The game in question is a perplexing banality and can be summed up in one sentence: " It 'easy to save the world from the microbial and viral diseases that do not exist. " Much more uncomfortable would rather heal the earth from toxic diseases that really exist, and that people are self-inflicted with food-milk meaty, with wine, smoking and coffee .
E ', in fact, much easier to convince someone to take a drug or make a vaccination, which tell him how badly do you put poison in your mouth all the time.
Fortunately, there is a true rescue and concrete represented by our internal mechanisms of self-healing. This parachute is called the immune system, and consists of a formidable, made of biochemical substances and bodily automatisms, intended to give us the balance and bring us back to full recovery .

Those substances and the mechanisms that cause the body never goes against itself, but it tends constantly to heal us and help us recover, but as soon as I admit, that as soon as we in condizione di guarirci.
Tale importante lavoro viene realizzato dal sistema immunitario, nonostante gli interventi più o meno contrastanti e contradditori, più o meno compatibili, che le varie terapie mediche e non mediche prevedono nei loro schemi di intervento.
L’importante per la medicina è attribuirsi i meriti della guarigione, e per la farmacologia attribuire alle sostanze che essa generosamente produce i co-meriti della co-guarigione. " Meno si parla di sistema immunitario e meglio è ", è il loro preciso e comprensibile motto.
Non solo è vietato parlare di sistema immunitario, che potrebbe dare alla gente l’idea di poter live without drugs, but, in addition to that dumbness, you use the best weapon of fear and psychological terrorism . In fact, it scares people looked forward to the worst monsters and worst possible scenarios imaginable.
Today it is fashionable in science and mathematics, people make formulas and numbers, and are not satisfied with some of the philosophies and concepts. Well, the medicine from their own formulas and numbers, mixed and assayed for good, you always show in his favor.

E 'with him that came the first wave of terror, then developed an oil slick over the course of the year, involving medical and pharmaceutical Order, states and governments, presidents and ministers, racks, and ushers.
Repentance Pasteur came, but it was very late . When he realized that was not to poison the microbes and people ill, and that they were only of the inevitable companions of diseases previously come for other reasons of a toxic, the nuts were now taken .
The locomotive of terror so was playing with the fury of a beast that rushes on the metal rails at breakneck speed. A wild ride that no one was able to brake to slow down.
The dose of fear was intended to increase exponentially.
like ants to increase so crazy about the houses? Simple. Do not have a predator. In fact there is some ants in our climate specialist to clear.
For fear is the same thing happened. Because there are not a predator, an antidote, a factor contrary, it has not done anything but grow out .
Scared (but not too sorry) physicians and frightened patients, we have become a drunk and sick planet medicalization of, sick with fear .

Our body contains 75 trillion cells, is subject to constant cell renewal, and thus to death and birth of the old mother cells, for cell division called mitosis, daughter cells destined to keep us alive and in good shape for another time yet.
In practice there is a physiological memory, ie normal, hundreds of billions of cells, which give rise to a mobile phone to download the organic dirt and clean up daily.
This is what we think our domestic cleaners and our antibodies.

friend should be a body of people, an institution driven by scientific rigor and social and humanitarian purposes. It should. But in the showdown, it comporta e si muove da sempre come prostituta del cartello medico-farmaceutico americano .
Stesso discorso per FDA , NIH , e sigle simili, che formano tutte assieme la famosa "Chiesa medico-farmaceutica USA" .
In America tutti sanno che la CDC è da diversi decenni specializzata nel creare isterìa collettiva . Non è così nel resto del mondo, dove si pensa che questi enti siano vere e proprie università mediche formate da gente civile, onesta, disinteressata e trasparente.
In pratica, la CDC ha resuscitato e reinventato, dall’oggi al domani, allo stesso modo del mago che estrae dal suo cappello un coniglio, il concetto medievale di contagio, l’antica superstizione degli anni bui.
La superstizione esiste nel DNA della gente, nell’animo di tutti, anche dei più rigorosi scienziati, che sono capacissimi di uscire da un laboratorio scientifico, e di cambiare poi strada se vedono un gatto nero.
L’establishment medico-farmaceutico si ingrassa e si consola di queste credenze vuduistiche, e le usa sistematicamente come leva per imporre prodotti, metodi e servizi .

Linfociti e leucociti circondano e catturano la sostanza offensiva o inutile e la portano, da bravi operai della nettezza urbana, al punto più vicino e più logico di espulsione, tipo polmoni (espirazione), pelle (essudazione), reni (orinazione) o intestino (evacuazione) . Prima dell’espulsione finale, ci può pure essere un’ulteriore demolizione da parte dei nodi linfatici o da parte del fegato.
Il residuato di questo processo, chiamato virus, not only is represented as a dead body dismembered, crushed, pulverized and sterilized, but it is also great one-billionth of the cell from which it derives.
How does this invisible pebble, this microformichetta to take control of the dinosaur that he / she is the cell itself? It would be like a gnat inject an elephant in Africa and expect her to do blow up the elephant.
The human body is capable not only to involve the immune system, but also a doubling, tripling, quadrupling its white blood cells within 1-2 hours, if and when needed . The lymph cells (lymphocytes) are created by lymph nodes and spleen, while the white blood cells are created from the bone marrow.
Who takes drugs like heroin, obviously suffering from a deficiency of white blood cells, called lymphocytopenia or leucocytopenia. have less than 5000 leuco-lymphocytes for the blood-plasma mmc mean automatic AIDS diagnosis. It is almost a normal situation among drug addicts.
the CDC knew and knows this reality.
was enough at that point, insert or chasing a fantasy of any virus, called HIV, which existed only in the buggy and corrupt head of the creators dell'imbroglio . It was this that, as if by magic, brought to transform 100 000 doctors in as many virologists and immunologists in 2-3 years.
is how, strategically speaking, the farce was born GRID (gay related immunodeficiency disease). The target category was that of the homosexual way, devoted to hard drugs more than others . But when it was realized that touching homosexuals in America was not too convenient, the farce was immediately re-directed to the general population, heterosexual, and re-labeled AIDS.
These elements of the CDC could label as the revelers, some good jokes organizers of the carnival against the whole world, but the problem is that not only have deviated, packed, rendered deficient inscimuniti and thousands of researchers, prompting them to chase a ghost does not exist, but they have done well to throw off bridges and buildings by thousands of young people scared, terrified feared presence of viruses slow, hidden and ready to explode spark delayed in their bodies. The year 1984
can be considered a kind of milestone. And 'the year in which the Azzeccagarbugli AIDS have unleashed a boom in virology. The year in which it was true birth to the monster called viruses, which has proved a windfall for the medical, pharmaceutical, suddenly found itself at the center of the world .

We have unused space in the body or areas set aside to give to cellular debris. If you block the normal metabolic rate of nutrition (or renewal constructive cellular anabolism) and clean (catabolism or break-extrusion cell death), the obvious result is the clogging, the weakening and disease status of the whole body .
But if the virus is innocent, what is the real cause of disease?
That is, where is the disease? In the virus? No .
Where then? irregular and abnormal accumulation of the virus .
Who is to blame for this accumulation? drug that lowers the number of lymph leukocytes, hours of lost sleep, alcohol and smoke that break down irretrievably, meat and fish in the body that cause continuous leucocytosis fruitarian man, the dairy product that clogs, acidification and letargizza of cooked food that nourishes the body but robs valuable nutrients, drugs that wrecked the immune system, and so on .

Only when the body is intoxicated, it oxidizes and will clog faster than its rate of self-cleansing and detoxification, it should be in a state of toxemia or toxicosis.
It is this toxemia branching into a myriad of degenerative diseases Call diseases, which are different only in appearance, taking the name from individual weaknesses as they affect, but are in fact part of the same problem all intoxication. Who is affected by the nose speaks of rhinitis, those with liver hepatitis, who the pancreas to pancreatitis, who stomach gastritis, enteritis who intestine, and so on.
Every microbiologist, and even every virologist, I can confirm that the viruses are nothing but more dead material of a dead, lifeless and movement, devoid of feeling and intentions, and no property right. Any scientist will tell you that the virus is nothing more than a microscopic pebble. Yet the playful
that toyed with electron microscopes, and they lose sight of the course and the sense of reality, do not hesitate to give ownership to those stones as living and dying, hiding and playing hide and seek, 's inject an incubator, the reactivation, the control, staying alert, the invasion, the dress, the stage, to devastate, devour the bacteria, wearing cloaks and capsids of Armani or Valentino, and the more so on and so forth.
Strange that no one has yet seen the virus go to the night, to spend a happy evening.
All problems diseases treated in clinics and hospitals, defined as bacterial, viral and fungal, are actually caused by a regular diet and psychological perversions, functional blocks of the system, or from the usual or toxemia toxicosis.

Let us not forget that the average citizen today is poisoned at least forty times a day, according to studies conducted in America by ANHS (American Natural Hygiene Society).
Speaking of bacteria, streptococci are ubiquitous and ordinary residents of the human throat. When the sore throat is suddenly under attack. But it can not be innocent streptococcus delinquent for 11 months and at Christmas, or at least the days of topical disease .
streptococcus is always the same, not change the character and not for some wicked twist of fate.
Who is and what it is then that change?
is we who change our characteristics, and that non-susceptible and resistant become susceptible and-resistant.
Perché questo? Perché abbiamo commesso degli errori e incrementato il tasso di toxemia, superato il punto di massima tolleranza, addizionato la goccia traboccante a un vaso che già era evidentemente pieno.
La causa di tutte le malattie sta in due semplici parole che sono la suscettibilità e la bassa resistenza immunitaria , immunitaria ai cibi e ai comportamenti balordi, ben s’intende, e non ai batteri e ai virus.
Che cacchio serve immunizzarci a qualcosa che abbiamo già dentro di noi fisiologicamente da quando nasciamo a quando moriamo, come i batteri, i funghi ed i virus?

E 'the immune system the true owner, the conductor of the situation. It 's the same body that cause, plans, organizes and crises that detoxification bacterial, fungal and viral infections. The way and place in which the body chooses to make his way detoxification and resetting, his plan to expel microbial accumulation, determines the name of the disease .
Only the human body has the power, intelligence, resources, the determination unit to establish and start the detoxifying process called disease.
It 's absurd, unwatchable, childish, even idiotic and unworthy of human intelligence, believe that bacteria, viruses and fungi, can communicate, organize, plot, acting in concert, and carry through a complex project and called ordered disease.
As I wrote, there is an industry that the world should never be in crisis and called industry of fear and terror. Men scared, man is out. Men vaccinated, man medicalized. You know very well the global pharmaceutical cartel, the firm hands of the Rockefeller .
The center of the world is Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein is not, is not the Normale di Pisa, or Yale University, not Oxford or Cambridge, or even less, the University of California, where he teaches molecular biology's largest living biologist, Peter Duesberg the hated, but is the headquarters of Bayer, Roche, GSK, Pfizer, or that of .

When the body selects the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat to remove excess of mucus (by acidification), the throat becomes inflamed, it swells and hurts.
streptococci thrive after the crime and not before. Therefore they are not the cause of that disease, but are merely the result . They proliferate because that is their role and their duty in front of clogging materials and toxic to consume. Their best fuel is called mucus, and resulting acidification of the blood. Bacteria could talk, we implore: " come on, eat meat, filled with cheese, yogurt and ice cream, so you acidified well and comes to us this delightful mucus that we like so much!"
streptococci we put them inside the creator or evolution. The mucus instead, we'll put ourselves in as good masochistic and self-destructive as we .
Here is where the true bacteria and viruses from the real fight here is where the root or the cause of the disease, we are ourselves, and no one else in the world .
When a tiny organism, be it bacterium or virus is present in the human body to excessive levels and abnormal, and when it decomposes in the body (bacteria) or accumulates in excess (virus), only the complete exhaustion of organic material in the body or the complete cleaning and restoration of balance, they will finish the process autoguaritivo .
medico-pharmacological intervention can only block and foolishly stop the recovery process, through a lowering of the vitality and responsiveness of the patient and a temporary and illusory disappearance of symptoms, which leaves unchanged the real problem instead of dirt unavoidable .
Blaming the virus means, therefore, return the medieval exorcists of evil spirits and the cranes with one leg of Boccaccio Chichibio.
All diseases common herpes HHV8 or Kaposi sarcoma herpes all hepatitis viruses (hepatitis B and C), all intestinal virus ( Helicobacter pylori), all Papillovirus HPV (and there are over a hundred, not just the thirty for which the usual opportunist Glaxo-Smith-Kline has prepared the vaccines and requiring them to be poor feeble-minded girls on every continent), all invented viruses and retroviruses (such as ' HIV), all virus EBV (Epstein Barr)' s HTLV-I leukemia all v irus bladder (infection with schistosomes) are nothing more than detoxification processes and self healing .

Non intendo qui contestare il professor Tirelli come persona, visto che non lo conosco nemmeno. Ma quel suo articolo fa capire come anche le più grosse personalità della medicina, siano rimaste preda dei giochi malandrini della CDC di Atlanta e della disonorevole ondata Aids.
Il 90% of people have plaque in the arteries. But this is not considered an epidemic.
90% show or hide a certain degree of obesity. But it is not considered an epidemic.
90% with vision problems. But it is not considered an epidemic.
90% have problems with teeth and hair. But it is not considered an epidemic.
90% have high blood pressure, arthritis. But it is not considered an epidemic.
The reality is very simple, and similar entities that are subject to similar wrong foods, in similar misconduct, similar to conditions and pollution, similar to drug treatments and vaccines, develop the same symptoms. those bacterial and viral outbreaks in any part of this scheme .
The only contagious thing in the world is the spread of bad habits.

So he can not be blamed. And then, if indeed he was the monster, everybody dies, every time we do not take the antibiotic . We tear from head to foot.
But nothing happens. Indeed, if we fast strictly and drink plenty of water, maldigola passes quickly, as soon as streptococci have finished their work of mucus-eaters .
If AIDS, the HIV never isolated appears to be present ( only through the segno lasciato dagli anticorpi ), in meno del 50% dei casi conclamati Aids. N on è forse questa la prova lampante che l’esaustione, l’esaurimento energetico etichettato impropriamente come Aids, non è affatto causato da virus Hiv o da altri virus, ma da fattori tossici vari?
In effetti, da malattia inventata, l’ Aids sta diventando malattia specifica e reale. Sarebbe invece da classificare come malattia da paura e da farmaci immunodistruttori come l’AZT .

In the 40s, just after the Second World War, was a new disease called polio , to disrupt America and the world. A variety of diseases, so widespread, that took name. Among them, the infantile paralysis, the viral meningitis and aseptic meningitis .
There was the collective panic, as in this case of AIDS. Then, the panic became rage, and drug cartel orchestrated a general question of a vaccine solver. The CDC
introduced new diagnostic guidelines that relegated these diseases added to the former role, for which only the infantile paralysis was listed as polio.
The vaccine Dr. Salk was soon discarded, because of polio vaccine became ill ten times more than non-vaccinated . But despite the spectacular failure, Salk was in medical history as a kind of hero. He chose then, as a substitute for, the vaccino orale Sabin , con effetti non meno controversi.
Il dottor Benjamin P. Sandler , che preveniva con enorme successo la poliomielite, eliminando semplicemente i dolciumi e le bevande gassate-dolcificate dalla dieta dei giovani , venne duramente boicottato .
Chi accusava giustamente le vaccinazioni antipolio di causare esse stesse la polio, venne messo a tacere. A dimostrazione che il gioco è sempre quello solito: vendere farmaci e vendere vaccini, non certo capire e risolvere le cose .

But intelligence tells us that if a body can defend itself from a vaccine (which is always the newcomer, even if attenuated), the same body is well able to defend themselves from the real disease. Yes or no?
or not we have learned that the immune system multiplies its argument multiple times, in proportion to the danger of nemico che lo affronta?
Gli anticorpi delle varie malattie proteggono dalle stesse.
Ma nel caso Aids cambia la regola, e gli anticorpi Hiv sarebbero causa di imminente infezione Aids. Un trionfo di logica e coerenza.
Ma allora, dove sta la logica?
I vaccinatori da un lato vogliono provocare anticorpi e immunità per difenderci dalla malattia, e nel caso dell’Aids interpretano gli stessi anticorpi come un segnale di malattia.
Chiediamo ai monatti: gli anticorpi ci proteggono o ci causano Aids? Che si mettano almeno d’accordo.
Se è vero che ci immunizziamo dalle malattie coi vaccini, come mai l’Hiv che è un anticorpo non ci immunizza dall’Aids? Misteri della fede . I preti del Medioevo erano assai meno furbi e truffaldini nel mescolare o dosare i loro diavoli e i loro spiriti maligni.
La realtà nuda e cruda è che nessuno è immune da niente. In natura non esiste il concetto di immunità. Essa è un vero mito.
La stessa parola sistema immunitario è fuorviante. Più corretto chiamarlo sistema difensivo . Tutti i nostri atti producono conseguenze. Tutte le azioni producono delle reazioni.
La parola immune è stata inventata dalla medicina come associata truffaldina al gioco vaccinatorio . Se mi dò una martellata sull’indice vedo le stelle. Se in previsione di tale martellata me ne sono date altre tre nei giorni precedenti, non solo il dito non è immune, ma la martellata finale mi farà ancora più male.

Pensiamo anche ai 300 milioni di € che il governo italiano ha regalato in questi Lately pharmaceutical industries, with the obvious condition to make return at least half the parties. Official reason? Expenditure on developing bird flu vaccine (which no longer of interest to anyone).
And that is what we have to talk, but the virions of retroviruses and, if we really want to get closer to the truth .
The fact that the body becomes progressively weakened and devitalized vaccinatorie practices, and therefore do not take the disease, not repeat, not reproducing, not reflect, does not mean that it has been immunized .
E ', if anything, was knocked out by the vaccine .
say that the ritual vaccinatorio confers immunity equivalent to claim that the sun rises each morning because someone kneels and cries out to him with prayers .
anyone at this point could also ask and plants? And the plant virology? The plants are not to show the spread and multiplication of the virus?
The concepts for animal viruses also apply fully to the plant world. There is no multiplication of viruses, but similar conditions to put all the shade plants or on land unsuitable for them .
are no viruses attacking the plants, but the adverse environmental conditions to block il metabolismo e ad impedirne la crescita armonica. La sola differenza con gli umani è che le reazioni delle piante sono più semplici ed immediate . Di fronte a una situazione critica esse tendono a inflaccidirsi e a defungere assai più rapidamente di quanto non succeda nel mondo animale.
E’ più che giusto, dunque, essere contro non solo i vaccini ma anche gli OGM e la Monsanto .
Gli intrallazzi chimico-farmaceutici e la piaga americana e mondiale chiamata Rockefeller, devono essere monitorati e denunciati, contrastati senza esitazione alcuna. Su questo non ci piove . Ma occorre farlo col rigore della scienza, e non con in tasca gli albi di Topolino Nimbus and the Kid, or with the Journal of the Mysteries .
's more than just monitor the movements both at the biochemical level and in terms of agricultural policies. But bring out the concepts of slow viruses and virus latent tumor viruses and bacteriophages, concepts typically AIDS applicable to plants, is only smiling penalty, disqualification and the whole struggle of the anti-GMO, making fun laughing and engineers Monsanto.
Virologists, taken separately, may also be of great people. But, as a group, have the serious defect of the stupid peasants, those who claim to pull the oxen with his farm cart, not vice versa.
Even in plants, as for men, that is exactly the same law and the same natural principle. Healthy plants, sun plants, plants with a minimum of moisture and organic humus and mineral soil, live and thrive in health without fear of being affected, and give health to those who are suited to reap the benefits . Plants in the shade and no nutrition, and inflaccidiscono defungono in the blink of an eye, without causing anything to anyone.
Ultimately, all located in our bodies million fungi, bacteria and viruses even when we are in perfect shape and health, even when we did not have diseases past, present or incipient . This is the litmus test that fungi, bacteria and viruses are completely innocent in respect to rules of Robert Koch microorganisms.
Koch did not dwell too much on plants. But we can safely say that his essays and scientific principles, its methodological guidelines, also apply to plants.
This is proof that vaccines and inocula, manufacturers of drugs and vaccines, and all who are in their large commercial bandwagon, they end up being terrorists or colluding with terrorists . Elements which is that, although the grounds and thinking civilized people and well, end up being in reality and in practice of no-good.
How can you call a man who deceives his neighbor to heal, while the poison and tortures him even more? The only excuse that can claim is ignorance.
We can only use brushes more imaginative and more vibrant colors, talking about Monatti and spreaders, the scribes and Pharisees, knights of the republic but not anxiety and collective hysteria, that drivers and pilots the locomotive of terror, which continues to sow panic among the people dazed, confused and uninformed .
article: Valdo Vaccaro
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