The situation is becoming critical.
Let me explain what happened and what will happen with plain language: in 2008 America in prices of raw materials have increased (as in the rest of the world), but at the same time the major banks and financial institutions have gone bankrupt U.S. - such as Lehman Brothers - or risked closure, following all'ingordigia of the same banks that had sold "products finanziari spazzatura " (i " derivati " e " mutui subprime ") succhiando il sangue dei risparmiatori, soprattutto nel campo immobiliare.
Quando il comune cittadino non ha potuto più pagare le rate per la casa, ad esempio, le banche hanno piegato le ginocchia. In pochi si sono arricchiti, in molti hanno iniziato a impoverirsi.
La banche americane sono state salvate dall'intervento governativo, altrimenti sarebbe scoppiata una rivolta mondiale. Ma in questo modo il debito delle banche è stato trasferito allo Stato. In Europa l'effetto della crisi ha messo in ginocchia altre banche e dunque l'intero sistema economico .
Paesi come la Grecia, già fragile and high public debt, they risked default and Europe has reached out not to trigger a revolt European Union. Meanwhile, in this case, the debt was transferred to the partner States.
The situation now is very fragile. Today comes the news that the EU's statistical office reports an increase in the deficit of the European countries. Italy and Greece are very badly made.
In our country, public debt has reached 1844.817 billion euro.

So get ready.
do not know if the Mayan prophecies can come true, but it matters little. Human society is on the threshold of a major crisis and the collective economic meltdown is just one of the effects of the arrogance and hubris that has governed humanity in recent decades .
Economic crisis means more humility and knees bent. But there is also the environmental crisis and the transformation of the ecosystem that give another blow to the presumption of omnipotence .
are made. We have before our eyes and you just watch.
Article by: Enzo Frenna
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