shame, though, that this new compagnia utilizzerà a prezzi stracciati delle infrastrutture pubbliche (binari e stazioni) mettendo, ovviamente, in forte crisi la già traballante Trenitalia. Una vera e propria ingiustizia!
Vediamo perchè:
- in Italia la rete ferroviaria è in mano allo Stato;
- le ferrovie soffrono da sempre di bilanci non certo rosei, ma svolgono anche un servizio sociale;
- le ferrovie sono la somma di due componenti difficilmente separabili: la rete ferroviaria e i treni. Infatti la rete è pubblica ed è costata da sempre salassi enormi ai cittadini italiani, sia nel momento della costruzione dell'infrastruttura, sia per il mantenimento! Non per ultima high speed, since in order to allow this type of trafficking between Milan and Rome, costs are exaggerated amount of money (a lot of cash compared to fees in other countries), you can recover only through the sale of tickets purchased by citizens.
Therefore, if an third largest (private) who wants to travel on trains its national network stands just a problem. This operator gets profits to the detriment of the network and trains, or a State, which, among other things, loss of financial statements in .
This means, translated into money, which the State will have to give up the revenue and that soon the cost of tickets will be increased to the detriment of consumers.
Whether it involves a separation of the network of trains, whether it chooses to maintain a single operator the very first task of the state should be the rights of citizens, and thus to consumers.
That is, you should ensure that the network has a significant economic return and of course, that the ownership of the network would never end but in the hands of the stock market remains at 100%, public that the public and private entities who decide to use the national rail network to ensure that the price of the ticket is not subject to increases compared to current prices, thus avoiding logic similar to those in place for Autostrade (which are anti-competitive and burdensome for citizens) .
In addition, the state should ensure that the network, in case of separation, to incur indebtedness (and the economic return is guaranteed) and that the trains of the State are not forced to cut sections of rail in order to compete with the services and prices Italo and Montezemolo.
So, where is the ingiutizia? Montezemolo and company will use the rail network, which cost dear, paying a lower fee for use, reducing potential profits that could be used in public, one example, to improve the infrastructure itself!
But now if the railway does not make a profit, as you may think that Italo they can do? Simple ... traveling on the routes and making clever richest competition to train the state. And it will.
The station, their service and millions of passengers are being penalized for promoting the economic interests of a small number of entrepreneurs, led by Montezemolo.

Moreover, Montezemolo who, like so many (too many) others, is close to the political world not only for purely private interests is nothing new ...
Article by: Paul Barrai
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