's why we historically carried by the events, without interpreting or even less, manage, control them, a condition of youth, this, which is largely present in adults.
and dictatorships do not get there, as in fairy tales and cartoons, with the magic wand in the blink of an eye!
are in fact necessary actions in layers, for small steps, "mutations" targeted we've seen to implement: 1) adjustments of the laws and constitution ; 2) pressure on the state laws that make ; 3) influence on the consciousness of collective thinking through media work artifact paths with truly uninformative .
well aware of the experts on the systems used. President Silvio Berlusconi , and it is no coincidence that now its more "desire" is sent to every Italian family, a book about "the first two years of government," printed and sent with public money, of course, that is, with our poor pennies. It
può essere d'accordo a ricevere tale libro, e ci si può indignare per questa ennesima propaganda da regime.
Per chi condivide la seconda ipotesi, vada sul sito del Governo e invii una mail riportando quanto sotto:
Con riferimento all'annuncio del Presidente del Consiglio On. Silvio Berlusconi di inviare ad ogni famiglia italiana il libro "Due anni di Governo", mi preme comunicarVi che desidero assolutamente non riceverlo, essendo un mio diritto in base alla legge per la tutela della privacy n. 675/1996 ed il relativo D.P.R. n. 501/1998, nella fattispecie (articolo 13 comma e), e che la spesa relativa che si risparmierà venga messa a disposizione del Ministero della Pubblica istruzione and / or the Ministry of Health.
Every day, for decades, are being violated priceless, such as personal health, their own territory, social roots, and therefore our future and that of his neighbor and the government always thinks and only propaganda!

know when the sites where nuclear power plants will be built, powerful and useful to the economy of the precariousness of health and work of citizens, then imagine what will happen, the police charged with batons e non solo sulle resistenze organizzate di uomini adulti, ma anche su uomini stanchi e vecchi, sulle donne gestanti e sui bambini .

It 's really bad that a scientist as Umberto Veronesi relates ideas so unhappy and confused.
As for the police, although they have a duty to enforce the law, it is even more true that the law should be shared by common sense and feel, from the popular consciousness, have a very objective logical and rational, and certainly not to pursue economic and personal interests of power groups and / or criminals.
E 'meaningful bridge over the Strait? It would be enough to travel through the hinterland of Calabria and / or Sicily, where he also lacks water current, because a balanced and sensible person to change his mind.
And what about the TAV in Val di Susa?
What trust can have more of a parliament elected by an electoral system " porcellum ", with three quarters of its members to "payroll", operated from the economic centers of power, laws born out of people prosecuted and convicted in the first and second degree?
Who pulls beatings and even the old women in pregnancy, I hope no children, young people are often divided into low-paid job with no other choice, it does so according to what? The maintenance of the established order?
Why did not you do a referendum on nuclear power, which has already been swept years ago, to understand what the Italians think when their health is at serious risk?
A scientific study of anthropology and developmental psychology, developed by a team of American researchers at the University of Virginia, found that children are specifically inclined to believe the words spoken, and almost never to view of the facts. The child, therefore, if he is told that "the donkey flies," that "there are ghosts in the dark" or that "there is a heaven and hell," we certainly believe it. Likewise if you've told that nuclear power plants are good and do well.
Unfortunately, this phenomenon affects not only children but now also covers a good majority of Italians.
There is, indeed, a large division, of which very little warning, including Italy's real insecurity, health and daily life, and Italy made a fantastic and surreal politics obtrusive, suffocating, thief and mob .
Italy is falling apart: the gap could be bridged by a new fascism, or the birth of geographical and historical identity-popular currencies like centuries ago.
economy to peak, the loss of jobs and lack of prospects for the future dei giovani italiani, le fortissime riduzioni delle coperture economiche per le scuole, le università e la sanità, possono essere da subito sanate da due fattori : rivedere il concordato con il Vaticano, azzerando ogni forma di finanziamento diretto e indiretto, e smilitarizzare il Paese (N.d.R. è di fondamentale importanza, oltre a ciò, riappropriarsi della sovranità monetaria ).
Studi internazionali hanno dimostrato che solo una riduzione del 5% delle spese alle forze militari, comporterebbe aumenti del 20% per le coperture della sanità e la formazione scientifica .
Quanto al Vaticano, ancora una volta, una direttiva EU formalizes that Italy does not allow "discount" and favorable treatment. We're talking about four billion euro a year, passing from the coffers of the Italian State to those of the Vatican: a financial year that is lost, the future of young swallowed up by the Vatican.
article: Giuseppe Parisi
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