description of his latest techniques for growing and winemaking as well as outsource its particular philosophy of life in perfect harmony with nature. The
Brunello di Montalcino 2004 , 's Company Agricola Case Basse, of Soldera (see last photo below, along with a historical bottle of 1975), it's like all their wines , a great product, ready for a long life if properly stored, for decades, where you can give to a lucky taster, at all times, great taste and sensory satisfaction.
What else to say except to reiterate that she spent at the restaurant "Silene" a pleasant evening, thanks to two extraordinary characters as the great wine-grower and the most excellent Gianfranco Soldera Chef Roberto Rossi (see photo above).
Silene Restaurant Location
Pescina, Seggiano (GR) Tel 0564 950 805

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