There are two aspirations that, not so secretly, hide the soul of the famous Italian political and oncologist Umberto Veronesi , former health minister in the government Amato, now a senator in PD and share newly elected Supervisor Scientific CICAP : One medical, or the " cure" for cancer , the other policy or the presidency nuclear agency. Already
just that: aspirations that would appear in clear contrast to any person, conscious of the fact that radiation is carcinogenic , Veronesi coexist without any problem.
is looming as a paradoxical scenario in which St. Peter is proposed rotation of the charges and offered the porter of hell in exchange for the keys of Paradise. And that is holy? Of course, welcome! Perhaps you doubt? It failed
nullifying the example of "correct applicazione del metodo scientifico " offerto dall'indiscusso "esperto di salute" sugli inceneritori che non farebbero male perchè " i suoi esperti gliel'hanno giurato " e si salti a pie' pari, dopo un doppio salto mortale, anche sulla posizione riguardo gli OGM , che, in tempi non sospetti, il professore ha sostenuto persino con la sottoscrizione di un manifesto .
Umberto Veronesi sembrerebbe, pertanto, predestinato alla guida dell' Agenzia per la Sicurezza nucleare . E' uno scienziato "futurista", che vive con trasporto viscerale la modernità ed il primato tecnologico: sì agli OGM, incinerators yes, yes to nuclear power ... but also yes to cure cancer !
with an air of Marinetti, while confirmation Belpietro during transmission Morning 5 its readiness for the presidency, exclaimed: " the new reactors are beautiful, powerful, and there is no doubt about their safety .
But in nature nothing is created, nothing is lost and everything is transformed, is not it? besides energy reactors also produce waste that are named in the case of nuclear .
However there is nothing to worry about. Both in Italy with the waste, their traffic and their disposal are made benissimo già prima dell'avvento dell'atomo berlusconiano: un'avanguardia europea!
Ma ci rassicura il luminare, che dichiara: " Scorie nucleari? Niente pericoli ". Chi gliel'avrà suggerito stavolta?
Alcune neoplasie come le leucemie, il tumore del polmone, del colon, della mammella, della tiroide e della vescica sono particolarmente sensibili agli effetti delle radiazioni . In un articolo recentemente pubblicato su Cancer Research si sostiene, vieppiù, che le radiazioni oltre a generare un singolo tumore, ne possono produrre multipli .
(Per capire meglio i reali rischi legati al nucleare would only have to read this article concerning investigations Riccardo Iacona the danger arising from the simple and normal operation of power plants.)

forward the nuclear agency, whose presidency, according to that hope, be sure to touch on some famous scientist: an engineer, a physicist, a chemist ... stain!? Let a famous doctor! It gives greater security and "Communists" to say that radiation is causative agents of cancer!
"fig leaf" or less, the figure of Veronesi (but also his person for that matter) is well suited to the role. The commercial nuclear power guaranteed by Veronesi work as the pots of Mondial House or mattresses Eminflex (special offer for first 100 calls for over twenty years). The rejection of PD
of Veronesi's nuclear program is clear and the government reaffirm the senators Silk and Ferrante who speak of " a dangerous adventure that will end in nothing . Consequently, the appointment of Veronesi, though known, was not at all digested and the same senators have called for his resignation from parliament.
Now, beyond the political overtones, or resignation of any of the professor's expertise in nuclear matters, I wonder, knowledge and belief: there is moral compatibility between the medical profession and the presidency of the nuclear agency?
Article published on http://aldo-boro.blogspot.com/ (Editor's note here that I converted in part)
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