are silent journalists from around the world, knowing, fill out diligently every day their good book of business, without the slightest hint of the problem of problems.
the rulers of European states are silent and do not dare to even open my mouth in front of the arrogant audacity of Mr. Trichet, governor of European Central Bank, who said, apparently with the knowledge that they can lie as you will, that would wrong bankers leaned to the faults of the economic crisis!
And 'this, obviously, the immediate reaction of anger of a powerful banker in the small step of independence made by Obama, not to regain monetary sovereignty (never), but only to return to U.S. citizens , preventing the profits are pocketed by bankers with rich bonuses, at least part of the immense river of taxpayers' money that was spent to save big banks from failure .
In Italy, then, even the silent 'opposition' which does not go well at all and, as usual, has condemned the government because it does not keep the promise of lower taxes, but the absurd anomaly of the debt State against the European Central Bank does not speak , let alone speak of the rich for excellence, "the bankers", who should be its greatest enemies. Silence, silence, silence!
The worst, though, is that politicians and journalists Do not allow individuals to discuss this topic. As soon as somebody tries, just click the " strategy of silence" adopted by all, that is the modern form of censorship, much more serious and more effective in today's global information, a complaint and explicitly declared coercive as if the news is not 'collect' and repeated rising from a communication tool to another, is surely doomed to a death worse than death because, whatever its importance, they are denied the existence .
It can be inferred, then, the silence surrounding the issue of global sovereignty money, which banks are the only true master of the world. They have, in the precise technical meaning of the word 'own', all states, while politicians and journalists act as service, acting as managers of financial power. E 'due to the silence on the part of all that has been created with the idea of \u200b\u200ba' conspiracy ', a' secret '. Idea that it suits only to holders of Power. There is neither a conspiracy, no secret: this is the reality. full stop.
But there are a number of years and have many readers, despite the silence that accompanies them, countless books, essays , Articles , dealing specifically with the monetary and banking system , just as there are many websites dedicated to these problems, even if politicians and journalists do not pretend to ignore them never cited them. In this regard, we must recognize, pride of the Italians, coached by two thousand years with the only weapon to fight against the tyranny of the power of intelligence, that Italy is perhaps the nation's most lively and combative in this field, especially since, the approach of giving up the national currency with the introduction of the Euro, have been trained movements, political parties, committees ready to fight to the death.
I think that only Italy, of all the nations of Europe, it is submitted to the elections with a party from the beautiful and unmistakable name of 'Euro No'.

I tried, finally, with the force of desperation to convince Alberto Sordi, as we were united by the same fascination for Italy, to 'save the Pound', instead of rising un monumento come aveva deciso di fare; l'ho supplicato di impegnare in questa straordinaria 'Grande Guerra' il suo nome, l'immensa fama che si era conquistato nel mondo. Ma tutto e' stato inutile.
La bravura dei traditori delle Patrie, delle Nazioni, dei Popoli, che hanno progettato l'unificazione-distruzione dell'Europa impadronendosene attraverso la nuova moneta, è stata soprattutto quella di usare a piene mani l'enorme massa di denaro, denaro nostro, di cui sono in possesso, per diffondere la convinzione che l'Euro era un 'destino', un destino al quale sarebbe stato fatale sottrarsi .
La battaglia per il recupero della sovranità monetaria, tuttavia, è continuata Even after the adoption of the euro, and that was even more intensified gradually growing awareness of bank fraud. The bibliography on the subject is now very dense, with many translations from English into Italian and French, and many essays written by technicians and experts Italian economy .
noteworthy, especially the work of the founders of the Liberation Committee Monetary , followers and followers of the studies Auriti (sadly passed away in 2006) with the aim, inter alia, to return to State monopoly to fly its currency by assigning ownership to citizens .
Exit from the Euro does not mean leaving the EU at the same time as other states already belong to it while not having adopted the single currency (Britain, Sweden, Denmark) and the possibility of such a release is expected by the Treaty of Lisbon .
we can and should work for now in this direction even if the true goal can not be the recovery of political freedom and independence of Italy, with the total abandonment of the tyrannical Empire and fraudulent bankers .
article: Ida Magli
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