Here, since July 16, 2010, has opened a new restaurant particularly importante per il Territorio e non solo, la Locanda Martinelli del bravo Chef Michele Martinelli.
Michele nasce a Massa , il 12 Settembre 1974 , il suo amore per la Cucina lo porta ad iscriversi, nel 1988 , ad una delle Scuole più rinomate e prestigiose del settore, l’ Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione “Giuseppe Minuto” di Marina di Massa . Questa Scuola avrà per lui una importanza essential not only professional but also sentimental, as in 1991 , while attending the fourth class, know and love with a beautiful girl who is in fifth, Evelyn Alice class 1973, Pisana , his future wife . Their lives, since then, it will be tied hand in glove, in all subsequent work experience, where Michele will share the duties of Kitchen and Evelyn those room.
Michele nasce a Massa , il 12 Settembre 1974 , il suo amore per la Cucina lo porta ad iscriversi, nel 1988 , ad una delle Scuole più rinomate e prestigiose del settore, l’ Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione “Giuseppe Minuto” di Marina di Massa . Questa Scuola avrà per lui una importanza essential not only professional but also sentimental, as in 1991 , while attending the fourth class, know and love with a beautiful girl who is in fifth, Evelyn Alice class 1973, Pisana , his future wife . Their lives, since then, it will be tied hand in glove, in all subsequent work experience, where Michele will share the duties of Kitchen and Evelyn those room.
After ' Hospitality and a "Special Training" in Palma de Mallorca in Spain, the " Mallorca Sea School, where he learned the necessary prevention rules and work on ships , deepens the study of the major languages \u200b\u200band specialized, with Evelyn at international level, at Restaurants very famous in France and Germany, as well as in Italy .
Then ten years ago "Personal Chef" . Between 1999 and 2009, their employers were some of the most prominent families and famous in the world, as the royal families of Jordan of and Luxembourg 's Saudi Arabia , the daughter of the President of Ukraine , and many wealthy businessmen, such as Melnichenko, Pinchuk, Kater, John Hill , Schwarzenbach.
In recent years, they, too, a great experience at the prestigious Golden Restaurant of Porto Turistico Cala de 'Medici to Castiglioncello (LI), also known as the Porto del Gusto .
Their home, in turn, was a Castle , A large Palace, a beautiful Villa Yacht or a dream, after a long run, with the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Denis in 2006, felt the need to put on a home and stable.
Their home, in turn, was a Castle , A large Palace, a beautiful Villa Yacht or a dream, after a long run, with the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Denis in 2006, felt the need to put on a home and stable.
few years ago they bought an apartment Nibbiaia , the choice was made based on their desire to spend the holidays next to a beautiful area like "Etruscan Coast", which corresponds roughly to the territory coast Province of Livorno , full of enchanting and hospitable places, including beaches. Affezionatisi alla zona, e trovandola adatta anche alle loro esigenze lavorative, nel 2008 , hanno rilevato, e completamente ristrutturato con un attento e personale gusto, una palazzina a due passi dalla piazza principale di Nibbiaia .
Siamo giunti così al Luglio 2010 , all’apertura del loro nuovo Ristorante : Locanda Martinelli .
Il Locale , già da fuori, è molto “caldo” e accogliente, attraverso la porta di legno e vetro si entra in un piccolo disimpegno, di fronte le dritte scale che portano all’appartamento privato del piano superiore, a sinistra la nuova bella cucina, right the first room, the largest, which then down three steps, you enter the second, the smallest, with the great and beautiful wood-burning stove. L ' decor is simple yet elegant details, meticulously maintained, make the difference, we see the loving hand of Evelyn . The apparatus of marble tables is refined, the walls of two large rooms framed blackboards, written with white chalk, updating the guest on the availability of menu. The expenditure is made with great attention to raw materials, to the territory and the seasons, nothing comes to the inn only after a thorough inspection. The Carta dei Vini è molto selezionata, Vini Bianchi e Rossi soprattutto dalla Toscana, dal Piemonte, dall’Alto Adige, dal Friuli, alcuni anche dalla Francia, Spumanti e Champagne, infine i Vini da Dessert, una proposta valida atta ad accontentare anche gli enonauti più esigenti.
Ma veniamo alla degustazione fatta, in tavola il simpatico secchiello del buon pane assortito della Casa, è stato servito come aperitivo “Primo Secolo” Vino Spumante Brut di Qualità, 100% Chardonnay, prodotto per la prima volta nel 1991 per i primi 100 anni dell’ Azienda Giulio Cocchi di Asti , the smallest of the big Champagne houses Piemontese:
- Shrimp coated with bacon Paul Parisi with cream of broccoli, and tomato confit;
- red shrimp and butter on cream of cauliflower.
These first two dishes were accompanied by "Montepepe 2008", Bianco Toscano IGT 's Company Montepepe of Roberto Poggi, Montignoso (MS).
- duck ravioli with truffle sauce;
- Gnocchettini with Strolghino (salami typical of the lands of the Duchy of Parma , made from trimmings of Culatello ) and duck breast;
- wild boar stew on polenta chained to Lunigianese . The second part of
menu was served a bottle of ' Wine Company of Light Cocconato D'Asti, 100% Barbera "Piano Alto 2001, Barbera D'Asti Superiore Nizza DOC Vineyards Light Agliano.
Then we got to the desserts:
- Baba lightened with whipped cream;
- Raised (in fine glass, and beautiful choreography) with small pastries. All
extremely enjoyable and beautiful presentation, great aromas and flavors, excellent raw material, the very delicate "paste" homemade (all), precise cooking that have maintained the unique qualities of each dish. Sincere
the art of this great Chef that, for its many merits, has recently been invited to hold a series of lectures at "Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, in the capital of Jordan, Amman . A modern, technological and prestigious International Cooking School, directed by Anton Würsch , far ahead in the world.
Michele Martinelli and his wife Evelyn , I was welcomed with much warmth and kindness with the immediate at ease.
I can recommend only to visit them: it is not a common occurrence to have a Personal Chef International, at this level, available to all.
Inn Restaurant is open always, reservations required
Piazza Mazzini, 11 Nibbiaia (LI) Tel 0586 740 161
Siamo giunti così al Luglio 2010 , all’apertura del loro nuovo Ristorante : Locanda Martinelli .
Il Locale , già da fuori, è molto “caldo” e accogliente, attraverso la porta di legno e vetro si entra in un piccolo disimpegno, di fronte le dritte scale che portano all’appartamento privato del piano superiore, a sinistra la nuova bella cucina, right the first room, the largest, which then down three steps, you enter the second, the smallest, with the great and beautiful wood-burning stove. L ' decor is simple yet elegant details, meticulously maintained, make the difference, we see the loving hand of Evelyn . The apparatus of marble tables is refined, the walls of two large rooms framed blackboards, written with white chalk, updating the guest on the availability of menu. The expenditure is made with great attention to raw materials, to the territory and the seasons, nothing comes to the inn only after a thorough inspection. The Carta dei Vini è molto selezionata, Vini Bianchi e Rossi soprattutto dalla Toscana, dal Piemonte, dall’Alto Adige, dal Friuli, alcuni anche dalla Francia, Spumanti e Champagne, infine i Vini da Dessert, una proposta valida atta ad accontentare anche gli enonauti più esigenti.
Ma veniamo alla degustazione fatta, in tavola il simpatico secchiello del buon pane assortito della Casa, è stato servito come aperitivo “Primo Secolo” Vino Spumante Brut di Qualità, 100% Chardonnay, prodotto per la prima volta nel 1991 per i primi 100 anni dell’ Azienda Giulio Cocchi di Asti , the smallest of the big Champagne houses Piemontese:
- Shrimp coated with bacon Paul Parisi with cream of broccoli, and tomato confit;
- red shrimp and butter on cream of cauliflower.
These first two dishes were accompanied by "Montepepe 2008", Bianco Toscano IGT 's Company Montepepe of Roberto Poggi, Montignoso (MS).
- duck ravioli with truffle sauce;
- Gnocchettini with Strolghino (salami typical of the lands of the Duchy of Parma , made from trimmings of Culatello ) and duck breast;
- wild boar stew on polenta chained to Lunigianese . The second part of
menu was served a bottle of ' Wine Company of Light Cocconato D'Asti, 100% Barbera "Piano Alto 2001, Barbera D'Asti Superiore Nizza DOC Vineyards Light Agliano.
Then we got to the desserts:
- Baba lightened with whipped cream;
- Raised (in fine glass, and beautiful choreography) with small pastries. All
extremely enjoyable and beautiful presentation, great aromas and flavors, excellent raw material, the very delicate "paste" homemade (all), precise cooking that have maintained the unique qualities of each dish. Sincere
the art of this great Chef that, for its many merits, has recently been invited to hold a series of lectures at "Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, in the capital of Jordan, Amman . A modern, technological and prestigious International Cooking School, directed by Anton Würsch , far ahead in the world.
Michele Martinelli and his wife Evelyn , I was welcomed with much warmth and kindness with the immediate at ease.
I can recommend only to visit them: it is not a common occurrence to have a Personal Chef International, at this level, available to all.
Inn Restaurant is open always, reservations required
Piazza Mazzini, 11 Nibbiaia (LI) Tel 0586 740 161

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